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Showing words for TOXIPHOBIA using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Toxiphobia
6 Letter Words for Toxiphobia
boxtop, hatbox, hotbox, phobia, pithoi
5 Letter Words for Toxiphobia
bahoo, baith, bhoot, biota, booth, habit, haiti, ibota, obiit, oobit, patio, paxto, photo, taboo, taipo, tibia, tophi, topia, topoi
4 Letter Words for Toxiphobia
abit, abox, aith, apii, apio, atip, atop, baho, baht, bait, bapt, bath, bhat, biti, bito, bixa, boat, boho, booh, boot, bota, both, boti, boto, hait, hipt, hoax, hobo, hoit, hoop, hoot, hopi, hoti, iota, itai, ixia, oath, obia, obit, ohia, ohio, opah, opai, otxi, pahi, paho, path, pato, phat, phit, phoo, phot, pita, pith, poha, pooa, pooh, poot, poti, ptah, tabi, taxi, thai, thio, thob, thoo, tiao, toho, toop, toph, topi, topo, toxa
3 Letter Words for Toxiphobia
abo, abp, abt, ahi, aho, ait, aix, aob, aph, apt, apx, atp, bah, bai, bap, bat, bhp, bio, bit, boa, boh, boo, bop, bot, box, bpi, bpt, hab, hao, hap, hat, hia, hip, hit, hoa, hob, hoi, hoo, hop, hot, hox, iao, iba, ihi, ihp, iph, ipo, ita, oat, oba, obi, obo, oho, oii, ooh, oop, oot, opa, opt, oto, oxo, pah, pat, pax, pbx, phi, pho, pht, pia, pit, pix, poa, pob, poh, poi, poo, pot, pox, pta, tab, tai, tao, tap, tax, tha, thb, tho, tib, tip, toa, tob, toi, too, top, tox, tph, tpi, xat, xii
Definitions for Toxiphobia
[1] an abnormal fear of being poisoned.
Words nearby Toxiphobia
toxin-antitoxin, toxinic, toxinogenic, toxins, toxipathic, toxiphobia, toxo-, toxocariasis, toxoid, toxophil, toxophilite
Origin of Toxiphobia
First recorded in 1875–80; toxi(co)- + -phobia