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Showing words for TRADER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Trader
5 Letter Words for Trader
4 Letter Words for Trader
3 Letter Words for Trader
Definitions for Trader
[1] a person who trades; a merchant or businessperson.
[2] a ship used in trade, especially foreign trade.
[3] a member of a stock exchange trading privately and not on behalf of customers.
[4] a person who engages in trade; dealer; merchant
[5] a vessel regularly employed in foreign or coastal trade
[6] stock exchange , US a member who operates mainly on his or her own account rather than for customers' accounts
Words related to Trader
merchant, trafficker, dealer, seller, stockbroker, shopkeeper, monger, salesperson, tradesman, ship
Words nearby Trader
trade-off, trade-weighted, traded option, trademark, tradeoff, trader, trades union congress, tradescant, tradescantia, tradesman, tradespeople
Origin of Trader
First recorded in 1575–85; trade + -er1
Other words from Trader
trad·er·ship , noun
non·trad·er , noun
un·der·trad·er , noun
Synonyms for Trader
dealer, merchant, seller, stockbroker, trafficker, barterer, monger, salesperson, ship, shopkeeper, tradesman