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Showing words for THESAURUS using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Thesaurus


8 Letter Words for Thesaurus

austerus, hauteurs, tauruses

7 Letter Words for Thesaurus

astreus, auteurs, hatress, haustus, hauteur, rashest, ressaut, sauteur, shaster, sutures, thesaur, trashes

6 Letter Words for Thesaurus

ashets, assert, asseth, assure, asters, atreus, aureus, auster, auteur, earths, essart, estrus, haster, hastes, haters, hauses, hausse, hearst, hearts, heasts, heraus, huerta, hursts, hussar, rashes, reasts, reatus, reshut, rhesus, rhuses, rushes, russet, sauter, sautes, shares, shears, shuras, shutes, stares, stears, straes, struse, surahs, surats, surest, suther, sutras, sutura, suture, tarsus, tasers, tashes, tasser, taurus, terass, teruah, thurse, thuses, tsures, tusher, tushes, tussah, tussar, tusseh, tusser, tussur, uraeus, urases, urates, uruses, ushers, usures, utases, uterus

5 Letter Words for Thesaurus

arest, arets, artus, asher, ashes, ashet, ashur, asset, assur, aster, astre, aures, autre, earsh, earst, earth, easts, estus, eurus, hares, harst, harts, haste, hater, hates, hause, haust, haute, hears, heart, heast, heats, hests, heuau, huers, hurst, hurts, hutre, rasse, rates, rathe, raths, ratus, reast, resat, rests, rheas, rusas, ruses, russe, rusts, ruths, sarus, sates, saute, sauts, sears, seats, serau, serta, serut, share, shear, sheas, sheat, shets, shura, shure, shute, shuts, stare, stars, stash, stear, strae, strue, sture, suers, suets, surah, suras, surat, sutra, tahrs, tares, tarse, taser, tasse, tears, tehrs, teras, thars, thrae, trash, trass, treas, tress, trues, trush, truss, turse, turus, tushs, urase, urate, ureas, ursae, ursus, users, ushas, usher, uster, usure, uther

4 Letter Words for Thesaurus

ares, aret, arte, arts, asse, asst, astr, ates, ausu, aute, auth, ears, east, eath, eats, eaus, eras, erat, ersh, erst, erth, esau, ests, etas, eths, etua, haes, hare, hart, hast, hate, hats, haut, hear, heat, hera, hers, hert, hest, hets, huer, hues, hura, hurt, huse, huss, hust, huts, rahs, rahu, rash, rast, rate, rath, rats, ratu, rehs, rest, rets, rhea, rhet, rhus, rues, rusa, ruse, rush, russ, rust, ruta, ruth, ruts, sare, sars, sart, sash, sate, saur, saut, seah, sear, seas, seat, sers, sert, seta, seth, sets, shea, sher, shes, shet, shua, shut, star, ster, stra, stre, stue, suer, sues, suet, sura, sure, susu, tahr, tare, tars, tash, tass, tasu, taur, taus, tear, teas, tehr, tera, thae, thar, thea, thru, thus, trah, tres, true, tues, tush, urea, ures, ursa, urth, urus, usar, user, uses, ussr, utah, utas, utes

3 Letter Words for Thesaurus

aer, aes, ahs, ahu, are, ars, art, aru, ase, ash, ass, ast, ate, auh, ear, eas, eat, eau, ehs, era, ers, ert, esr, ess, est, esu, eta, eth, hae, has, hat, hau, her, hes, het, hrs, hts, hue, hut, rah, ras, rat, rea, reh, res, rha, rhe, rte, rue, rut, sah, sar, sat, sau, sea, ser, set, sha, she, shr, sht, sse, ssh, ssu, sta, str, sue, sur, sus, tar, tas, tau, tea, ter, tes, tha, the, tra, trs, tsh, tss, tua, tue, tur, uhs, ura, ure, urs, usa, use, ush, ust, usu, uta, ute, uts, utu

Definitions for Thesaurus

[1] a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, such as the online
[2] any dictionary, encyclopedia, or other comprehensive reference book.
[3] a storehouse, repository, or treasury.
[4] Computers . an index to information stored in a computer, consisting of a comprehensive list of subjects concerning which information may be retrieved by using the proper key terms. a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms stored in memory for use in word processing.
[5] a thesaurus or dictionary of words with the same or nearly the same meanings, or synonyms, and their opposites, or antonyms, such as, available on the Internet or the World Wide Web, accessed through a web browser, and used by entering a query term into a search box on the site. An online thesaurus provides immediate electronic access to lists of alternate terms for the queried word, covering its various shades of meaning: This online thesaurus showed me that smart, as an adjective, not only means intelligent, but also stylish, or lively, and gave long lists of other words for each meaning.
[6] a book containing systematized lists of synonyms and related words
[7] a dictionary of selected words or topics
[8] rare a treasury

Words related to Thesaurus

glossary, lexicon, terminology, vocabulary, onomasticon

Words nearby Thesaurus

theroux, thersites, thersitical, thes., thesaurismosis, thesaurus,, these, these are the times that try men's souls, theseus, thesiger

Origin of Thesaurus

1730–40; < Latin thēsaurus < Greek thēsaurós ‘treasure, treasury’

Word origin for Thesaurus

C18: from Latin, Greek: treasure

Synonyms for Thesaurus

reference book, glossary, lexicon, onomasticon, terminology, vocabulary, language reference book, sourcebook, storehouse of words, treasury of words, word list