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Showing words for TREACHERY using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Treachery


8 Letter Words for Treachery

chareter, cheatery, cytherea, teachery, treacher

7 Letter Words for Treachery

archery, caterer, charter, cheater, cheatry, cythera, hectare, hetaery, ratcher, reacher, rechart, rechate, recheat, recrate, rehayte, reteach, retrace, teacher, terrace, tracery, yachter, yeather

6 Letter Words for Treachery

acheer, achete, achree, achter, aether, archer, areche, arrect, artery, career, carree, carter, catery, cateye, cerate, cetera, charer, charet, charry, cheare, cheery, cherry, cherte, cherty, chytra, crater, crayer, create, earthy, eatche, eatery, ecarte, etcher, hearer, hearty, heater, hecate, hectar, hereat, heyrat, hyrate, rachet, rarety, rather, reachy, recart, rechar, reechy, rehear, reheat, rerate, retare, retear, rether, teache, teachy, tearer, tercer, thecae, theyre, thrace, tracer, yearth, yether

5 Letter Words for Treachery

acher, arche, archt, archy, arere, arete, arret, arter, carer, caret, carey, carry, carte, carty, cater, cathy, cerat, cerer, certy, chare, charr, chart, chary, cheat, cheer, cheet, chere, chert, crare, crate, craye, creta, crete, cyath, earth, eater, eathe, ecart, echar, echea, erect, ether, eyrar, eyrer, harre, harry, hater, hayer, heare, heart, hecte, herry, herye, racer, rache, ratch, rater, rathe, reach, react, reate, reech, retar, retch, rethe, retry, rhyta, tache, tarre, tarry, tayer, teach, teaey, teary, techy, terce, terra, terre, terry, theca, theer, there, thrae, three, trace, treey, tryer, tyche, yacht, yarer, yarth, yeech, yerth

4 Letter Words for Treachery

acer, ache, achy, acre, acth, ahey, arch, aret, arte, arty, atry, ayre, care, carr, cart, cate, cath, cera, cere, cert, cete, char, chat, chay, chee, cher, chry, cray, cyte, each, eath, eche, echt, eech, erat, erer, erth, etch, ethe, eyah, eyer, eyra, eyre, haec, hare, harr, hart, hate, haye, hear, heat, heer, hera, here, herr, hert, hery, hete, hyte, race, rach, racy, rare, rate, rath, rear, rect, reet, rete, rhea, rhet, tace, tach, tahr, tare, tarr, tche, tchr, tear, teca, tech, teer, tehr, tera, terr, thae, thar, thea, thee, they, trac, trah, tray, tree, trey, trye, tyee, tyer, tyrr, yare, yarr, yate, yeah, year, yeat, yech, yere, yeta, yeth

3 Letter Words for Treachery

ace, ach, act, acy, aer, arc, are, arr, art, ary, ate, aye, ayr, car, cat, cay, cee, cer, cha, che, crt, cry, cte, ctr, ear, eat, ech, ect, eec, eer, era, ere, err, ert, eta, etc, eth, ety, eye, eyr, hae, hat, hay, hee, her, het, hey, hye, rah, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, ree, reh, rha, rhe, rhy, rte, rya, rye, tar, tay, tch, tea, tec, tee, ter, tha, the, thy, tra, try, tye, tyr, yah, yar, yat, yea, yee, yeh, yer, yet

Definitions for Treachery

[1] violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason.
[2] an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason.
[3] the act or an instance of wilful betrayal
[4] the disposition to betray

Words related to Treachery

infidelity, betrayal, treason, fake, flimflam, whitewash, scam, falseness, duplicity, sellout, dodge, gyp, perfidy, perfidiousness, spoof, disaffection, put-on, racket, corruption, double-dealing

Words nearby Treachery

traymobile, trazodone, trc, tre corde, treacherous, treachery, treacle, treacle mustard, tread, tread the boards, tread water

Origin of Treachery

1175–1225; Middle English trecherie < Middle French, Old French, equivalent to trech(ier ) to deceive + -erie -ery

Word origin for Treachery

C13: from Old French trecherie , from trechier to cheat; compare trick

Synonyms for Treachery

betrayal, infidelity, treason, bunco, corruption, disaffection, dodge, double-dealing, duplicity, faithlessness, fake, falseness, flimflam, gyp, perfidiousness, perfidy, put-on, racket, scam, sellout, spoof, whitewash, dirty dealing, dirty pool, dirty trick, dirty work, double-cross, fast shuffle, grift, recreancy, shell game, skin game, stab in the back, sweet talk, treacherousness, two-timing