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Showing words for TOROID using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Toroid
5 Letter Words for Toroid
droit, ootid, rooti
4 Letter Words for Toroid
dirt, doit, door, dort, iodo, odor, ooid, oord, ordo, riot, roid, roit, rood, root, roti, roto, tori, toro, trid, trio, trod
3 Letter Words for Toroid
dir, dit, doo, dor, dot, ido, itd, oor, oot, ord, ort, oto, rid, rio, rit, rod, roi, roo, rot, rti, tdr, tid, tod, toi, too, tor, tri
Definitions for Toroid
[1] a surface generated by the revolution of any closed plane curve or contour about an axis lying in its plane.
[2] the solid enclosed by such a surface.
[3] geometry a surface generated by rotating a closed plane curve about a coplanar line that does not intersect the curve
[4] the solid enclosed by such a surface See also torus
Words nearby Toroid
torne, torngat mountains, tornillo, tornwaldt's abscess, toro, toroid, toroidal, toronto, toronto blessing, torontonian, torose
Origin of Toroid
First recorded in 1895–1900; tor(us) + -oid