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Showing words for TOOL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Tool
3 Letter Words for Tool
Definitions for Tool
[1] an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
[2] any instrument of manual operation.
[3] the cutting or machining part of a lathe, planer, drill, or similar machine.
[4] the machine itself; a machine tool.
[5] anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose: Education is a tool for success.
[6] a person manipulated by another for the latter's own ends; cat's-paw.
[7] the design or ornament impressed upon the cover of a book.
[8] Underworld Slang . a pistol or gun. a pickpocket.
[9] Slang : Vulgar . penis.
[10] to work or shape with a tool.
[11] to work decoratively with a hand tool.
[12] to ornament (the cover of a book) with a bookbinder's tool.
[13] to drive (a vehicle): He tooled the car along the treacherous path.
[14] to equip with tools or machinery.
[15] to work with a tool.
[16] to drive or ride in a vehicle: tooling along the freeway.
[17] tool up , to install machinery designed for performing a particular job: manufacturers tooling up for production.
[18] an implement, such as a hammer, saw, or spade, that is used by hand a power-driven instrument; machine tool (in combination ) a toolkit
[19] the cutting part of such an instrument
[20] any of the instruments used by a bookbinder to impress a design on a book cover a design so impressed
[21] anything used as a means of performing an operation or achieving an end he used his boss's absence as a tool for gaining influence
[22] a person used to perform dishonourable or unpleasant tasks for another
[23] a necessary medium for or adjunct to one's profession numbers are the tools of the mathematician's trade
[24] slang another word for penis
[25] British an underworld slang word for gun
[26] to work, cut, shape, or form (something) with a tool or tools
[27] (tr) to decorate (a book cover) with a bookbinder's tool
[28] (tr often foll by up ) to furnish with tools
[29] (when intr, often foll by along ) to drive (a vehicle) or (of a vehicle) to be driven, esp in a leisurely or casual style
Words related to Tool
engine, apparatus, means, utensil, weapon, appliance, mechanism, machine, device, gadget, gizmo, medium, accessory, contraption, job, implement, contrivance, whatchamacallit, go-between, stooge
Words nearby Tool
too-too, toodle-oo, tooele, took, tooke, tool, tool engineering, tool post, tool pusher, tool shed, tool steel
Origin of Tool
before 900; Middle English (noun); Old English tōl; cognate with Old Norse tōl tools; akin to taw2
Other words from Tool
tool·er , noun
tool·less , adjective
mul·ti·tool , noun
un·tooled , adjective
Word origin for Tool
Old English tōl; related to Old Norse tōl weapon, Old English tawian to prepare; see taw ²
Synonyms for Tool
apparatus, appliance, device, engine, gadget, gizmo, machine, means, mechanism, utensil, weapon, contraption, contrivance, implement, job, whatchamacallit