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Showing words for TRANSFORM using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Transform
8 Letter Words for Transform
7 Letter Words for Transform
6 Letter Words for Transform
5 Letter Words for Transform
4 Letter Words for Transform
3 Letter Words for Transform
Definitions for Transform
[1] to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
[2] to change in condition, nature, or character; convert.
[3] to change into another substance; transmute.
[4] Electricity . to increase or decrease (the voltage and current characteristics of an alternating-current circuit), as by means of a transformer. to decrease (the voltage and current characteristics of a direct-current circuit), as by means of a transformer.
[5] Mathematics . to change the form of (a figure, expression, etc.) without in general changing the value.
[6] Physics . to change into another form of energy.
[7] to undergo a change in form, appearance, or character; become transformed.
[8] Mathematics . a mathematical quantity obtained from a given quantity by an algebraic, geometric, or functional transformation. the transformation itself.
[9] the result of a transformation.
[10] a transformation.
[11] Logic . transformation(def 5) .
[12] Linguistics . a structure derived by a transformation.
[13] to alter or be altered radically in form, function, etc
[14] (tr) to convert (one form of energy) to another form
[15] (tr) maths to change the form of (an equation, expression, etc) by a mathematical transformation
[16] (tr) to increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage) using a transformer
[17] maths the result of a mathematical transformation, esp (of a matrix or an element of a group) another related to the given one by B = X –1 AX for some appropriate X
Words related to Transform
mutate, convert, transfer, revolutionize, revamp, remodel, reconstruct, translate, mold, alter, transmute, doctor, transpose, renew, metamorphose, switch, commute, transmogrify, cook, transfigure
Words nearby Transform
transfinite, transfinite number, transfix, transfixion, transfixion suture, transform, transform fault, transformation, transformation point, transformation range, transformational grammar
Origin of Transform
1300–50; Middle English transformen < Latin trānsfōrmāre to change in shape. See trans-, form
Other words from Transform
trans·form·a·ble , adjective
trans·form·a·tive , adjective
in·ter·trans·form·a·ble , adjective
non·trans·form·ing , adjective
re·trans·form , verb (used with object)
self-trans·formed , adjective
un·trans·form·a·ble , adjective
un·trans·form·a·tive , adjective
un·trans·formed , adjective
un·trans·form·ing , adjective
Word origin for Transform
C14: from Latin transformāre , from trans- + formāre to form
Synonyms for Transform
alter, convert, mold, mutate, reconstruct, remodel, revamp, revolutionize, transfer, translate, commute, cook, denature, doctor, metamorphose, renew, switch, transfigure, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, make over, shift gears, sing different tune, switch over, turn around, turn over new leaf, turn the corner, turn the tables