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Showing words for TOPI using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Topi
poti, topi
3 Letter Words for Topi
ipo, opt, pit, poi, pot, tip, toi, top, tpi
Definitions for Topi
[1] topee.
[2] an antelope, Damaliscus lunatus, of east-central Africa, having bluish-black and yellow markings.
[3] (in India) a lightweight helmet or sun hat made from the pith of the sola plant.
[4] an antelope, Damaliscus korrigum, of grasslands and semideserts of Africa, having angular curved horns and an elongated muzzle
[5] another name for pith helmet
[6] another name for pith helmet
Words nearby Topi
tophaceous, tophaceous gout, tophamper, tophet, tophus, topi, topiary, topic, topic sentence, topical, topical anesthesia
Origin of Topi
eeFirst recorded in 1825–35, topee is from the Hindi word ṭopī hat
Word origin for Topi
eeC19: from Hindi topī hat