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Showing words for TICKLE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Tickle
[1] to touch or stroke lightly with the fingers, a feather, etc., so as to excite a tingling or itching sensation in; titillate.
[2] to poke some sensitive part of the body so as to excite spasmodic laughter.
[3] to excite agreeably; gratify: to tickle someone's vanity.
[4] to excite amusement in: The clown's antics really tickled the kids.
[5] to get, move, etc., by or as by tickling: She tickled him into saying yes.
[6] to be affected with a tingling or itching sensation, as from light touches or strokes: I tickle all over.
[7] to produce such a sensation.
[8] an act or instance of tickling.
[9] a tickling sensation.
[10] tickled pink , Informal . greatly pleased: She was tickled pink that someone had remembered her birthday.
[11] to touch, stroke, or poke (a person, part of the body, etc) so as to produce pleasure, laughter, or a twitching sensation
[12] (tr) to excite pleasurably; gratify
[13] (tr) to delight or entertain (often in the phrase tickle one's fancy )
[14] (intr) to itch or tingle
[15] (tr) to catch (a fish, esp a trout) by grasping it with the hands and gently moving the fingers into its gills
[16] tickle pink or tickle to death informal to please greatly he was tickled pink to be elected president
[17] a sensation of light stroking or itching
[18] the act of tickling
[19] Canadian (in the Atlantic Provinces) a narrow strait
Words related to Tickle
gratify, pat, thrill, please, amuse, excite, delight, titillate, enchant, itch, pet, convulse, stroke, caress, tingle, touch, entertain, divert, stimulate, brush
Words nearby Tickle
tickets, tickety-boo, tickey, ticking, ticklace, tickle, tickle one's fancy, tickle the ivories, tickled pink, tickler, tickler coil
Origin of Tickle
1300–50; Middle English tikelen, frequentative of tick1 (in obsolete sense) to touch lightly
Other words from Tickle
un·tick·led , adjective
Word origin for Tickle
C14: related to Old English tinclian, Old High German kizziton, Old Norse kitla, Latin titillāre to titillate
Synonyms for Tickle
amuse, delight, enchant, excite, gratify, pat, please, thrill, titillate, brush, caress, convulse, divert, entertain, itch, pet, stimulate, stroke, tingle, touch, vellicate