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Showing words for TRAFFICKER using the English dictionary
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5 Letter Words for Trafficker
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3 Letter Words for Trafficker
Definitions for Trafficker
[1] the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc.: the heavy traffic on Main Street.
[2] the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area, along a street, etc.
[3] the transportation of goods for the purpose of trade, by sea, land, or air: ships of traffic.
[4] trade; buying and selling; commercial dealings.
[5] trade between different countries or places; commerce.
[6] the business done by a railroad or other carrier in the transportation of freight or passengers.
[7] the aggregate of freight, passengers, telephone or telegraph messages, etc., handled, especially in a given period.
[8] communication, dealings, or contact between persons or groups: traffic between the Democrats and the Republicans.
[9] mutual exchange or communication: traffic in ideas.
[10] trade in some specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature: the vast traffic in narcotics.
[11] illegal commercial trade in human beings for the purpose of exploiting them: the traffic in young children.
[12] to carry on traffic, trade, or commercial dealings.
[13] to trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature (usually followed by in ): to traffic in opium.
[14] (of vehicles or persons) to move over or through (a place): It's a heavily trafficked bridge.
[15] to trade or deal in (a commodity or service): to traffic guns.
[16] to trade in (human beings) for the purpose of exploitation: He was convicted for trafficking illegal immigrants.
[17] the vehicles coming and going in a street, town, etc (as modifier ) traffic lights
[18] the movement of vehicles, people, etc, in a particular place or for a particular purpose sea traffic
[19] the business of commercial transportation by land, sea, or air the freight, passengers, etc, transported
[20] (usually foll by with) dealings or business have no traffic with that man
[21] trade, esp of an illicit or improper kind drug traffic
[22] the aggregate volume of messages transmitted through a communications system in a given period
[23] mainly US the number of customers patronizing a commercial establishment in a given time period
[24] (often foll by in) to carry on trade or business, esp of an illicit kind
[25] (usually foll by with) to have dealings
Words related to Trafficker
trafficmerchant, vendor, trader, speculator, banker, wholesaler, merchandiser, bursar, businessperson, tradesman, retailer, chandler, changer, dispenser, marketer
Words nearby Trafficker
traffictraditor, traduce, traducianism, trafalgar, trafalgar, battle of, traffic, traffic calming, traffic circle, traffic cop, traffic court, traffic engineering
Origin of Trafficker
1495–1505; earlier traffyk < Middle French trafique (noun), trafiquer (v.) < Italian traffico (noun), trafficare (v.), of disputed orig.
Other words from Trafficker
traf·fick·er , noun
traf·fic·less , adjective
in·ter·traf·fic , noun, verb, in·ter·traf·ficked, in·ter·traf·fick·ing.
un·traf·ficked , adjective
Word origin for Trafficker
C16: from Old French trafique , from Old Italian traffico , from trafficare to engage in trade
Synonyms for Trafficker
banker, merchant, speculator, trader, vendor, wholesaler, bursar, businessperson, chandler, changer, dispenser, marketer, merchandiser, retailer, tradesman, tradesperson