10 Letter Words for Transitory
9 Letter Words for Transitory
antistory, nitrators
8 Letter Words for Transitory
artistry, nitrator, satyrion, sortiary, strontia, tanistry, traitors, traitory
7 Letter Words for Transitory
aroints, aroynts, astrion, attorns, intorts, ostiary, otiatry, rations, rattons, rosttra, rottans, sornari, sortita, startor, station, straint, styrian, taintor, tortays, traitor, transit, trinary, tristan, tritons, tyrants, yttrias
6 Letter Words for Transitory
anitos, aorist, aristo, aroint, aroynt, arsino, artist, artois, asnort, astint, astony, astron, attorn, instar, intort, intros, nitros, norias, notary, notist, nritta, orants, orians, ornary, ostrya, otiant, ottars, raison, rarity, rasion, rasoir, ration, ratios, ratton, rayons, riotry, ristra, rosary, rosiny, rosita, rotary, rottan, sanity, santir, sartor, satiny, sation, satori, satron, sittar, snorty, snotty, sotnia, stairy, starny, starry, starty, statin, stator, stinty, stirra, storay, stotin, strain, strait, strany, strati, syrian, tainos, taints, tanist, taoist, taoyin, tarots, tartro, tinosa, titano, titans, toasty, torans, tortis, trains, trainy, traist, traits, trants, triary, triors, triton, tritor, troats, tronas, tyrans, tyrant, tyrian, yartos, yttria
5 Letter Words for Transitory
airns, airts, antis, antsy, ariot, arist, arris, arson, artsy, astir, astor, atony, attry, ayins, ayont, instr, intra, intro, iortn, iotas, irons, irony, isort, nairy, naris, nasty, natty, niota, nitos, nitro, nitry, nitta, nitty, noirs, noisy, noria, noris, norit, norry, oints, orans, orant, orary, oriya, ornis, orris, ostia, otary, ottar, rains, rainy, raits, rants, ranty, rason, rasty, ratio, ratos, ratti, ratty, rayon, riant, riots, ritts, roans, roars, roary, roast, roins, roist, ronts, rorts, rorty, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotan, rotas, rotis, rotta, royst, ryots, saint, sairy, sanit, santo, santy, sarin, saron, satin, satyr, sayon, sirra, sitao, sitar, sitta, snary, snirt, snort, soary, sonar, sorra, sorry, sorta, sorty, stain, staio, stair, starn, starr, start, stary, stint, stion, stoai, stoat, stoit, stony, story, stray, stria, strit, stroy, styan, syria, taino, tains, taint, tairn, taits, tansy, tanti, tanto, tarin, tarns, taros, tarot, tarri, tarry, tarsi, tarts, tarty, tasty, tatin, tayir, tiars, tinsy, tinta, tints, tinty, tirrs, tisar, titan, titar, toast, toist, toits, toity, toran, torrs, torta, torts, train, trait, trans, trant, trasy, trats, trays, trias, trina, trins, trior, trios, trist, troat, trois, trona, trons, trots, troys, tryst, tyran, tyros, yarns, yarrs, yarto, yinst, yirrs, yonis, ytost
4 Letter Words for Transitory
ains, aint, aion, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, anis, ansi, anti, ants, aris, arni, arno, arri, arts, arty, asin, asio, asor, astr, atis, atry, attn, atty, ayin, inro, inst, inta, into, intr, ions, iota, iran, iron, isnt, itas, itsy, iyar, naio, nais, naoi, naos, narr, nary, nasi, naso, nast, nato, natr, nats, nays, nist, nito, nits, noir, nori, nosy, nota, nots, nott, noys, nyas, oars, oary, oast, oats, oaty, oint, onst, oran, oras, orna, orra, orts, osar, otis, rain, rais, rait, rant, rast, rato, rats, rays, rias, rins, riot, rist, rita, rits, ritt, roan, roar, roin, roit, ront, rort, rory, rosa, rost, rosy, rota, roti, rots, royt, ryas, rynt, ryot, sain, sair, sant, sari, sart, sati, sian, sina, sion, sita, snar, snit, snot, soar, soir, sora, sori, sorn, sort, sory, star, stat, stay, stir, stoa, stor, stot, stra, syrt, tain, tais, tait, tans, taos, tari, tarn, taro, tarr, tars, tart, tats, tays, tiao, tiar, tins, tint, tiny, tirr, tits, toat, toit, tons, tony, tori, torn, torr, tors, tort, tosa, tosy, tots, toty, toys, trat, tray, trin, trio, trit, trna, tron, trot, troy, tryt, tsia, tyin, tyro, tyrr, tyto, yair, yarn, yarr, yati, yins, yirn, yirr, yoni, yont
3 Letter Words for Transitory
ain, air, ais, ait, ans, ant, any, aor, arn, arr, ars, art, ary, ast, att, ayr, ays, iao, ins, int, ion, ios, ira, irs, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, iyo, nar, nas, nat, nay, nis, nit, noa, nor, nos, not, noy, nys, oar, oas, oat, ois, ona, oni, ons, ont, ony, ora, ors, ort, ory, osi, oys, rai, ran, ras, rat, ray, ria, rin, rio, rit, rna, roi, ron, ros, rot, rti, rya, sai, san, sao, sar, sat, say, sin, sir, sit, sny, son, sot, soy, sri, sta, str, sty, syn, syr, tai, tan, tao, tar, tas, tat, tay, tin, tis, tit, tnt, toa, toi, ton, tor, tos, tot, toy, tra, tri, trs, trt, try, tsi, tst, tty, tyr, tyt, yan, yar, yas, yat, yin, yis, yoi, yon, yor, yos, yot, yrs
Definitions for Transitory
[1] not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal.
[2] lasting only a short time; brief; short-lived; temporary.
[3] of short duration; transient or ephemeral
Words related to Transitory
transient, momentary, short-lived, ephemeral, fleeting, temporary, impermanent, temporal, passing, short, fugacious, brief, evanescent
Words nearby Transitory
transitional epithelium, transitional zone, transitive, transitive verb, transitman, transitory, transitory action, transjordan, transkei, transkeian, transketolation
Origin of Transitory
1325–75; Middle English transitorie < Late Latin trānsitōrius fleeting (see transit, -tory1); replacing Middle English transitoire < Middle French < Late Latin, as above
Other words from Transitory
tran·si·to·ri·ly [tran -si-tawr-uh -lee, -tohr-, tran-si-tawr -, -tohr -, -zi-] /ˈtræn sɪˌtɔr ə li, -ˌtoʊr-, ˌtræn sɪˈtɔr-, -ˈtoʊr-, -zɪ-/ , adverb
tran·si·to·ri·ness , noun
un·tran·si·to·ri·ly , adverb
un·tran·si·to·ri·ness , noun
un·tran·si·to·ry , adjective
Word origin for Transitory
C14: from Church Latin transitōrius passing, from Latin transitus a crossing over; see transient
Synonyms for Transitory
momentary, transient, impermanent, temporal