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Showing words for TRIO using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Trio

riot, roit, roti, tori, trio

3 Letter Words for Trio

ort, rio, rit, roi, rot, rti, toi, tor, tri

Definitions for Trio

[1] a musical composition for three voices or instruments.
[2] a company of three singers or players.
[3] any group of three persons or things.
[4] a subordinate division of a minuet, scherzo, march, etc., usually in a contrasted key and style (perhaps originally written for three instruments or in three parts).
[5] a group of three people or things
[6] music a group of three singers or instrumentalists or a piece of music composed for such a group a subordinate section in a scherzo, minuet, etc, that is contrastive in style and often in a related key
[7] piquet three cards of the same rank

Words related to Trio

threesome, triumvirate, trilogy, troika, leash, triple, triad, trinity, trine, triplet, triangle, triplicate, triptych, trey, ternion, triune

Words nearby Trio

trinketry, trinocular, trinodal, trinomial, trinucleotide, trio, trio sonata, triode, trioecious, triol, triolein

Origin of Trio

1715–25; < Italian, equivalent to tri- tri- + (du)o two

Word origin for Trio

C18: from Italian, ultimately from Latin trēs three; compare duo

Synonyms for Trio

threesome, trilogy, triumvirate, leash, ternion, trey, triad, triangle, trine, trinity, triple, triplet, triplicate, triptych, troika, triune