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Showing words for TINGLING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Tingling
7 Letter Words for Tingling
6 Letter Words for Tingling
5 Letter Words for Tingling
4 Letter Words for Tingling
3 Letter Words for Tingling
Definitions for Tingling
[1] to have a sensation of slight prickles, stings, or tremors, as from cold, a sharp blow, excitement, etc.: I tingle all over.
[2] to cause such a sensation: The scratch tingles.
[3] a tingling sensation.
[4] the tingling action of cold, a blow, excitement, etc.
[5] (usually intr) to feel or cause to feel a prickling, itching, or stinging sensation of the flesh, as from a cold plunge or electric shock
[6] a sensation of tingling
Words related to Tingling
tinglethrill, itch, throb, twitter, sting, prickle, tickle, shiver, creep
Words nearby Tingling
tingletinfoil, ting, ting ling, ting-a-ling, tinge, tingle, tingley, tingly, tinhorn, tinia, tinian
Origin of Tingling
e1350–1400; Middle English tinglen (v.), variant of tinkle
Other words from Tingling
tin·gler , noun
tin·gling·ly , adverb
Word origin for Tingling
eC14: perhaps a variant of tinkle
Synonyms for Tingling
creep, itch, prickle, shiver, sting, thrill, throb, tickle, twitter, get excited, have goose bumps