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Showing words for TOLBUTAMIDE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Tolbutamide


9 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

domitable, mobulidae, multitoed, mutilated, omittable, ultimated

8 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

albumoid, altitude, bimodule, blattoid, bumaloti, datolite, dubitate, dutiable, latitude, modulate, mutilate, outbleat, outmated, tabitude, titledom, titulado, ultimate

7 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

abluted, abutted, adoulie, aldomet, alodium, alumite, atumble, audible, baetuli, bailout, baittle, battled, beatuti, bemoult, bimetal, bimodal, bitumed, blatted, blattid, bloated, blodite, blotted, bluetit, bottled, boulted, boutade, budtime, bumaloe, bumelia, buttled, debitum, diomate, domable, doublet, douleia, ideatum, lautite, leadout, libated, limbate, limboed, limetta, lituate, lobated, luteoma, matelot, mattoid, mattole, melodia, metabit, miaoued, miauled, moabite, modulet, molebut, molidae, mottled, mulatto, muletta, mutable, mutated, obitual, oblated, omitted, oubliet, outbade, outbeam, outbled, outdate, outlaid, outlead, outlied, outlimb, outmate, tabloid, taedium, timable, timbale, timeout, tituled, toadlet, tolmiea, toluate, toluide, tomblet, totable, totaled, tubtail, tumbled

6 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

ablude, ablute, aeolid, albedo, albeit, albite, aldime, almude, ambled, amebid, amidol, amouli, amulet, atloid, audile, autoed, bailed, baited, balmed, baltei, batlet, batoid, batted, battel, battle, battue, batule, beauti, bedlam, bedolt, belaid, belaud, beldam, beloam, beloid, belout, bemail, bemaul, bemoat, bemoil, bemolt, betail, betoil, betula, bitted, bitume, blamed, blatti, bletia, bliaut, bludie, blumed, boated, boatel, boatie, boidae, boiled, boleti, bolide, bolita, bolted, botted, bottle, boutel, budlet, bumalo, butled, buttal, butted, buttle, dablet, dautie, deblai, debout, detail, diable, diablo, diatom, dietal, dilate, dilute, dimble, dimout, doable, dobule, dolite, dolium, domett, domite, dotate, dotlet, dottel, dottle, double, duetti, duetto, dultie, dumble, edital, eidola, embail, emboil, emboli, embuia, idolet, idolum, imbued, imbute, iodate, labite, labium, lambed, lambie, latite, latium, libate, limbat, limbed, litatu, litote, loadum, loamed, lobate, lomita, lotium, lotted, louted, mabuti, maelid, mailed, maloti, malted, matted, mattie, maudle, mauled, medial, medula, meloid, milted, mittle, moated, mobile, mobled, mobula, modula, module, moduli, moiled, molted, motile, mottle, moudie, muladi, muleta, mulita, mutate, obelia, obital, oblate, odible, outate, outbat, outbid, outeat, outled, outlet, outlie, tabled, tablet, tabule, tailed, tailet, talbot, talite, talmud, taluto, tatued, tauted, tedium, telium, tilted, timbal, titled, titmal, titule, toiled, toilet, toited, tolite, toluid, tombal, tombed, tomial, touted, toutie, tubate, tublet, tuboid, tuladi, tumble, tutela, tutelo, ulmate, ultima, ultime, ultimo, umload, utible

5 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

abdom, abide, abied, abilo, abime, abled, ablet, abode, aboil, abote, about, adieu, adlet, admit, adobe, adult, ailed, aimed, album, aldim, aleut, aliet, alite, almud, aloed, aloid, aloud, alout, ambit, amble, amelu, amide, amido, amlet, amole, atelo, atilt, atmid, atole, attid, attle, atule, audio, audit, auloi, aumil, autem, baile, bailo, baled, balei, balti, balut, bated, batel, battu, bauld, baume, beati, beaut, bedim, bedot, beild, belam, belat, bemad, bemat, bemol, bemud, betid, betta, bidet, bield, biome, biota, bited, bitte, blade, blame, blate, blatt, blaud, bleat, blite, blitt, bloat, blote, blout, blude, blued, bluet, bluid, blume, bodle, boite, boled, bolti, botel, botte, bottu, bouet, boule, boult, build, built, butat, butea, buteo, butle, butte, dalet, damie, datil, datto, datum, daube, dault, dealt, debat, debit, debut, delim, delit, delta, demal, demit, demob, demot, deota, detat, diamb, diota, dital, ditto, dobie, dobla, doilt, dolia, dolma, domal, domba, dotal, doubt, doula, douma, duali, dubio, duett, dulia, dumba, dumbo, duole, duomi, eliad, email, etiam, ibota, ideal, ideta, idola, ileum, imbat, imbue, iodal, laeti, lamed, lated, latte, laude, laudo, ledum, leuma, lieut, limba, limbo, limed, lited, lobed, lomed, lomta, lotte, louie, lubed, lutea, luted, luteo, maidu, maile, maleo, malie, malto, mated, matie, matlo, matte, matti, meaul, medal, media, medio, melba, melia, metad, metal, metol, miaou, miaul, mlitt, mobed, mobil, moble, modal, model, moile, molet, moted, motel, motet, motte, moued, moule, muled, mulet, multi, multo, muted, obeli, obied, oblat, obmit, odeum, odium, oiled, oldie, oleum, otate, otium, ouabe, oubit, outed, outta, tabel, tabet, tabid, table, tabut, taled, talio, tambo, tamed, tamil, tatie, tatou, taube, tauld, telia, teloi, tibet, tidal, tilde, tiled, timbe, timbo, timed, timet, title, todea, toile, toled, tombe, tomia, total, toted, totem, totum, tould, tubae, tubal, tubed, tudel, tumid, tumli, ulema, uloid, umbel, umble, utile

4 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

abed, abel, abet, abid, abit, able, abut, adet, adit, admi, aide, aiel, aile, aitu, albe, aldm, alem, alme, alod, aloe, alto, alum, ambe, ambo, amdt, amel, amid, amie, amil, amit, amli, aoli, ated, atle, atli, atmo, atom, atte, aube, aute, auto, bade, bail, bait, bald, bale, bali, balm, balu, bate, batt, baud, baul, bdle, bead, beal, beam, beat, beau, bedu, bela, beld, belt, bema, beta, bida, bide, bile, bilo, bima, biod, biol, bite, bito, bitt, blad, blae, blam, blat, blea, bled, bleo, blet, bleu, blit, blot, blue, boat, bode, boid, boil, bola, bold, bole, bolt, boma, bomi, bota, bote, boti, bott, boud, boul, bout, bual, buat, buda, bude, budo, bult, bute, buto, butt, dail, dale, dali, dalo, dalt, dame, date, dato, daub, daut, deal, debt, deia, deil, deli, delt, demi, demo, deti, deul, dial, diam, dieb, diel, diem, diet, dilo, dime, diol, dita, dite, ditt, doab, doat, dobe, dobl, doit, dola, dole, doli, dolt, dome, dote, doua, doub, doum, dout, dual, duel, duet, duim, duit, dule, dult, duma, dumb, eadi, edam, edit, eila, eild, elod, emda, emit, etat, etua, etui, euda, euoi, iamb, idea, idem, ideo, idle, idol, ilea, ilot, imbe, imbu, iode, iota, ital, itel, item, itmo, lade, laet, laid, lait, lamb, lame, late, lati, laud, lead, leam, leat, leda, leto, lett, leud, lido, lied, lieu, lima, limb, lime, limo, limu, lite, litu, load, loam, lobe, lobi, lode, loed, loid, loma, lome, lota, lote, loti, loud, lout, luba, lube, lude, ludo, luit, lute, mabe, mabi, made, mado, maed, maid, mail, male, mali, malo, malt, maoi, mate, maud, maui, maul, maut, mead, meal, meat, meio, mela, meld, melt, meta, miae, mide, mila, mild, mile, milo, milt, mite, mitt, moat, mode, modi, moed, moet, moid, moil, moit, mola, mold, mole, molt, mota, mote, mott, motu, moud, moue, moul, mout, muid, muil, mule, mult, muta, mute, muti, mutt, obdt, obia, obit, obli, odal, odea, odel, odum, oime, olam, olea, olid, ombu, omit, ould, outa, tabi, tade, taed, tael, tail, tait, tald, tale, tali, tame, tate, tatu, taum, taut, tead, teal, team, teat, teil, tela, teld, teli, telt, tiao, tide, tied, tile, tilt, time, tite, toad, toat, tobe, toda, tode, toea, toed, toil, toit, tola, told, tole, tolt, tolu, tomb, tome, tote, tout, tuba, tube, tula, tule, tume, tute, udal, udom, ulmo, ulta, ulto, umbo, utai, util

3 Letter Words for Tolbutamide

abd, abl, abm, abo, abt, abu, ade, adm, ado, aid, ail, aim, ait, alb, ald, ale, alo, alt, amb, ame, ami, amt, amu, aob, ate, atm, att, aud, aul, aum, bad, bae, bai, bal, bam, bat, bde, bdl, bed, bel, bet, bid, bim, bio, bit, bld, blo, blt, boa, bod, boe, bol, bom, bot, btl, btu, bud, bul, bum, but, dab, dae, dal, dam, dao, dat, dau, dbl, dea, deb, dei, del, dem, det, dia, dib, die, dil, dim, dit, dle, doa, dob, doe, dol, dom, dot, dub, due, dui, dum, duo, ead, eam, eat, eau, edo, ela, elb, eld, eli, elm, elt, emo, emu, eom, eta, iao, iba, ibm, ida, ide, ido, ile, ilo, imo, imu, iou, ita, itd, iud, lab, lad, lai, lam, lao, lat, lea, led, lei, lem, leo, let, leu, lib, lid, lie, lim, lit, loa, lob, lod, loe, lot, ltd, ltm, lub, lud, lue, lum, luo, lut, mab, mad, mae, mal, mao, mat, mau, mba, mbd, mea, med, mei, mel, met, meu, mia, mib, mid, mil, mit, moa, mob, mod, moe, moi, mol, mot, mou, mtd, mud, mut, oad, oam, oat, oba, obe, obi, obl, oda, ode, oie, oil, ola, old, ole, olm, omb, oud, oui, out, tab, tad, tai, tal, tam, tao, tat, tau, tdt, tea, ted, tel, tem, tet, tib, tid, tie, til, tim, tit, tiu, tlo, toa, tob, tod, toe, toi, tol, tom, tot, tou, tua, tub, tue, tui, tum, tut, ubi, udo, uit, ula, ule, ult, uma, ume, uta, ute, uti

Definitions for Tolbutamide

[1] a white crystalline substance, C12 H18 N2 O3 S, used to augment insulin secretion in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
[2] a synthetic crystalline compound administered orally in the treatment of diabetes to lower blood glucose concentrations. Formula: C 12 H 18 N 2 O 3 S

Words nearby Tolbutamide

tola, tolan, toland, tolar, tolbooth, tolbutamide, tolbutamide test, told, tole, toledo, tolerable

Origin of Tolbutamide

First recorded in 1955–60; tol(u) + but(yl) + amide

Word origin for Tolbutamide

C20: from tol (uyl ) + but (yric acid ) + amide