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Showing words for TRACTION using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Traction
7 Letter Words for Traction
6 Letter Words for Traction
5 Letter Words for Traction
4 Letter Words for Traction
3 Letter Words for Traction
Definitions for Traction
[1] the adhesive friction of a body on some surface, as a wheel on a rail or a tire on a road.
[2] the action of drawing a body, vehicle, train, or the like, along a surface, as a road, track, railroad, or waterway.
[3] Medicine/Medical . the deliberate and prolonged pulling of a muscle, organ, or the like, as by weights, to correct dislocation, relieve pressure, etc.
[4] transportation by means of railroads.
[5] the act of drawing or pulling.
[6] the state of being drawn.
[7] attracting power or influence; attraction.
[8] the act of drawing or pulling, esp by motive power
[9] the state of being drawn or pulled
[10] med the application of a steady pull on a part during healing of a fractured or dislocated bone, using a system of weights and pulleys or splints
[11] the adhesive friction between a wheel and a surface, as between a driving wheel of a motor vehicle and the road
Words related to Traction
suction, grip, purchase, stress, strain, pull, absorption, stretch, drag, adherence, adhesion, suck, contraction, drawing, constriction, draught, resorption, haulage, towage
Words nearby Traction
tractable, tractarian, tractarianism, tractate, tractile, traction, traction alopecia, traction control, traction diverticulum, traction engine, traction epiphysis
Origin of Traction
1605–15; < Medieval Latin tractiōn- (stem of tractiō ) act of drawing, equivalent to tract(us ), past participle of trahere to draw + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Traction
trac·tion·al , adjective
non·trac·tion , noun
Word origin for Traction
C17: from Medieval Latin tractiō , from Latin tractus dragged; see tractile
Synonyms for Traction
suction, absorption, adherence, adhesion, constriction, contraction, drag, draught, drawing, grip, haulage, pull, pulling, purchase, resorption, strain, stress, stretch, suck, towage