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Showing words for TREMBLES using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Trembles
7 Letter Words for Trembles
6 Letter Words for Trembles
5 Letter Words for Trembles
4 Letter Words for Trembles
3 Letter Words for Trembles
Definitions for Trembles
[1] to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or cold; quake; quiver.
[2] to be troubled with fear or apprehension.
[3] (of things) to be affected with vibratory motion.
[4] to be tremulous, as light or sound: His voice trembled.
[5] the act of trembling.
[6] a state or fit of trembling.
[7] trembles, (used with a singular verb ) Pathology . milk sickness. Veterinary Pathology . a toxic condition of cattle and sheep caused by the eating of white snakeroot and characterized by muscular tremors.
[8] Also called: milk sickness a disease of cattle and sheep characterized by muscular incoordination and tremor, caused by ingestion of white snakeroot or rayless goldenrod
[9] a nontechnical name for Parkinson's disease
[10] to vibrate with short slight movements; quiver
[11] to shake involuntarily, as with cold or fear; shiver
[12] to experience fear or anxiety
[13] the act or an instance of trembling
Words related to Trembles
tremblequiver, throb, wobble, shudder, shiver, flutter, totter, palpitate, teeter, jar, quake, rock, tremor, quaver, oscillate, jitter
Words nearby Trembles
trembletrellised, trelliswork, trematoda, trematode, trematodiasis, tremble, trembler, trembles, trembling poplar, trembly, tremendous
Origin of Trembles
1275–1325; Middle English trem(b)len (v.) < Old French trembler < Vulgar Latin *tremulāre, derivative of Latin tremulus tremulous
Other words from Trembles
trem·bling·ly , adverb
un·trem·bling , adjective
un·trem·bling·ly , adverb
Word origin for Trembles
C14: from Old French trembler , from Medieval Latin tremulāre , from Latin tremulus quivering, from tremere to quake
Synonyms for Trembles
flutter, quiver, shiver, shudder, throb, wobble, jar, jitter, oscillate, palpitate, quake, quaver, rock, teeter, totter, tremor, have the shakes