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Showing words for TRISOCTAHEDRON using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron


13 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron


12 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

considerator, dehortations, recordations, retroactions, stercoration, tetrachordon

11 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

achondrites, anorthosite, carotenoids, coordinates, corrodentia, decorations, dehortation, detractions, dracontites, entocarotid, icosahedron, nitrostarch, octahedrons, orchestrina, orchestrion, orientators, orthocaines, recordation, restoration, retractions, retroaction, stenochoria, tetrachords, thecodontia, triaconters, trochanters

10 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

achondrite, acroterion, aerodontic, anchorites, anecdotist, anorthites, antechoirs, anthoceros, anticorset, attosecond, carnotites, carotenoid, carrotiest, cartoonish, cartoonist, chaetodons, chaetodont, chinaroots, chitarrone, chondrites, choristate, cinerators, coheritors, coniroster, contraried, contraries, contrasted, contraster, contristed, coordinate, corianders, coronadite, coronaries, corrodents, cotheorist, cottonades, decoration, decorators, denitrator, detonators, detortions, detraction, detractors, dishonorer, distracter, ditrochean, doctorates, doctrinate, donatories, draconites, endorachis, hierocrats, honoraries, hortations, intershoot, notharctid, octahedron, octonaries, orchardist, orchestian, ordanchite, orientator, orthocaine, orthoceras, rachiodont, radiothons, recontrast, redactions, reinstator, retortions, retraction, retrodicts, rheostatic, rhinoceros, rhinocerot, rhodonites, richardson, scortation, starchroot, straichter, tetarconid, tetrachord, thecodonts, theodosian, theriodont, threnodist, trachodont, traditores, trenchards, triaconter, trihedrons, trochanter, trochoides

9 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

acrodonts, actioners, adroitest, anchorets, anchorite, aniseroot, anoretics, anorthite, anorthose, antechoir, anteriors, antherids, antheroid, antidotes, archettos, arrhenoid, arthrodic, astricted, athetoids, athetosic, atroscine, carnotite, carrotins, carthorse, cartooned, castorite, catenoids, centroids, certosina, certosino, chaetodon, chantries, charioted, charriest, chinaroot, chondrite, chordates, chorister, choroidea, chrisroot, cinerator, cirrhosed, citronade, coattends, coeditors, coheritor, consorted, consorter, consortia, constated, contorted, contraire, contraste, corantoes, cordaites, cordarone, cordiners, coriander, corinthes, cornetist, coronated, coronates, corotated, corotates, corrasion, corrodant, corrodent, corrodies, corsetior, cortinate, cortisone, cosenator, costander, costarred, cotraitor, cottonade, creations, creditors, creodonta, creodonts, cristated, crostarie, crotonate, deathroot, decantist, decorator, derations, detonator, detorsion, detortion, detractor, dicentras, dictators, dinoceras, dioscorea, directors, disanchor, discanter, discatter, dishorner, disthrone, distorter, doctorate, doctrines, dotations, endaortic, escharoid, estradiot, hairstone, hardcores, heartroot, heatronic, hesitator, hierocrat, hoarstone, horridest, horsecart, hortation, hortensia, hortesian, inchoated, inchoates, inodorate, instarred, interacts, interarch, interdash, interroad, intershot, intoothed, ironheads, isochrone, isooctane, iterators, narcotist, nitrators, nitrosate, northeast, notchiest, notecards, ochidores, octohedra, odonatist, orationer, oratories, oratrices, orchestia, orchestra, orchidean, ordainers, ordinates, ordinator, orthicons, orthosite, orthotics, oscitated, ostracine, ostracion, ostracite, ostracode, ostracoid, radiothon, rancheros, rancidest, ratooners, rattooned, reactions, recitando, recordant, recordist, redaction, redactors, redthroat, reordains, resonator, restation, restraint, retirants, retorsion, retortion, retraicts, retransit, retroacts, retrodict, rheocords, rhetorics, rhodesian, rhodonite, rhotacist, roadstone, roncadors, rondacher, rondaches, rostrated, rotations, rotatores, rottenish, sainthood, sarcodine, sartorite, schnorred, scorodite, scorrendo, secration, senhorita, serranoid, serration, shortcoat, snatchier, socotrine, sonicated, sonicator, sortation, starchier, statehood, stationed, stationer, stercorin, sticheron, stonechat, storiated, stratonic, taconites, tandooris, tarnished, tarnisher, tartronic, testicond, tetracids, tetraiodo, tetraonid, tetrarchs, theandric, theatrics, thecodont, theocrats, theoricon, therodont, thionates, thoriated, thorniest, thrasonic, threnodic, thridaces, throatier, toadstone, torchiers, torchiest, toreadors, tornadoes, torridest, torticone, tortrices, toscanite, tracheids, trachodon, tractions, traditors, trainshed, trainster, tranchets, tranchoir, transited, transiter, trashtrie, trenchard, trichords, tricornes, tricosane, trihedron, trinchera, trisector, tritocone, trochites, trochoids

8 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

achiotes, achroite, aconites, acridest, acridone, acrodont, acroters, actinost, actioned, actioner, actiones, actorish, adhesion, adorners, adroiter, adstrict, ancestor, anchored, anchorer, anchoret, andorite, andosite, aneroids, anerotic, anestric, anoretic, anorthic, anterior, antherid, anthroic, antidote, antihero, antrorse, archeion, archetto, archines, arctotis, arnottos, arointed, arrosion, arsonite, asconoid, asterion, asteroid, asthenic, asthorin, astonied, astroite, atchison, athetoid, athonite, attorned, canister, canoeist, canotier, cantiest, cantoris, cantreds, cardines, cardooer, cardoons, carniest, carotids, carotins, carreton, carrions, carrotin, carstone, cartiest, cartoned, cartoner, cartoons, castorin, catenoid, cathodes, cathoods, catodont, catstone, centoist, centrist, centroid, ceratins, ceration, ceratoid, cestrian, cetrarin, chanters, chantier, chantors, chariest, chariots, charoset, charters, chartist, chatters, chattier, chatties, cheroots, chinotto, chistera, chitosan, chitters, choanite, choanoid, chondres, chondria, choosier, chordate, choreoid, chorines, chorions, choroids, chresard, christed, christen, chronist, cirrated, cirrhose, cisterna, citators, citherns, citrated, citrates, citterns, coardent, coattend, codeinas, codettas, coeditor, coehorns, cohesion, cohosted, cointers, condores, consider, constate, contoise, contorta, contorts, contrade, contrair, contrast, contrate, contrist, contrite, cooniest, coonties, coordain, coosined, corantos, cordinar, cordiner, cordites, coresort, cornetti, cornetto, cornetts, corniest, corodies, coronate, coroners, coronets, corotate, corrades, corridas, corridos, corrodes, corsaint, cortinas, cosharer, costated, cotesian, cotonier, cottidae, cottiers, cottised, cottoids, cottoned, cottoner, cransier, crateris, creation, creators, creditor, creodont, cretoria, crinated, cristate, critters, croisade, croisard, crooners, crottins, dainteth, danciest, dartrose, decorist, deontics, deration, detracts, detrains, dhooties, diatrons, dicentra, dictates, dictator, diocesan, director, disenact, disheart, dishonor, distance, distater, distract, ditchers, docosane, doctrine, donaries, donatist, donators, doorcase, dortiest, dotation, dracones, drainers, droniest, echidnas, editchar, enactors, endocast, endorsor, endosarc, entastic, entosarc, eranthis, erratics, esthonia, etchants, hadronic, hairnets, hairsted, handiest, handrest, hardcore, hardiest, hardnose, haricots, harrison, heartrot, hedonics, hedonist, henroost, heritors, herodian, hesitant, hindcast, hoarders, hoariest, honorers, hoodiest, hootiest, horation, hordeins, horniest, hornitos, horsecar, hortator, hottonia, idocrase, inarched, inarches, inchased, inchoate, indorser, indorsor, inearths, inroader, inrooted, insearch, instated, interact, intorted, intrados, introrse, irascent, irenarch, ironhard, ironhead, ironshod, ironshot, isochore, isochron, iterator, nacrites, nadorite, nictated, nictates, nidorose, nitrated, nitrates, nitrator, northers, northest, notaries, notchers, notchier, notecard, notechis, noticers, oceanids, ochidore, octonare, odonates, odontist, odorants, oestrian, oestroid, orarions, orations, oratoric, orchanet, orchards, ordainer, ordinars, ordinate, ordosite, ornatest, ornithes, orthicon, orthotic, ortstein, oscitant, oscitate, ostinato, ostracod, ostracon, ostraite, ostreoid, otherist, otocrane, otorrhea, rachides, radicose, ranchero, ranchers, rancider, rancored, randiest, ratchets, rationed, ratooned, ratooner, rattoner, rattoons, reaction, reactors, readorns, reanchor, recharts, rections, redactor, redcoats, redroots, redshirt, redshort, redstart, reordain, resnatch, resorcin, restitch, restrain, restrict, retation, retirant, retracts, retraict, retrains, retraits, retroact, rheocord, rheocrat, rheostat, rheotron, rhetoric, rhodanic, rhodesia, rhodoras, richtest, ricottas, ridottos, roadster, roariest, rodentia, roncador, rondache, rootiest, rootsier, rortiest, rosinate, rostrate, rostroid, rotaries, rotation, rotators, rotchies, sarconet, sardonic, saronide, scaithed, scantier, scattier, scenario, schooner, scordato, scratted, scratter, secodont, secondar, sectator, sectroid, sedation, senorita, serotina, serranid, serratic, setation, shandite, shantied, sharnier, sheraton, shortite, snatched, snatcher, snitched, snitcher, snootier, snortier, snottier, sonicate, sororate, sorrance, sorrento, sortance, stanched, stancher, standeth, starched, starcher, stenotic, stichado, stichera, stitched, stitcher, stodtone, stonecat, storeria, storiate, stradico, stradine, stradiot, straicht, strained, strainer, straited, straiten, straiter, strander, striated, stricter, strident, stridhan, strontia, strontic, strother, tachiste, tacnodes, taconite, tacrines, tactions, tanchoir, tandoori, tandoors, tardiest, tarnside, tarriest, tartines, technist, tenorist, tentoria, teratoid, terrains, tertians, testandi, testcard, tetanics, tetanoid, tetracid, tetradic, tetrarch, tetrodon, tetronic, theatric, theatron, theocrat, theorica, theorics, theorist, theriacs, therians, thiasote, thioacet, thionate, thirsted, thirster, thoriate, thorites, thornier, thornset, thranite, thridace, thrinter, thristed, throated, toastier, toheroas, toiseach, tonetics, toothier, torchare, torchers, torchier, torchons, tordions, toreador, tornades, tornadic, torrents, tortoise, tortonis, tracheid, traction, tractors, traditor, trahison, trainers, traitors, tranches, tranchet, tranects, transect, transire, tranters, trashier, triander, triarchs, triaster, trichode, trichord, tricorne, tricorns, tridarns, tridents, trihedra, tritones, trochars, trochart, trochate, trochite, trochoid, tronador, trostera

7 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

acetins, acetoin, acheron, achiest, achiote, acidest, acinose, acnodes, aconite, acorned, acrider, acroter, actions, adonist, adonite, adorers, adorner, adornos, adrench, aeonist, airshed, airshot, airthed, aitches, anchors, andrite, aneroid, anestri, anither, anorchi, another, anthers, anthoid, anthood, anticor, antired, antoeci, antsier, archers, archest, archine, archons, archont, archsin, arcsine, arctoid, ardoise, arenoid, aridest, arnotto, aroints, arrides, arrondi, arsenic, arshine, arsoite, arsonic, arterin, arthron, artiest, artiste, artsier, asiento, asterid, asterin, asthore, astoned, astrict, astride, astrier, astrion, astroid, atheist, athenor, athirst, atishoo, atoners, atonics, atonies, atresic, atretic, attends, attired, attirer, attires, attonce, attones, attorns, cahiers, cahoots, cairned, candier, candies, candite, candors, caniest, canters, cantest, cantier, cantish, cantors, cantred, carders, cardies, cardios, cardons, cardoon, cariose, carites, carnets, carnied, carnier, carnies, carnose, carotid, carotin, carotte, carried, carries, carrion, carroon, carrots, carters, cartier, cartons, cartoon, caserio, cashier, casinet, casteth, cathern, catheti, cathine, cathion, cathode, cathood, cations, cattier, catties, cattish, centiar, centrad, cerasin, ceratin, ceroons, cerosin, cerotin, certain, certhia, certosa, cestida, cestoda, cestoid, cetonia, chadors, chained, chainer, chaines, chaired, chairer, chandoo, chanted, chanter, chantie, chantor, charets, charier, charies, chariot, charred, charros, charted, charter, chasten, chaster, chatons, chatted, chatter, chattis, chenars, cheroot, chiders, chinars, chinsed, chirred, chirren, chirres, chirted, chitons, chitose, chitted, chitter, choired, chondre, chondri, chooser, chordae, choreas, chorine, chorion, choriso, chorist, choroid, chorten, chrotta, cinders, cineast, cirrate, cirrose, cistern, cistron, citator, cithern, cithers, citrate, citrean, citrons, cittern, coadore, coarsen, coarser, coasted, coaster, coaters, coation, codeias, codeina, codetta, coedits, coehorn, coheads, coheirs, cohitre, cohorns, cohorts, coiners, cointer, conders, condies, condite, condors, conoids, consort, constat, conster, contest, contise, contoid, contort, contras, contrat, coonier, coontah, coontie, cooried, coories, cooters, cooties, coraise, coranto, cordant, cordate, corders, cordies, cordite, cordons, corinth, corneas, corners, cornets, cornett, cornier, cornish, cornist, coronad, coronas, coroner, coronet, coronis, corrade, corrida, corrido, corries, corrode, corsair, corsite, corsned, cortaro, cortian, cortina, cortine, cortins, costard, costate, costean, cotised, cotonia, cotrine, cottars, cotters, cottids, cottier, cottise, cottoid, cottons, crashed, crasher, craters, cratons, creasot, creator, credits, creston, cretins, cretion, cretons, crinate, crinose, cristae, critter, croisad, cronets, cronied, cronies, cronish, crooned, crooner, crosier, crotons, crottin, ctenoid, dachsie, dacites, dacoits, dacrons, dahoons, dancers, dancier, darcies, darners, darrein, darters, dartoic, dartres, dashier, deacons, dearths, deathin, decants, decator, dehorns, dehorts, dentist, deontic, descant, descort, destain, detachs, detains, detorts, detract, detrain, detroit, dhooras, dhootie, dhootis, dhoties, diantre, diaster, diatron, diceros, dictate, dineros, directs, discant, discern, discoer, dishorn, disrate, disroot, distant, distent, disterr, distort, ditcher, ditches, dithers, ditones, doaters, doatish, docents, dochter, doctors, donates, donatio, donator, donsier, dorters, dortier, dotants, dotarie, dotchin, dotiest, dotters, dottier, drachen, dracone, drainer, drastic, droichs, droners, dronier, dronish, drosera, earcons, earshot, echards, echidna, echnida, echoist, editors, enactor, enchair, endarch, endarts, enroots, entotic, entrist, eranist, erasion, eriachs, erosion, erotica, erotics, errands, errants, erratic, estadio, estonia, estrado, estrich, etacist, etchant, ethions, ethnics, hadrons, hairdos, hairnet, handers, handier, handset, hardens, hardest, hardier, hardies, hardset, haricot, haroset, harried, harries, harriet, hartens, hartite, hastier, hatreds, hatters, hectors, hedonic, henotic, herdics, heriots, heritor, hernias, heroics, heroins, heroons, hinders, hinters, hiodont, histone, hitters, hoarder, hoarier, hoarsen, hoarser, hoasted, hoidens, hoisted, hoister, honored, honorer, hoodier, hoodies, hoosier, hooters, hootier, hordein, hornero, horners, hornets, hornier, hornist, hornito, horrent, horsier, hortite, hotrods, hotters, hotties, iceroot, inchase, inchers, inchest, incrash, increst, indarts, indoors, inearth, inroads, insecta, inshade, inshoot, inshore, insooth, instate, instead, instore, intorts, intrado, intrate, iodates, iratest, ironers, isochor, isocrat, isodont, isotach, isotone, isotron, iterant, nacrite, naither, narcist, narcose, nardoos, nastier, natches, natters, nattier, nearish, nectars, nerdish, nerodia, nichers, nictate, nidaros, nidates, nitrate, nitroso, noetics, noreast, norites, northed, norther, notated, notates, notator, notched, notcher, notches, noticed, noticer, notices, notoire, oariest, oceanid, ochones, ochroid, octanes, octants, octoate, octrois, odonate, odontic, odorant, odorate, oestrid, ohioans, oncetta, oneidas, onshore, onstead, ontario, ooriest, ootheca, oraches, oracies, oraison, orantes, orarion, oration, orators, orcanet, orceins, orchard, orchats, orchids, orcines, ordains, ordinar, ordines, orients, ornater, ornoite, oroides, orrhoid, orrices, orthant, orthian, orthite, orthose, orthron, orthros, oscnode, osteoid, osteria, ostiate, ostrich, otaries, otarine, rachets, raciest, radices, radient, raiders, ranched, rancher, ranches, ranchos, rancors, randers, randier, randies, randori, ranters, ratched, ratcher, ratches, ratchet, rathest, rathite, ratines, rations, ratites, ratoons, ratshit, rattens, ratters, rattier, rattish, rattons, rattoon, reactor, readorn, recants, rechain, rechant, rechaos, rechart, recoast, recoats, recoins, records, recroon, rection, rectors, redacts, redcoat, redroot, rehoist, rehonor, rescind, reshoot, resiant, restain, restant, restart, restiad, retains, retards, retinas, retints, retoast, retooth, retorts, retract, retrain, retrait, retsina, rettorn, rhaetic, rheotan, rhesian, rhetors, rhodian, rhodies, rhodite, rhodora, richard, richens, richest, richted, richter, ricotta, ridotto, rioters, risotto, ritards, ritters, roached, roaches, roadeos, roaders, roadies, roadite, roasted, roaster, rochets, rociest, rodents, rodster, roisted, roister, roosted, rooster, rooters, rootier, rooties, roriest, rosario, rosated, roscian, rosetan, rosidae, rosined, rosited, rosttra, rotated, rotates, rotator, rotches, rotchie, rothers, rotonda, rotonde, rottans, rottens, rotters, sadiron, sainted, sancord, sandier, santero, santoor, sarcine, sarcode, sarcoid, sardine, saronic, satient, satined, satinet, scanted, scanter, scarier, scaroid, scarred, scarted, scathed, scatted, scatter, schnorr, scooted, scooter, scoriae, scorned, scorner, scotino, scottie, scrithe, scrotta, seatron, secondi, secondo, section, senator, senhora, seorita, sericon, serrano, serrati, sertion, setarid, shadier, shadine, shatter, sheitan, sheriat, sheroot, shirred, shirted, shitted, shitten, shoader, shooter, shorted, shorten, shorter, shortia, shotted, shotten, shotter, shrined, sidecar, sierran, siredon, snarier, snarred, snicher, snocher, snooted, snorted, snorter, snotted, snotter, snottie, sociate, sodaine, sonoric, soothed, soother, sootied, sootier, sorance, sorchin, sordine, sordino, soredia, sorehon, sornare, sornari, soroche, sortied, sortita, sotadic, sothiac, stacher, stadion, staider, stained, stainer, staired, staithe, stander, starned, starnie, starred, started, starter, startor, statice, station, stearic, stearin, steatin, stentor, sternad, steroid, stertor, sthenia, sthenic, stinted, stinter, stirrah, stirred, stoater, stoited, stoiter, stonied, stonier, stooden, stooter, storied, storier, straint, stratic, strenth, stretch, striate, striche, strider, stridor, tachist, tacnode, tacrine, taction, tactoid, tainted, taintor, tandoor, tanrecs, tanties, tantric, tarchon, tardier, tardies, tarhood, tarnish, tarried, tarries, tarrish, tarsier, tartier, tartine, tartish, tastier, teadish, technos, tectona, tendoor, tendrac, teratic, tercios, terrain, territs, tersion, tertian, tertias, testoon, tetanic, tetrads, tetrdra, thecoid, thenars, theoria, theoric, theriac, therian, theroid, thetics, thonder, thorias, thorina, thorite, thorned, thorons, thorter, threads, threats, threnos, throats, throned, thrones, thronoi, thronos, tierods, tierras, tietacs, tincted, tinders, tinters, tirades, titches, tithers, toadier, toadies, toadish, toasted, toaster, toastie, tochers, toheroa, toisech, tonetic, toniest, tonites, tooarts, toonies, toories, tooshie, tooters, toothed, toother, tootsed, tootsie, torched, torcher, torches, torchet, torchon, tordion, toreros, tornade, tornado, tornesi, tornote, toroids, torrens, torrent, torrets, torrone, torsade, torsion, tortoni, toshier, tostado, tothers, tracers, tracted, tractor, traders, tradite, trained, trainer, traitor, tranced, trances, tranche, tranect, transit, tranted, tranter, trashed, trasher, treason, treator, triarch, tricars, tricorn, tricots, tridarn, trident, trinode, triodes, trioecs, triones, trisect, trishna, tristan, tritone, tritons, troades, troated, trocars, trochar, troched, troches, trochid, trothed

6 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

acerin, acetin, achier, achter, acider, acinos, acnode, acoine, acorns, acrite, acrons, acrose, actine, actins, action, actons, actors, adcons, adhort, adient, adonic, adonis, adoors, adorer, adores, adorno, adorns, adreno, adrent, adroit, aeonic, aethon, ahorse, aiders, airers, airest, airned, airted, airths, anchor, anchos, anders, andric, anetic, anitos, anodes, anodic, anodos, anorth, anotto, anteri, anther, anthos, antics, antido, antres, aorist, aortic, arched, archei, archer, arches, archie, archin, archit, archon, arcose, arcsin, ardent, ardish, ardito, ardors, ardris, areito, aretts, arider, ariose, arioso, arised, arisen, ariser, ariste, aristo, aroids, aroint, arrect, arrent, arrest, arrets, arride, arrish, arrode, arseno, arshin, arsine, arsino, arsono, artics, artier, arties, artist, artois, ascend, ascent, ascher, ascite, ashier, ashine, ashore, asiden, asnort, astern, astert, astint, astite, astond, astone, astore, astrer, astron, athens, athort, atoned, atoner, atones, atonic, atroce, attend, attern, atterr, attice, attics, attire, attone, attorn, cadent, cadets, cadies, cadish, cadres, cahier, cahoot, cairds, cairns, candie, candor, canehs, caners, canids, canier, canoed, canoes, canted, canter, canthi, cantor, cantos, caoine, carder, cardie, cardin, cardio, cardis, cardon, carers, carest, carets, caried, carien, caries, carnet, carone, caroon, carrot, carson, carted, carter, cartes, carton, casein, casern, cashed, casher, cashoo, casino, casted, casten, caster, castor, castro, caters, cathin, cathro, cation, catted, catter, cattie, cearin, cedarn, cedars, cedrat, cedrin, cedron, censor, centai, centas, centos, centra, centro, cerias, ceroid, ceroon, cerris, certis, cestoi, ceston, chador, chadri, chaine, chains, chairs, chaise, chandi, chanst, chants, chaori, chards, chared, charer, chares, charet, charie, charon, charro, charrs, charts, chased, chaser, chasid, chaste, chaton, chatti, cheats, chedar, chenar, cherna, cherts, cheson, chider, chides, chidra, chinar, chinas, chined, chines, chinoa, chinos, chinse, chints, chiros, chirre, chirrs, chirts, chiton, chitra, choate, choirs, choise, chonta, choora, choose, chorda, chords, chorea, chored, chorei, chores, choria, chorio, chosen, choson, chotts, christ, ciders, cinder, cinter, cistae, cisted, citers, cither, citron, cnidae, coarse, coated, coater, coates, coatie, coatis, codeia, codens, coders, codist, codons, coedit, cohead, coheir, cohens, cohert, cohoes, cohorn, cohort, cohost, coined, coiner, conder, condie, condor, condos, conias, conite, conoid, conred, constr, contas, conter, contes, contos, contra, cooers, cooner, coorie, coosen, cooser, coosin, cooter, cootie, corder, cordia, cordis, cordon, coreid, corers, cories, corita, cornea, corned, corner, cornet, corona, corone, correo, corrie, corser, corset, corsie, cortes, cortin, coseat, coshed, cosher, cosine, costar, costed, coster, costia, cotans, cothon, cotise, cotoin, cotset, cottar, cottas, cotted, cotter, cottid, cotton, craned, craner, cranes, cranet, crants, crares, crated, crater, crates, craton, creant, credit, credos, crenas, cretan, cretin, criant, criers, crined, crines, crinet, crista, criths, croise, crones, cronet, cronie, croons, croose, crores, croset, crosne, crotin, croton, dacite, dacoit, dacron, dahoon, daines, dancer, dances, danios, danish, daoine, darers, darics, darner, darres, darter, dartos, dartre, dasein, dasher, daters, dation, dattos, deacon, deairs, dearns, dearth, deaths, decani, decant, decart, decast, decoat, decons, decors, dehair, dehorn, dehors, dehort, deinos, denari, denaro, denars, derats, derris, derths, dertra, destin, detach, detain, detant, detort, dhoora, dhooti, dhotie, dhotis, diarch, dicast, dicers, dichas, dichts, dicots, dinars, dinero, diners, diotas, direct, direst, dirten, disert, disher, dister, dither, ditone, ditton, dittos, doater, docent, doctor, doesnt, dohter, donahs, donate, donors, donsie, doonas, doorns, dorcas, dorian, dories, dornic, dorser, dorter, dosain, dotant, dotate, doters, dother, dotier, dotish, dotter, dracin, draine, drains, drants, drears, dreich, dreint, drench, dretch, drices, driech, driers, driest, droich, droits, droner, drones, dronet, dronte, eadios, eadish, earcon, earths, echard, edicts, edison, editor, enacts, enarch, enatic, encash, encist, endart, endash, endict, enhort, eniacs, enrich, enroot, enstar, entach, entria, eoiths, eriach, ericad, ericas, erotic, errand, errant, eschar, escort, escrod, esodic, estado, estrin, ethics, ethion, ethnic, ethnos, ettins, hadron, hained, haints, hairdo, haired, hairen, hairse, hairst, hanced, hances, hander, hanted, haoris, harden, harder, hardie, harico, harier, harrid, harris, harten, hartin, hasted, hasten, haster, haters, hatred, hatted, hatter, heards, hearst, hearts, hectar, hector, herdic, heriot, hernia, heroic, heroid, heroin, herons, heroon, hersir, hestia, hiders, hieron, hieros, hinder, hindoo, hinted, hinter, hirers, histed, hister, histon, hitter, hoards, hoared, hoarse, hoenir, hoiden, hoised, hondas, honers, honest, honors, hoodie, hoondi, hoords, hooted, hooter, horace, hordes, horned, horner, hornet, horrid, horsed, horser, horson, horste, hosier, hosted, hoster, hostie, hotrod, hotted, hotter, hottie, ichors, icones, idants, inarch, incast, incest, inched, incher, inches, incord, incorr, indart, indear, indoor, inerts, inocor, inroad, insect, insert, inshoe, instar, intact, inters, intoed, intort, introd, intros, iodate, ionate, irades, irater, ironed, ironer, irones, irrate, ischar, ishtar, isotac, itched, itches, ithand, naches, nachos, nacred, nacres, nadirs, nahoor, narced, narcos, nardoo, nastic, nather, natter, nectar, neosho, nerita, nestor, netcha, nicads, nicest, niched, nicher, niches, nichts, nidate, nidors, niters, nither, nitred, nitros, nitter, noctis, nodose, noecho, noetic, noires, noised, noosed, nooser, norard, norate, nordic, norias, norice, norite, norito, norths, noshed, nosher, nosier, nosite, nosode, noster, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, notate, noters, nother, notice, notist, nritta, oarier, oaters, oathed, oceans, ochers, ochone, ochrea, octads, octane, octans, octant, octdra, octets, octine, octoad, octode, octoid, octose, octroi, odeons, oecist, ohioan, ohones, ointed, oncers, oncost, oneida, onside, onsite, ooecia, oorier, oosier, ootids, orache, orachs, orante, orants, orated, orates, orator, orcein, orchat, orchen, orchid, orchis, orcine, orcins, ordain, orders, oreads, orenda, oretic, orians, orient, orihon, orison, orites, ornate, ornith, oroide, orrice, orthic, orthid, orthos, oscine, ostein, ostend, ostent, ostrca, ostrea, others, otiant, otides, otiose, ottars, otters, racers, raches, rachet, rachis, racier, racine, racion, racist, racons, radion, radios, radish, radons, raider, rained, rainer, raines, rairds, raised, raiser, raison, raited, ranced, rancer, rances, ranche, rancho, rancid, rancio, rancor, rander, randie, randir, ranids, ranted, ranter, rarest, rarish, rashed, rasher, rasion, rasoir, raster, ratero, raters, rathed, rather, ratine, ration, ratios, ratite, ratoon, ratoos, ratted, ratten, ratter, ratton, reacts, reason, recado, recant, recart, recash, recast, rechar, recits, recoat, recoin, recond, recons, record, recost, rector, rectos, redact, redans, redarn, redart, redias, redons, rehair, rehood, reirds, renish, renoir, reroot, resaid, rescan, reshod, reshot, resina, resort, restir, retain, retard, retina, retint, retira, retorn, retort, retrad, retrod, retros, retrot, rhason, rhedas, rhenic, rhetor, rhines, rhinos, rhodes, rhodic, rhodie, rhones, rhotic, ricers, richea, riched, richen, richer, riches, richts, rident, riders, rinsed, rinser, rioted, rioter, ristra, ritard, ritted, ritter, roadeo, roader, roadie, roared, roarie, roated, roates, rocher, roches, rochet, rocroi, rodent, rodeos, roined, roncet, roncho, roncos, rondes, rondos, roneos, ronier, rontes, roosed, rooser, rooted, rooter, rorted, rosace, roscid, roscoe, rosied, rosier, rosita, rosted, roster, rotate, rotche, rother, rotors, rottan, rotted, rotten, rotter, rottes, sachet, sacred, sained, sainte, saired, sairer, saithe, sancho, sander, sandhi, santir, sarnie, sarode, sarred, sartor, satine, sation, satire, satori, satron, sattie, scaith, scared, scarer, scarid, scarre, scarth, scathe, sceatt, scheat, schone, schoon, sciath, scient, scored, scorer, scoria, scoter, scotia, scrath, screar, scride, scried, scrine, scrite, scrota, sdaine, sdeath, search, secant, second, sector, seitan, sencio, senhor, senior, senora, seroon, seroot, serrai, serran, shader, shaird, shairn, shanti, shared, sharer, sharon, sheard, sheria, shicer, shined, shiner, shinto, shirra, shited, shoder, shonde, shooed, shoran, shorea, shored, shorer, shotte, shrend, shride, shrine, shrite, sierra, sinder, sindoc, sinter, sintoc, sircar, sirdar, sirrah, sirred, sithed, sithen, sittar, sitten, sitter, snaith, snared, snarer, snatch, snathe, sneath, snider, snitch, snithe, snocat, snored, snorer, soared, soarer, sodaic, sodain, soirae, sonder, soneri, sonica, sonora, sooner, sooted, sooter, soothe, sorcer, sordor, sorite, sorned, sorner, sorren, sorroa, sorted, sorter, sortie, sothic, sotnia, sotted, sotter, sottie, stacte, stader, stadic, stadie, staith, stance, stanch, standi, staned, starch, stared, starer, stated, stater, static, statin, stator, steard, stenar, stench, stenia, sterad, steric, sterid, sterin, stetch, stheno, stired, stirra, stirre, stitch, stithe, stoach, stocah, stoned, stoner, stoond, stooth, stored, storer, stoter, stotin, stract, strade, strain, strait, strand, strate, strath, strati, streit, strent, striae, strich, strict, stride, strind, strine, strode, strond, strone, stroot, stroth, taches, tachos, tactor, tainos, tainte, taints, taisch, tanier, tanist, tanrec, tantie, taoist, tarish, tarocs, tarots, tarred, tarres, tarrie, tarted, tarten, tarter, tartro, tashed, tashie, tasted, tasten, taster, taters, tathed, taties, tatoos, tchast, teaish, techno, teinds, tenias, tenors, tensor, tenths, tentor, terais, tercia, tercio, ternar, terran, terras, territ, terron, tertia, tertio, terton, testao, testar, teston, testor, tetard, tetrad, tetrao, tetras, tetric, thanes, thecia, theics, theins, theirn, theirs, theist, thenad, thenar, thetas, thetic, thetin, thetis, thirds, thirst, thooid, thoria, thoric, thorns, thoron, thrace, thrain, thraso, thrast, thread, threat, thrice, thrids, thrist, throat, throed, throes, throne, thsant, tiches, tienda, tienta, tiento, tierod, tietac, tincts, tinder, tineas, tinosa, tinted, tinter, tirade, tiroes, tirred, tirret, tisane, titano, titans, titers, tithed, tither, tithes, toader, tocher, tocsin, todies, toised, toison, toited, tondos, toners, tonics, tonier, tonies, tonish, tonite, tonsor, tooart, toonie, toorie, toosie, tooted, tooter, tooths, torans, torero, torics, torino, toroid, torose, toroth, torret, torrid, torten, tortes, tortie, tortis, tortor, toshed, tosher, tostao, toston, toters, tother, totora, traced, tracer, traces, tracts, trader, trades, trains, traist, traits, trance, transe, trants, treads, treasr, treats, trench, trends, tretis, triace, triacs, triact, triads, tricae, tricar, triced, trices, tricon, tricot, tridra, triens, triers, trined, trines, triode, triors, triose, trisha, triste, triter, trites, triton, tritor, troade, troads, troats, trocar, trocha, troche, trochi, trodes, tronas, troncs, troner, trones, troths

5 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

acers, ached, acher, aches, achoo, achor, acids, acier, acies, acned, acnes, acoin, acone, acorn, acost, acred, acres, acrid, acris, acron, acted, actin, acton, actor, actos, adcon, adion, adios, adits, adore, adorn, adret, aeric, aeron, aesir, ahent, ahind, ahint, aider, aides, aidos, aired, airer, airns, airth, airts, aitch, ancho, ancor, ancre, andes, andor, andre, anise, anode, anser, anted, antes, antic, antis, antre, arced, arces, archd, arche, archt, arder, ardor, ardri, arend, arent, arest, arets, arett, aries, ariot, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, aroid, aroon, arose, arret, arrie, arris, arsed, arson, arter, artic, artsd, ascon, ascot, asdic, ashed, ashen, asher, ashet, ashir, ashot, aside, aster, astir, astor, astre, atocs, atone, atren, atter, attic, attid, cader, cades, cadet, cadie, cadis, cados, cadre, cahot, caids, cains, caird, cairn, cairo, caned, caneh, caner, canes, canid, canis, canoe, canos, canso, canst, canto, cants, cardi, cardo, cards, cared, carer, cares, caret, carid, carne, carns, carot, carri, carrs, carse, carte, carts, cased, caser, caste, cater, cates, catso, cedar, cedis, ceint, centi, cento, cents, ceras, cerat, ceria, cerin, ceros, certs, cesar, cesta, cesti, cetin, chads, chain, chair, chais, chait, chant, chaos, chard, chare, charr, chars, chart, chase, chati, chats, cheat, cheir, chena, chert, chest, chian, chiao, chias, chide, chien, china, chine, chino, chins, chint, chios, chiro, chirr, chirt, chits, chode, choir, chons, chord, chore, chort, chose, chota, chott, chria, chron, ciaos, cider, cides, cines, cions, cires, cista, cited, citer, cites, cnida, coaid, coart, coast, coate, coati, coats, codas, coden, coder, codes, codon, coeds, coeno, cohen, cohoe, cohos, coins, coirs, coits, condo, coned, coner, cones, conia, const, conta, contd, conte, conto, contr, cooed, cooer, coons, coost, cooth, coots, corah, coran, cords, cored, corer, cores, coria, corni, corno, corns, coroa, corse, corso, corta, cosed, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, costa, coste, cotan, coted, cotes, cothe, coths, cotta, cotte, cotts, craie, crain, crane, crans, crare, crash, crate, cread, creda, credo, creds, crena, crest, creta, cried, crier, cries, crine, crise, crith, crits, croat, crois, crone, crood, croon, crore, crosa, crose, crost, csnet, daces, dachs, dacor, daine, daint, dairt, dance, danes, danic, danio, dante, dants, darer, dares, daric, daris, darns, daroo, darre, darst, darts, dashi, dasht, dasnt, datch, dater, dates, datos, datto, deair, deans, dearn, dears, deash, death, decan, decon, decor, decos, deist, denar, denat, dents, deota, derah, derat, deric, derns, derri, derth, desto, detar, detat, detin, dheri, dhoni, dhoon, dhoti, diact, diane, dicer, dices, dicht, dicot, dicta, dicts, diets, dinar, diner, dines, dinos, dints, dioon, diose, diota, dirca, direr, dirts, disco, disna, distn, distr, ditas, ditch, diter, dites, ditto, ditts, doats, docht, doers, doesn, doest, doeth, doina, doits, donah, donar, donas, donat, donec, donet, donis, donor, doona, doorn, doors, doria, doric, doris, dorrs, dorsa, dorse, dorsi, dorts, doseh, doser, doter, dotes, draco, drain, drant, drate, drats, drear, drent, drest, drias, drice, drier, dries, droit, drona, drone, dsect, dtset, eards, earns, earsh, earst, earth, ecads, ecart, echar, ecoid, ectad, edict, edith, edits, eidos, enact, encia, endia, enhat, eniac, enoch, entad, entia, entsi, eoith, eosin, erato, erica, erics, erron, escar, escot, eshin, estoc, estro, ethic, ethid, ethos, etnas, ettin, hades, hadit, hadnt, hadst, haine, hains, haint, haire, hairs, hance, hands, hanoi, hanse, hants, haori, hards, hared, hares, harns, haros, harre, harst, harts, hasid, hasnt, haste, hated, hater, hates, hatte, hatti, heads, heard, hears, heart, heast, heats, heids, heirs, heist, henad, hends, hents, herds, herns, herod, heron, hiant, hiate, hider, hides, hiera, hinds, hints, hired, hiren, hirer, hires, hirse, hirst, hoaed, hoard, hoars, hoast, hoder, hoers, hoise, hoist, honda, hondo, honds, honed, honer, hones, honor, hoods, hoons, hoord, hoose, hoots, horas, horde, horns, horse, horst, hosea, hosed, hosen, hoser, hosta, hotei, hoten, hsian, hsien, icers, iched, iches, ichor, icons, idaho, idant, ideas, ident, idest, ideta, idose, inact, incas, incor, incra, indra, inert, insea, inset, instr, inter, intra, intro, iortn, iotas, irade, irate, irena, ireos, irone, irons, irred, isnad, isort, iters, ither, nache, nacho, nacre, nadir, naish, narco, narcs, nardo, nards, nares, naric, naris, narre, nasch, natch, nates, nathe, nears, neath, neats, necia, necro, neist, nerds, nerts, nicad, nicer, niche, nicht, nides, nidor, niota, nitch, niter, nitos, nitro, nitta, nocht, nodes, nohes, noire, noirs, noise, noose, noria, norie, noris, norit, norse, north, nosed, noser, notch, noted, noter, notes, nsaid, oared, oaric, oaten, oater, oaths, ocean, ocher, oches, ochna, ochro, ocote, ocrea, octad, octan, octas, octet, odahs, odeon, odist, odors, ohare, ohias, ohone, oints, oncer, onces, oncet, oncia, oners, onset, ontic, oohed, oonts, oorie, ootid, orach, orans, orant, orate, orcas, orcin, order, ordos, oread, orion, ornes, ornis, orris, ortet, ortho, oscan, oscar, oscin, oshac, oshea, oside, osier, osone, ostia, otate, other, ottar, otter, ottos, raced, racer, races, rache, racon, radio, radon, rahed, raids, raine, rains, raird, raise, raits, rance, ranch, rands, ranid, rants, rared, rares, rasen, raser, rason, ratch, rated, rater, rates, rathe, raths, ratio, ratoo, ratos, ratti, reach, react, reads, reais, reans, rears, reast, recit, recon, recti, recto, redan, redia, redon, redos, rehid, reich, reina, reins, reird, reist, rends, rents, reran, resat, resid, resin, resit, resod, restr, retan, retar, retch, retia, retin, retro, rheas, rheda, rheic, rhein, rhies, rhine, rhino, rhone, riant, riced, ricer, rices, riche, richt, riden, rider, rides, rinch, rinds, rines, rinse, riots, risen, riser, rites, rithe, ritts, roach, roads, roans, roars, roast, roate, roche, rocta, rodeo, rodes, rohan, roins, roist, ronco, ronde, rondo, roneo, rones, ronte, ronts, roods, roons, roosa, roose, roost, rooti, roots, rores, roric, rorid, rorie, rorts, rosed, roser, roset, roshi, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotan, rotas, rotch, roted, roter, rotes, rotis, rotor, rotos, rotta, rotte, sacre, sacro, sadhe, sadic, saice, saine, saint, saith, sanct, saned, saner, sanit, santo, saone, sared, sarin, sarod, saron, sated, satin, scand, scant, scare, scarn, scart, scath, scatt, sceat, scena, scend, scent, scian, scind, scion, scoad, scone, scoon, scoot, score, scorn, scote, scott, scrae, scran, scrat, scrin, scrit, scrod, scroo, sdein, secno, sedan, senit, senor, senti, seora, serac, serai, seric, serin, serio, seron, serra, serta, seton, shade, shado, shand, shant, shard, share, sharn, shear, sheat, shend, shent, shice, shide, shied, shier, shina, shine, shire, shirr, shirt, shita, shoad, shoat, shode, shone, shood, shooi, shoor, shoot, shore, short, shote, shott, shred, sicer, sicht, sider, sidha, sidhe, sidth, siena, sient, sieth, since, sined, sired, siren, siroc, sirra, sitao, sitar, sitch, sited, sithe, sitta, snare, snath, snead, snide, snirt, snite, snood, snoot, snore, snort, soare, socht, sodic, sodio, sonar, sonce, sonde, sonic, soord, soote, sooth, sorda, sordo, sored, sorer, sorra, sorta, sotho, sotie, stade, staid, stain, staio, stair, stand, stane, stare, starn, starr, start, state, stchi, stead, stean, stear, stech, steid, stein, stend, steno, stent, steri, stern, stero, stert, stich, stied, stine, stint, stion, stire, stite, stith, stoae, stoai, stoat, stoic, stoit, stond, stone, stood, stoon, stoot, store, strad, strae, stria, strid, strit, taces, tacet, tache, tachi, tacho, tachs, tacit, tacos, tacso, tacts, tahin, tahrs, taich, taino, tains, taint, tairn, taise, taish, taits, tanhs, tanti, tanto, tarde, tardo, tared, tares, tarie, tarin, tarns, taroc, taros, tarot, tarre, tarri, tarse, tarsi, tarte, tarts, tasco, taser, taste, tater, tates, taths, tatie, tatin, tatoo, tchad, tchai, teach, teads, tears, teart, teats, techs, tecon, tecta, tehrs, teind, tenai, tench, tendo, tends, tenia, tenio, tenor, tenso, tenth, tents, terai, teras, terna, terns, terra, terrs, terts, testa, tetch, teths, tetra, tetri, thane, thans, thars, thatd, thatn, thats, theat, theca, theia, theic, thein, their, thens, theor, theos, theta, thine, thins, third, thirt, thisn, thone, thore, thorn, thoro, thort, those, thrae, thrid, throe, tiars, ticed, ticer, tices, tides, tiens, tiers, tinca, tinct, tinds, tinea, tined, tines, tinta, tints, tired, tirer, tires, tirrs, tisar, titan, titar, titch, titer, tithe, toads, toast, tocos, todea, toeas, toher, tohos, toise, toist, toits, tondi, tondo, toned, toner, tones, tonic, tonto, toona, toons, toosh, tooth, toots, toran, torch, torcs, tored, tores, toret, toric, toros, torot, torrs, torse, torso, torta, torte, torts, tosca, tosed, toted, toter, totes, trace, tract, trade, trads, train, trait, trans, trant, trash, trats, tread, treas, treat, trend, trest, triac, triad, trias, trica, trice, tride, tried, trier, tries, trina, trine, trins, trior, trios, trist, trite, troad, troat, troca, troch, troco, trode, trods, troic, trois, trona, tronc, trone, trons, troot, troth, trots, tsade, tsadi, tsine

4 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

aced, acer, aces, ache, acid, acne, acor, acre, acth, acts, aden, adet, adit, adon, ador, ados, aero, ahed, aide, aids, aine, ains, aint, aion, aire, airn, airs, airt, aith, aits, ance, ands, anes, anet, anis, anre, ansi, ante, anti, ants, arch, arco, arcs, ards, ared, aren, ares, aret, arid, aris, arni, arno, arri, arte, arts, asci, asin, asio, asor, astr, ated, ates, atis, atoc, atte, attn, cade, cadi, cads, caid, cain, cair, cand, cane, cans, cant, caon, card, care, carn, carr, cars, cart, case, cash, cast, cate, cath, cats, ceas, cedi, cens, cent, cera, cern, cero, cert, cest, ceti, chad, chai, chan, chao, char, chas, chat, chen, cher, chia, chin, chis, chit, chon, ciao, cide, cids, cine, cion, cira, cire, cist, cite, cito, cits, coat, coda, code, codo, cods, coed, coes, coho, coin, coir, coit, cond, cone, coni, cons, cont, coon, coos, coot, cora, cord, core, corn, corr, cors, cort, cose, cosh, cost, cote, coth, coto, cots, cott, cran, cred, cres, crin, cris, crit, croh, crts, dace, daer, daes, dahs, dain, dais, dane, dans, dant, dare, dari, darn, darr, dart, dase, dash, dasi, dast, date, dato, dcor, dean, dear, deas, deco, deia, deis, deni, dens, dent, dern, dero, desc, desi, deti, detn, dhai, dhan, dian, dias, dice, dich, dict, dier, dies, diet, dine, dino, dins, dint, dioc, dire, dirt, disa, disc, dish, dist, dita, dite, dits, ditt, doat, docs, doen, doer, does, doha, doit, dona, done, doni, dons, dont, doon, door, doos, dora, dore, dorn, dorr, dors, dort, dosa, dose, dosh, dost, dote, doth, dots, drat, drch, drie, droh, dsri, each, eadi, eans, eard, earn, ears, east, eath, eats, ecad, echo, echt, ecod, econ, ecto, edhs, edit, eira, endo, ends, ento, entr, eoan, eons, eras, erat, eria, eric, erin, eris, erns, eros, errs, ersh, erst, erth, esca, etas, etat, etch, eths, etic, etna, eton, hade, hads, haec, haen, haes, hain, hair, hait, hand, hani, hans, hant, hard, hare, harn, haro, harr, hart, hasn, hast, hate, hats, hatt, head, hear, heat, heid, heir, hend, hens, hent, hera, herd, hern, hero, herr, hers, hert, hest, hets, hics, hide, hied, hies, hind, hine, hins, hint, hire, hiro, hisn, hist, hits, hoar, hoas, hodr, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoin, hoit, hond, hone, hons, hont, hood, hoon, hoos, hoot, hora, hore, horn, hors, hort, hose, host, hote, hoti, hots, iare, icao, iced, icer, ices, icho, ichs, icod, icon, idea, ideo, ides, inca, inch, incr, inde, inro, inst, inta, into, intr, iocs, iode, iodo, ions, iota, iran, ired, ires, iron, isdn, ised, isnt, isth, itas, itch, iter, nace, nach, naid, naio, nais, naoi, naos, narc, nard, nare, narr, nash, nasi, naso, nast, nato, natr, nats, near, neat, neds, nerd, nesh, nest, neth, neti, nets, nice, nide, nids, nied, nies, nist, nito, nits, noah, node, nodi, nods, noes, noir, nore, nori, nose, nosh, nota, note, nots, nott, nsec, oars, oast, oath, oats, ocas, oche, ochs, ocht, octa, odah, odas, odea, oder, odes, odic, odin, odor, odso, oeci, ohed, ohia, ohio, ohos, oint, onca, once, oner, ones, onst, onto, oohs, ooid, oons, oont, oord, oose, oots, orad, orae, oran, oras, orca, orch, orcs, ordn, ordo, ords, ored, oreo, ores, orna, orra, orth, orts, osar, osha, otic, otis, otoe, otto, race, rach, rade, rads, rahs, raid, rain, rais, rait, rand, rane, rant, rare, rash, rast, rate, rath, rato, rats, read, rean, rear, recd, recs, rect, redo, reds, rehs, rein, reit, rend, reno, rent, rest, retd, rets, rhea, rheo, rhet, rhos, rias, rice, rich, ride, rids, rier, ries, rind, rine, rins, riot, risc, rise, rist, rita, rite, rits, ritt, road, roan, roar, roch, rocs, rode, rods, roed, roer, roes, roid, roin, roit, rond, rone, ront, rood, roon, roos, root, rort, rosa, rose, rost, rota, rotc, rote, roti, roto, rots, saco, sade, sadh, sadi, sado, sadr, saic, said, sain, sair, sand, sane, sant, sard, sare, sari, sart, satd, sate, sati, scad, scan, scar, scat, scet, scho, scot, sctd, seah, sean, sear, seat, sech, seco, sect, seir, seit, sena, send, sent, seor, sero, serr, sert, seta, seth, sett, shad, shan, shea, shed, sher, shet, shia, shin, shir, shit, shod, shoe, shoo, shor, shot, shri, sian, sice, sich, sida, side, sidh, sien, sier, sina, sind, sine, sinh, sion, sire, sita, site, sith, snar, sned, snit, snod, snot, soar, soca, soce, soco, soda, soho, soir, sond, sone, soon, soot, sora, sord, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soth, srac, stad, star, stat, sted, sten, ster, stet, stid, stie, stir, stoa, stod, stor, stot, stra, stre, tace, tach, taco, tact, tade, tads, taed, taen, tahr, tain, tais, tait, tane, tanh, tans, taos, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tarr, tars, tart, tash, tate, tath, tats, tche, tchr, tead, tean, tear, teas, teat, teca, tech, teds, tehr, tend, tens, tent, tera, tern, terr, test, teth, tets, thae, thai, than, thar, that, thea, thed, then, thin, thio, thir, this, thon, thoo, thor, thos, thro, tiao, tiar, tice, tich, tics, tide, tids, tied, tien, tier, ties, tinc, tind, tine, tins, tint, tire, tirr, tite, tits, toad, toat, toch, toco, tocs, toda, tode, tods, toea, toed, toes, toho, toit, tone, tons, toon, toot, torc, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tors, tort, tosa, tose, tosh, tote, toto, tots, trac, trad, trah, trat, tres, tret, trid, trie, trin, trio, trit, trna, trod, tron, trot, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Trisoctahedron

ace, ach, act, adc, ade, adh, ado, ads, aer, aes, ahi, aho, ahs, aid, ain, air, ais, ait, anc, and, ane, ans, ant, aor, arc, ard, are, arn, arr, ars, art, ase, ash, ast, ate, att, cad, cai, can, car, cat, cdr, cen, ceo, cer, cha, che, chi, chn, cho, chs, cia, cid, cie, cir, cis, cit, cns, cod, con, coo, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, cts, dae, dah, dan, dao, dar, das, dat, dca, dea, dec, dei, den, der, des, det, dha, dia, die, din, dir, dis, dit, dna, doa, doc, doe, don, doo, dor, dos, dot, dso, dsr, ead, ean, ear, eas, eat, ech, eco, ect, edh, edo, eds, ehs, eir, enc, end, ens, eon, eos, era, erd, ern, err, ers, ert, esc, esd, esr, est, eta, etc, eth, had, hae, han, hao, has, hat, hed, hei, hen, heo, her, hes, het, hia, hic, hid, hie, hin, hir, his, hit, hoa, hoc, hod, hoe, hoi, hon, hoo, hor, hos, hot, hrs, hts, iao, ice, ich, ida, ide, ido, ids, ihs, inc, ind, ins, int, ion, ios, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, isn, iso, ist, ita, itd, its, nad, nae, nah, nar, nas, nat, nco, nea, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nis, nit, noa, nod, noh, noo, nor, nos, not, nth, oad, oar, oas, oat, oca, och, oct, oda, ode, ods, oer, oes, oho, ohs, oie, ois, ona, one, oni, ono, ons, ont, ooh, oon, oor, oos, oot, ora, orc, ord, ore, ors, ort, ose, osi, otc, oto, rad, rah, rai, ran, ras, rat, rcd, rct, rea, rec, red, reh, rei, res, rha, rhd, rhe, rho, ria, rid, rie, rin, rio, rit, rna, rnd, roc, rod, roe, roi, ron, roo, ros, rot, rte, rti, sac, sad, sah, sai, san, sao, sar, sat, scd, sch, sci, scr, sct, sea, sec, sed, sei, sen, ser, set, sha, she, shi, sho, shr, sht, sic, sie, sin, sir, sit, soc, sod, son, sot, sri, sta, std, str, tad, tai, tan, tao, tar, tas, tat, tch, tdr, tdt, tea, tec, ted, ten, ter, tes, tet, tha, thd, the, tho, tic, tid, tie, tin, tis, tit, tnt, toa, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton, too, tor, tos, tot, tra, tri, trs, trt, tsh, tsi, tst

Definitions for Trisoctahedron

[1] a solid bounded by 24 identical faces in groups of three, each group corresponding to one face of an octahedron.
[2] a solid figure having 24 identical triangular faces, groups of three faces being formed on an underlying octahedron

Words nearby Trisoctahedron

trishaw, triskaidekaphobia, triskelion, trismegistus, trismus, trisoctahedron, trisodium, trisodium phosphate, trisome, trisomic, trisomy

Origin of Trisoctahedron

1840–50; < Greek trís thrice + octohedron

Other words from Trisoctahedron

tris·oc·ta·he·dral , adjective

Word origin for Trisoctahedron

C19: from Greek tris three times + octahedron