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Showing words for TRUSTEE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Trustee
6 Letter Words for Trustee
5 Letter Words for Trustee
4 Letter Words for Trustee
3 Letter Words for Trustee
Definitions for Trustee
[1] a person, usually one of a body of persons, appointed to administer the affairs of a company, institution, etc.
[2] a person who holds the title to property for the benefit of another.
[3] (in New England) a garnishee.
[4] a trusty.
[5] to place in the hands of a trustee or trustees.
[6] (in New England) to garnish.
[7] a person to whom the legal title to property is entrusted to hold or use for another's benefit
[8] a member of a board that manages the affairs and administers the funds of an institution or organization
Words related to Trustee
custodian, agent, executor, keeper, fiduciary, warden, guardian, executrix
Words nearby Trustee
trust fund, trust hotel, trust territory, trustafarian, trustbuster, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee investment, trustee process, trusteeship, trustful
Origin of Trustee
First recorded in 1640–50; trust + -ee
Words that may be confused with Trustee
executor, trustee, trusty, trustee, trusty
Synonyms for Trustee
agent, custodian, executor, executrix, fiduciary, guardian, keeper, warden