10 Letter Words for Trajectory
8 Letter Words for Trajectory
retroact, tractory
7 Letter Words for Trajectory
acroter, carotte, carroty, cattery, creator, rattery, reactor, rectory, retract, rettory, torreya, tracery, tractor, traject, treator
6 Letter Words for Trajectory
actory, arrect, artery, atroce, atterr, attery, carrot, carter, catery, catter, coater, cotery, cottar, cotter, crater, crayer, jarret, jotter, octary, rarety, ratero, ratter, recart, recoat, rector, retort, retrot, rotary, rotate, rotter, tactor, tarter, tartro, tertry, tetrao, torret, totery, tracer, trajet, treaty, trocar, yatter
5 Letter Words for Trajectory
actor, arett, arret, arter, atter, attry, carer, caret, carey, carot, carry, carte, carty, cater, catty, cerat, certy, coart, coate, corer, corey, corta, cotta, cotte, cotty, coyer, crare, crate, craye, creta, croat, crore, ecart, erato, eyrar, jarry, jerry, jetty, jotty, joyce, oater, ocrea, octet, ocyte, oracy, orary, orate, ortet, otary, otate, ottar, otter, racer, rater, ratty, react, recto, retar, retro, retry, roary, roate, rocta, rorty, roter, rotta, rotte, royet, tacet, taroc, tarot, tarre, tarry, tarte, tarty, tater, tayer, teart, teary, teaty, tecta, terra, terry, tetra, toret, torta, torte, toter, toyer, trace, tract, treat, troat, troca, tryer, yarer, yarto, ytter
4 Letter Words for Trajectory
acer, acor, acre, aero, arco, aret, arte, arty, atoc, atry, atte, atty, ayre, care, carr, cart, cate, ceja, cera, cero, cert, coat, cora, core, corr, cort, cory, cote, cott, cray, croy, cyte, ecto, erat, etat, eyot, eyra, jato, jear, jeat, jert, jeta, joey, jota, oary, oaty, octa, orae, orca, orra, oyer, race, racy, rare, rate, rato, rear, rect, roar, roer, roey, rort, rory, rota, rotc, rote, royt, ryot, tace, taco, tact, tare, taro, tarr, tart, tate, tear, teat, teca, tera, terr, toat, toea, toey, torc, tore, torr, tort, tote, toty, trac, trat, tray, tret, trey, trot, troy, trye, tryt, tyer, tyro, tyrr, tyte, tyto, yaje, yare, yarr, yate, year, yeat, yeta, yett, yore, yote
3 Letter Words for Trajectory
ace, act, acy, aer, aor, arc, are, arr, art, ary, ate, att, aye, ayr, car, cat, cay, ceo, cer, cor, cot, coy, cro, crt, cry, cte, cto, ctr, ear, eat, eco, ect, era, err, ert, eta, etc, ety, eyr, jar, jat, jay, jct, jer, jet, joe, jor, jot, joy, oar, oat, oca, oct, oer, ora, orc, ore, ort, ory, otc, oye, raj, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, roc, roe, rot, rte, rya, rye, taj, tao, tar, tat, tay, tea, tec, ter, tet, toa, toc, toe, tor, tot, toy, tra, trt, try, tty, tye, tyr, tyt, yar, yat, yea, yeo, yer, yet, yoe, yor, yot
Definitions for Trajectory
[1] the curve described by a projectile, rocket, or the like in its flight.
[2] Geometry . a curve or surface that cuts all the curves or surfaces of a given system at a constant angle.
[3] the path described by an object moving in air or space under the influence of such forces as thrust, wind resistance, and gravity, esp the curved path of a projectile
[4] geometry a curve that cuts a family of curves or surfaces at a constant angle
Words related to Trajectory
path, curve, orbit, direction, flight, track, route, flow, trail, range, line, movement
Words nearby Trajectory
traitor, traitorous, traitress, trajan, traject, trajectory, trakl, tralee, trali, tram, tram flap
Origin of Trajectory
1660–70; < New Latin trājectōria, noun use of feminine of Medieval Latin trājectōrius cast-ing over. See traject, -tory1
Other words from Trajectory
tra·jec·tile [truh -jek -til, -tahyl] /trəˈdʒɛk tɪl, -taɪl/ , adjective
tra·jec·tion [truh -jek -shuh n] /trəˈdʒɛk ʃən/ , noun
Synonyms for Trajectory
curve, orbit, path, direction, flight, flow, line, movement, range, route, track, trail