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Showing words for TRANSFIXION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Transfixion


9 Letter Words for Transfixion

fixations, infotains, saintfoin

8 Letter Words for Transfixion

fixation, fontinas, forninst, franions, friation, frostian, infotain, sainfoin, satinfin, sinfonia, tironian, transfix, triaxons

7 Letter Words for Transfixion

anisoin, anoints, aoritis, aristoi, aroints, astrion, faitors, fanions, fiorins, fixator, fontina, forints, franion, frisian, frixion, frontis, infants, insofar, intrans, introns, ironist, nations, natrons, nonarts, nonfrat, oaritis, onanist, osirian, rations, sanfoin, satorii, trianon, triaxon, trionfi

6 Letter Words for Transfixion

afrits, afront, aition, anions, anitos, annist, anoint, antrin, aorist, ariosi, aristo, aroint, arsino, artois, asnort, astron, axions, faints, faitor, fanins, fanion, fanons, fiants, fiorin, fixion, forint, fornix, fortin, fortis, fraist, fraxin, frison, fronts, inaxon, infair, infans, infant, inions, inosin, instar, intron, intros, ionian, isatin, ixoras, nasion, nation, natrix, natron, nitons, nitros, noints, nonair, nonart, nonfat, nontax, norias, orants, orians, raisin, raison, rasion, ration, ratios, rosita, santii, santir, santon, sation, satori, satron, sirian, sixain, sonant, sotnia, stanno, stiria, storax, strain, tainos, taxons, taxors, tifosi, tinosa, torans, toriis, toxins, trains, transf, tronas

5 Letter Words for Transfixion

afrit, afros, ainoi, airns, airts, aitis, anion, annot, anons, anorn, antis, ariot, arist, arson, astir, astor, axion, axons, fains, faint, fairs, faits, fanin, fanit, fanon, fanos, fario, faros, farsi, farts, fasti, fator, fatso, fiant, fiars, fiats, finis, finns, finos, firns, first, fixit, foins, foist, fonts, forts, frati, frats, frisa, frist, frits, frons, front, frost, ifint, ifrit, infin, infit, infix, infos, infra, inion, innit, instr, intis, intra, intro, ionia, iortn, iotas, irani, irian, irons, isort, ixias, ixion, ixora, naifs, nants, naris, niais, ninos, niota, niris, nisan, niton, nitos, nitro, nixon, noint, noirs, nonas, noria, noris, norit, norna, notan, oints, oisin, orans, orant, ornis, ostia, rafts, rains, raits, rants, rason, ratio, ratos, riant, rifts, riots, roans, roast, roins, roist, ronin, ronts, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotan, rotas, rotis, saint, sanit, santo, sarif, sarin, saron, satin, saxon, sinai, sinon, sitao, sitar, sitio, snarf, snift, snirt, snort, sofar, sofia, softa, sonar, sorta, stain, staio, stair, starn, stion, stoai, stonn, stria, strix, taino, tains, tairn, tarin, tarns, taros, tarsi, taxin, taxir, taxis, taxon, taxor, tiars, tisar, toran, torii, toxin, train, trans, trias, trifa, trina, trins, trios, trois, trona, trons

4 Letter Words for Transfixion

afro, ains, aint, aion, airn, airs, airt, aits, anis, anni, anno, anns, anon, ansi, anti, ants, arfs, aris, arni, arno, arts, asin, asio, asor, astr, atis, axin, axis, axon, fain, fair, fait, faix, fano, fans, fant, faon, faro, fars, fart, fast, fats, fiar, fiat, fini, finn, fino, fins, firn, firs, fist, fits, fixt, foin, fons, font, fort, fots, fras, frat, fris, frit, fros, frot, info, inia, init, inns, inro, inst, inta, inti, into, intr, ions, iota, iran, iris, iron, isnt, itai, itas, ixia, naif, nain, naio, nais, nant, naoi, naos, nasi, naso, nast, nato, natr, nats, nina, nisi, nist, nito, nits, noir, noix, nona, nori, norn, nota, nots, noxa, oafs, oars, oast, oats, oint, onst, oran, oras, orfs, orna, orts, osar, otis, otxi, oxan, raft, rain, rais, rait, rann, rant, rast, rato, rats, rias, rifs, rift, rins, riot, rist, rita, rits, roan, roin, roit, ront, rosa, rost, rota, roti, rots, saft, sain, sair, sant, sari, sart, sati, sfax, sian, sift, sina, sion, siri, sita, siti, snar, snit, snot, soar, sofa, soft, soir, sora, sori, sorn, sort, star, stir, stoa, stof, stor, stra, tain, tais, tans, taos, tari, tarn, taro, tars, taxi, tiao, tiar, tins, tonn, tons, tori, torn, tors, tosa, toxa, trin, trio, trna, tron, tsia, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Transfixion

aft, ain, air, ais, ait, aix, ann, ans, ant, aor, arf, arn, ars, art, arx, ast, fan, fao, far, fas, fat, fax, fin, fir, fit, fix, fon, for, fot, fox, fra, fri, fro, frs, frt, iao, ifs, inf, inn, ins, int, iof, ion, ios, ira, irs, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, naf, nar, nas, nat, nis, nit, nix, noa, non, nor, nos, not, nox, oaf, oar, oas, oat, oft, oii, ois, ona, oni, ons, ont, ora, orf, ors, ort, osi, raf, rai, ran, ras, rat, rax, rfs, ria, rif, rin, rio, rit, rix, rna, roi, ron, ros, rot, rox, rti, sai, san, sao, sar, sat, sax, sif, sin, sir, sit, six, son, sot, sri, sta, str, tai, tan, tao, tar, tas, tax, tfr, tin, tis, toa, toi, ton, tor, tos, tox, tra, trf, tri, trs, tsi, xat, xii, xis

Definitions for Transfixion

[1] to make or hold motionless with amazement, awe, terror, etc.
[2] to pierce through with or as if with a pointed weapon; impale.
[3] to hold or fasten with or on something that pierces.
[4] to render motionless, esp with horror or shock
[5] to impale or fix with a sharp weapon or other device
[6] med to cut through (a limb or other organ), as in amputation

Words related to Transfixion

transfixtwinge, jab, coma, rapture, reverie, stupor, unconsciousness, blow, gash, prick, incision, wound, piercing, hurt, pang, rent, puncture, ache, thrust, jag

Words nearby Transfixion

transfixtransferrin, transfiguration, transfigure, transfinite, transfinite number, transfix, transfixion, transfixion suture, transform, transform fault, transformation

Origin of Transfixion

1580–90; < Latin trānsfīxus (past participle of trānsfīgere to pierce through), equivalent to trāns- trans- + fīg(ere ) to pierce + -sus, variant of -tus past participle suffix

Other words from Transfixion

trans·fix·ion [trans-fik -shuh n] /trænsˈfɪk ʃən/ , noun
un·trans·fixed , adjective

Word origin for Transfixion

C16: from Latin transfīgere to pierce through, from trans- + fīgere to thrust in

Synonyms for Transfixion

jab, twinge, ache, blow, gash, hurt, incision, jag, pang, piercing, prick, puncture, rent, stick, thrust, wound