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Showing words for TRIUMPHED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Triumphed


8 Letter Words for Triumphed


7 Letter Words for Triumphed

dirempt, dumpier, humider, humpier, imputed, imputer, pretium, thumped, thumper, triumph, trumped, trumpie, tumpier, umpired

6 Letter Words for Triumphed

dipter, dirhem, dither, druith, dumper, erudit, hermit, huitre, humeri, humite, humped, humper, humpie, hurted, impure, impute, iterum, meruit, methid, mither, perdit, permit, pithed, premit, primed, puther, putrid, redipt, reduit, rhimed, rumped, tedium, threip, thrimp, trepid, trumph, tumped, turpid, umphed, umpire, uptide, uptied, uptime

5 Letter Words for Triumphed

demit, dempt, demur, depit, depth, derth, detur, dheri, dhuti, dimer, diter, dript, drupe, duper, duret, edith, ermit, erump, erupt, ethid, hermi, hider, hiper, hired, humet, humid, humit, hutre, imped, imper, imput, ither, meith, merit, mired, mirth, miter, mpret, mtier, mudir, mured, murid, muted, muter, pedum, perdu, perit, perth, petri, petum, piert, piute, pride, pried, prime, prude, pumie, pured, purim, putid, redip, rehid, remit, retip, rheum, rhime, rimed, riped, rithe, rudie, rupie, tepid, their, therm, third, thrid, thrip, thrum, thump, thurm, timed, timer, timur, tired, tride, tried, tripe, trued, trump, tumid, turme, umped, upher, uprid, uptie, ureid, urite, urped, uteri, uther

4 Letter Words for Triumphed

demi, depr, dept, derm, deti, diem, dier, diet, dime, dipt, dire, dirt, dite, drie, drip, drum, duer, duet, duim, duit, dump, dupe, edit, emir, emit, empt, epit, erth, etui, heid, heir, hemp, hept, herd, herm, herp, hert, hide, hied, himp, hipe, hipt, hire, hued, huer, hump, hurt, idem, ired, irpe, item, iter, iure, merd, meri, meth, mide, mird, mire, mite, muid, muir, mure, mute, muth, muti, perh, peri, perm, pert, peru, phit, phut, pied, pier, piet, pith, pium, pred, prem, pret, prie, prim, pruh, prut, ptui, puer, puir, pure, puri, reim, reit, rept, retd, rhet, ride, riem, rime, rimu, ripe, ript, rite, rude, rued, rume, rump, ruth, tehr, temp, term, terp, thed, them, thir, thru, thud, tide, tied, tier, time, tipe, tipu, tire, trid, trie, trim, trip, true, tume, tump, tupi, turd, turm, turp, umph, urde, urim, urth

3 Letter Words for Triumphed

dei, dem, dep, der, det, dhu, die, dim, dip, dir, dit, dph, dpi, dpt, due, duh, dui, dum, dup, dur, edh, edp, eir, emp, emu, epi, erd, ert, eth, hed, hei, hem, hep, her, het, hid, hie, him, hip, hir, hit, hud, hue, hui, hum, hup, hut, ide, idp, ihp, imp, imu, iph, ipm, ipr, ire, itd, iud, med, meh, mei, mer, met, meu, mid, mir, mit, mph, mrd, mri, mtd, mud, mut, ped, peh, per, pet, phd, phi, phr, pht, phu, pid, pie, pir, pit, piu, pmt, pre, pte, pud, puh, pur, put, red, reh, rei, rem, rep, rhd, rhe, rid, rie, rim, rip, rit, rpm, rpt, rte, rti, rud, rue, rum, rut, tdr, ted, tem, ter, thd, the, thm, tid, tie, tim, tip, tiu, tmh, tpd, tph, tpi, tpm, tri, trm, trp, tue, tui, tum, tup, tur, uit, ume, ump, urd, ure, urp, ute, uti

Definitions for Triumphed

[1] the act, fact, or condition of being victorious or triumphant; victory; conquest.
[2] a significant success or noteworthy achievement; instance or occasion of victory.
[3] exultation resulting from victory; joy over success.
[4] Roman History . the ceremonial entrance into Rome of a victorious commander with his army, spoils of war, and captives, authorized by the senate in honor of an important military or naval victory. Compare ovation(def 2) .
[5] a public pageant, spectacle, or the like.
[6] to gain a victory; be victorious; win.
[7] to gain mastery; prevail: to triumph over fear.
[8] to be successful; achieve success.
[9] to exult over victory; rejoice over success.
[10] to be elated or glad; rejoice proudly; glory.
[11] to celebrate a triumph, as a victorious Roman commander.
[12] to conquer; triumph over.
[13] the feeling of exultation and happiness derived from a victory or major achievement
[14] the act or condition of being victorious; victory
[15] (in ancient Rome) a ritual procession to the Capitoline Hill held in honour of a victorious general
[16] obsolete a public display or celebration
[17] cards an obsolete word for trump 1
[18] (often foll by over) to win a victory or control to triumph over one's weaknesses
[19] to rejoice over a victory
[20] to celebrate a Roman triumph

Words related to Triumphed

triumphjoy, pride, celebration, coup, success, win, accomplishment, gain, feat, celebrate, prosper, overwhelm, trounce, sweep, conquer, thrive, flourish, dominate, prevail, overcome

Words nearby Triumphed

triumphtritonia, tritonis, triturable, triturate, trituration, triumph, triumphal, triumphal arch, triumphalism, triumphant, triumvir

Origin of Triumphed

before 900; Middle English triumphe (noun), Old English triumpha < Latin triump(h)us, perhaps < Etruscan < Greek thríambos hymn to Dionysus

Other words from Triumphed

tri·umph·er , noun

Word origin for Triumphed

C14: from Old French triumphe , from Latin triumphus , from Old Latin triumpus ; probably related to Greek thriambos Bacchic hymn

Synonyms for Triumphed

celebration, joy, pride, elation, exultation, festivity, jubilance, jubilation, jubilee, merriment, rejoicing, reveling, exultance