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Showing words for THOR using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Thor
hort, orth, thor, thro
3 Letter Words for Thor
hor, hot, ort, rho, rot, tho, tor
Definitions for Thor
[1] Scandinavian Mythology . the god of thunder, rain, and farming, represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer Mjolnir: the defender of the Aesir, destined to kill and be killed by the Midgard Serpent.
[2] a medium-range U.S. Air Force ballistic missile developed in the early 1950s and powered by a single liquid-propellant rocket engine.
[3] a male given name.
[4] Norse myth the god of thunder, depicted as wielding a hammer, emblematic of the thunderbolt
Origin of Thor
before 1050; Old English Thōr < Old Norse Thōrr literally, thunder
Word origin for Thor
Old English Thōr, from Old Norse thōrr thunder