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Showing words for TILT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Tilt
3 Letter Words for Tilt
Definitions for Tilt
[1] to cause to lean, incline, slope, or slant.
[2] to rush at or charge, as in a joust.
[3] to hold poised for attack, as a lance.
[4] to move (a camera) up or down on its vertical axis for photographing or televising a moving character, object, or the like.
[5] to move into or assume a sloping position or direction.
[6] to strike, thrust, or charge with a lance or the like (usually followed by at ).
[7] to engage in a joust, tournament, or similar contest.
[8] (of a camera) to move on its vertical axis: The camera tilts downward for an overhead shot.
[9] to incline in opinion, feeling, etc.; lean: She's tilting toward the other candidate this year.
[10] an act or instance of tilting.
[11] the state of being tilted; a sloping position.
[12] a slope.
[13] a joust or any other contest.
[14] a dispute; controversy.
[15] a thrust of a weapon, as at a tilt or joust.
[16] (in aerial photography) the angle formed by the direction of aim of a camera and a perpendicular to the surface of the earth.
[17] (at) full tilt . full tilt.
[18] tilt at windmills , to contend against imaginary opponents or injustices. Also fight with windmills.
[19] a cover of coarse cloth, canvas, etc., as for a wagon.
[20] an awning.
[21] to furnish with a tilt.
[22] to incline or cause to incline at an angle
[23] (usually intr) to attack or overthrow (a person or people) in a tilt or joust
[24] (when intr, often foll by at ) to aim or thrust to tilt a lance
[25] (tr) to work or forge with a tilt hammer
[26] a slope or angle at a tilt
[27] the act of tilting
[28] (esp in medieval Europe) a jousting contest a thrust with a lance or pole delivered during a tournament
[29] an attempt to win a contest
[30] See tilt hammer
[31] full tilt or at full tilt at full speed or force
[32] an awning or canopy, usually of canvas, for a boat, booth, etc
[33] (tr) to cover or provide with a tilt
Words related to Tilt
inclination, angle, slant, leaning, incline, shift, tip, lurch, dip, bend, sway, thrust, rake, gradient, pitch, list, slide, grade, cant, fall
Words nearby Tilt
tillicum, tillite, tillotson, tilly, tilsit, tilt, tilt at windmills, tilt hammer, tilt-top table, tilt-up, tilth
Origin of Tilt
21400–50; late Middle English, variant of tild, Old English teld; cognate with German Zelt tent, Old Norse tjald tent, curtain
Other words from Tilt
tilt·a·ble , adjective
tilt·er , noun
Word origin for Tilt
Old English teld; related to Old High German zelt tent, Old Norse tjald tent
Synonyms for Tilt
angle, inclination, leaning, slant, cant, dip, drop, fall, grade, gradient, incline, list, pitch, rake, slide