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Showing words for TOLLGATHERER using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
10 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
allegretto, altogether, therolater
9 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
8 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
allottee, allotter, garotter, gatherer, glareole, heartlet, heartrot, helotage, heretoga, latherer, letorate, ratheter, regather, retarget, rottlera, terrella, together, tolerate, tollgate
7 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
alerter, alleger, allegro, allotee, alterer, areolet, argolet, athlete, earhole, egretta, erogate, etherol, galette, garoter, garrote, gloater, glottal, grather, greater, haltere, holgate, lagetto, leather, legator, loather, lorette, oathlet, otterer, rathole, rattler, reallot, realter, regaler, regrate, relater, retotal, retrate, retreat, rettore, rotella, tagetol, tallero, tallote, tarheel, tearlet, teather, terrage, tetrole, theater, theelol, thereat, therell, thereto, thorter, tollage, totaler, tratler, treater, treator, troller
6 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
aether, agreer, agrote, aleger, alette, allege, areole, arette, arghel, arthel, artlet, athort, atterr, eaglet, earlet, elater, elator, elrage, eltrot, ergate, etagre, ethrog, galere, galler, gallet, galore, gareth, garret, garrot, garter, gather, gatter, geerah, gelate, gelato, gerate, gether, getter, gherao, ghetto, gloeal, goalee, goaler, goatee, goethe, gollar, goller, gorrel, grater, grelot, haglet, hallot, halter, harlot, hatter, healer, hearer, heater, heller, hereat, herero, hereto, herola, hetero, hetter, holler, horral, hotter, hottle, lahore, larger, larget, larree, lathee, lather, latter, legate, legato, leglet, lerret, lethal, letter, lettre, loathe, loglet, lorate, loreal, lotter, oleate, oraler, orgeat, orlage, orthal, raglet, ratero, rather, rattel, ratter, rattle, realer, regale, regalo, regear, reglet, regret, rehale, reheal, rehear, reheat, relate, rerate, reroll, retare, retear, retell, rether, retore, retort, retral, retrot, retter, rhetor, roller, rotate, rother, rotter, rottle, taglet, taller, tallet, tallot, talter, targer, target, tarter, tartle, tartro, tatler, teagle, tearer, teathe, telega, tellar, teller, tergal, terral, terret, tether, tetrao, tetrol, thaler, thatll, thoral, thrall, threat, throat, toerag, togate, toller, tolter, torret, tother, treget
5 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
agete, aglee, aglet, agree, aholt, alert, algol, algor, alhet, allee, aller, allot, alter, areel, arere, arete, arett, argel, argle, argol, argot, arret, arrgt, artel, arter, atelo, athel, atlee, atole, atoll, atter, attle, eager, eagle, eagre, earth, eater, eathe, egall, egret, elate, eloge, erato, ergal, ergot, etage, ethal, ethel, ether, etrog, ettle, galee, galet, gareh, garle, garre, garth, gater, gator, geare, gerah, gerea, gerle, getah, ghole, glare, gleet, gloat, gloea, glore, golee, golet, goral, gorer, gorra, goter, gotha, gotra, gotta, grate, great, greet, greta, grete, groat, grote, haler, halte, haole, harle, harre, hatel, hater, hatte, heare, heart, hegel, hello, helot, heroe, holer, holla, horal, horla, hotel, lager, laree, large, largo, later, lathe, latro, latte, leare, leath, leear, legal, leger, legoa, lerot, lethe, loath, loral, lorel, lotah, lotte, oater, oelet, ogler, ohare, orage, orale, orate, orgal, orlet, ortet, otate, other, ottar, otter, ragee, rager, ratel, rater, rathe, realo, reate, regal, regar, regel, reget, regle, rehoe, relet, relot, reorg, retag, retal, retar, rethe, retro, roate, roger, rolag, roral, rotal, roter, rotge, rotta, rotte, tagel, taler, targe, tarot, tarre, tarte, tater, teart, teeth, telar, teleg, tellt, terga, terra, terre, tetel, tetra, theat, theer, theet, theol, theor, there, theta, thete, thole, thore, thort, thrae, three, throe, toher, tolar, toral, toret, torta, torte, total, toter, treat, troat, troll, troth
4 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
aero, agee, ager, aget, alee, allo, aloe, alto, areg, aret, argh, argo, arle, arte, atle, atte, eale, earl, eath, egal, eger, egol, elle, eole, eorl, eral, erat, erer, ergo, erth, etat, ethe, gael, gaet, gale, gall, galt, gare, gart, gate, gath, gatt, geal, gear, geat, geer, geet, gell, geol, gere, geta, ghat, ghee, glar, glee, glor, goal, goar, goat, goel, goer, gola, gole, goll, gora, gore, gote, goth, grat, gree, gret, grot, hale, hall, halo, halt, hare, harl, haro, harr, hart, hate, hatt, heal, hear, heat, heel, heer, hela, hele, hell, helo, hera, here, herl, hero, herr, hert, hete, hoar, hoer, hoga, hola, hole, holl, holt, hora, hore, hort, hote, htel, laer, laet, lalo, lare, late, lath, leal, lear, leat, leer, leet, lege, lehr, lere, lete, leto, lett, lgth, ller, loge, lora, lore, lota, lote, oath, ogee, ogle, ogre, olea, olla, orae, oral, orle, orra, orth, rage, rale, rall, rare, rate, rath, rato, real, rear, reel, reet, rego, regr, regt, rete, rhea, rheo, rhet, roar, roer, role, roll, rort, rota, rote, rotl, rtlt, tael, tahr, tale, tall, tare, taro, tarr, tart, tate, tath, teal, tear, teat, teel, teer, teet, tega, tehr, tela, tele, tell, telt, tera, terr, tete, teth, thae, thar, that, thea, thee, thor, thro, toat, toea, toga, toge, togt, tola, tole, toll, tolt, tore, torr, tort, tote, trag, trah, trat, tree, tret, trog, trot
3 Letter Words for Tollgatherer
aer, age, ago, agr, agt, aho, ale, alg, all, alo, alt, aor, are, arg, arr, art, ate, att, ear, eat, eeg, eel, eer, ego, ela, ell, elt, era, ere, erg, err, ert, eta, eth, gal, gar, gat, gee, gel, geo, ger, get, glt, goa, gol, gor, got, gra, gro, grr, gte, gtt, hae, hag, hao, hat, hee, hel, heo, her, het, hgt, hoa, hoe, hog, hol, hor, hot, lag, lah, lao, lar, lat, lea, lee, leg, leo, ler, let, loa, loe, log, lor, lot, ltr, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, ora, ore, org, orl, ort, rag, rah, rat, rea, ree, reg, reh, rel, rha, rhe, rho, rle, roe, rog, rot, rte, tag, tal, tao, tar, tat, tea, tee, teg, tel, ter, tet, tgt, tha, the, tho, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, tog, tol, tor, tot, tra, trt
Definitions for Tollgatherer
[1] a person who collects tolls, taxes, or other imposts.
Words nearby Tollgatherer
toll-free, tollage, tollbooth, toller, tollgate, tollgatherer, tollhouse, tollhouse cookie, tolling dog, tollkeeper, tollman
Origin of Tollgatherer
1350–1400; Middle English tol gaderer. See toll1, gatherer