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Showing words for TREMOR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Tremor
5 Letter Words for Tremor
4 Letter Words for Tremor
3 Letter Words for Tremor
Definitions for Tremor
[1] involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, weakness, or excitement; a fit of trembling.
[2] any tremulous or vibratory movement; vibration: tremors following an earthquake.
[3] a trembling or quivering effect, as of light.
[4] a quavering sound, as of the voice.
[5] an involuntary shudder or vibration, as from illness, fear, shock, etc
[6] any trembling or quivering movement
[7] a vibrating or trembling effect, as of sound or light
[8] Also called: earth tremor a minor earthquake
[9] (intr) to tremble
Words related to Tremor
shiver, upheaval, earthquake, vibration, quiver, quivering, wobble, agitation, quaver, trepidation, quake, shake, ripple, tremble, flutter, shivering, trembling, quaking
Words nearby Tremor
tremissis, tremolant, tremolite, tremolo, tremolo arm, tremor, tremulant, tremulous, trenail, trench, trench coat
Origin of Tremor
1325–75; Middle English < Latin: a trembling, equivalent to trem(ere ) to tremble + -or -or1
Other words from Tremor
trem·or·ous , adjective
Word origin for Tremor
C14: from Latin: a shaking, from tremere to tremble, quake
Synonyms for Tremor
earthquake, shiver, upheaval, vibration, agitation, flutter, quake, quaking, quaver, quiver, quivering, ripple, shake, shivering, tremble, trembling, trepidation, wobble