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Showing words for THORIUM using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Thorium


5 Letter Words for Thorium

houri, humit, humor, mirth, mohur, morth, mouth, otium, routh, throu, thrum, thurm, timor, timur, tumor, turio

4 Letter Words for Thorium

hiro, hoit, hort, hoti, hour, hout, hurt, itmo, miro, mohr, moir, moit, mort, moth, motu, mout, muir, muth, muti, omit, orth, outr, rimu, riot, roit, roti, roum, rout, ruth, thio, thir, thor, thou, thro, thru, tori, toru, tour, trim, trio, turm, urim, urth

3 Letter Words for Thorium

him, hir, hit, hmo, hoi, hom, hor, hot, hui, hum, hut, imo, imu, iou, mho, mir, mit, moi, mor, mot, mou, mri, mut, ohm, ort, oui, our, out, rho, rim, rio, rit, roi, rom, rot, rti, rum, rut, thm, tho, tim, tiu, tmh, toi, tom, tor, tou, tri, trm, tui, tum, tur, uit, uti

Definitions for Thorium

[1] a grayish-white, lustrous, somewhat ductile and malleable, radioactive metallic element present in monazite: used as a source of nuclear energy, as a coating on sun-lamp and vacuum-tube filament coatings, and in alloys. Symbol : Th; atomic weight : 232.038; atomic number : 90; specific gravity : 11.7.
[2] a soft ductile silvery-white metallic element. It is radioactive and occurs in thorite and monazite: used in gas mantles, magnesium alloys, electronic equipment, and as a nuclear power source. Symbol: Th; atomic no: 90; atomic wt: 232.0381; half-life of most stable isotope, 232 Th: 1.41 × 10 10 years; valency: 4; relative density: 11.72; melting pt: 1755°C; boiling pt: 4788°C

Words nearby Thorium

thorez, thorfinn karlsefni, thoria, thorianite, thorite, thorium, thorium dioxide, thorium series, thorn, thorn apple, thorn in one's flesh

Origin of Thorium

< New Latin (1829); see Thor, -ium

Other words from Thorium

thor·ic [thawr -ik, thor -] /ˈθɔr ɪk, ˈθɒr-/ , adjective

Word origin for Thorium

C19: New Latin, from Thor + -ium