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Showing words for TRUNDLER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Trundler
7 Letter Words for Trundler
6 Letter Words for Trundler
5 Letter Words for Trundler
4 Letter Words for Trundler
3 Letter Words for Trundler
Definitions for Trundler
[1] to cause (a circular object) to roll along; roll.
[2] to convey or move in a wagon, cart, or other wheeled vehicle; wheel: The farmer trundled his produce to market in a rickety wagon.
[3] Archaic . to cause to rotate; twirl; spin.
[4] to roll along.
[5] to move or run on a wheel or wheels.
[6] to travel in a wheeled vehicle: He got into his car and trundled downtown.
[7] to move or walk with a rolling gait.
[8] a small wheel, roller, or the like.
[9] a lantern wheel.
[10] each of the bars of a lantern wheel.
[11] a truck or carriage on low wheels.
[12] a golf bag or shopping trolley
[13] a child's pushchair
[14] to move heavily on or as if on wheels the bus trundled by
[15] (tr) archaic to rotate or spin
[16] the act or an instance of trundling
[17] a small wheel or roller
[18] the pinion of a lantern any of the bars in a lantern pinion
[19] a small truck with low wheels
Words nearby Trundler
trundletruncal, truncate, truncated, truncation, truncheon, trundle, trundle bed, trundler, trundletail, trunk, trunk cabin
Origin of Trundler
First recorded in 1555–65; variant of trindle
Other words from Trundler
trun·dler , noun
un·trun·dled , adjective
Word origin for Trundler
Old English tryndel ; related to Middle High German trendel disc