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Showing words for TRUTH using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Truth
[1] the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
[2] conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
[3] a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
[4] the state or character of being true.
[5] actuality or actual existence.
[6] an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
[7] honesty; integrity; truthfulness.
[8] (often initial capital letter ) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life.
[9] agreement with a standard or original.
[10] accuracy, as of position or adjustment.
[11] Archaic . fidelity or constancy.
[12] in truth , in reality; in fact; actually: In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire.
[13] So·journ·er [soh -jur-ner, soh-jur -ner] /ˈsoʊ dʒɜr nər, soʊˈdʒɜr nər/ , Isabella Van Wagener , 1797?–1883, U.S. abolitionist, orator, and women's-rights advocate, born a slave.
[14] the quality of being true, genuine, actual, or factual the truth of his statement was attested
[15] something that is true as opposed to false you did not tell me the truth
[16] a proven or verified principle or statement; fact the truths of astronomy
[17] (usually plural) a system of concepts purporting to represent some aspect of the world the truths of ancient religions
[18] fidelity to a required standard or law
[19] faithful reproduction or portrayal the truth of a portrait
[20] an obvious fact; truism; platitude
[21] honesty, reliability, or veracity the truth of her nature
[22] accuracy, as in the setting, adjustment, or position of something, such as a mechanical instrument
[23] the state or quality of being faithful; allegiance
Words related to Truth
truthfulness, legitimacy, veracity, certainty, principle, authenticity, fact, accuracy, faith, revelation, sincerity, integrity, realism, truism, nitty-gritty, maxim, facts, verisimilitude, score, actuality
Words nearby Truth
trusting, trustless, trustor, trustworthy, trusty, truth, truth claim, truth drug, truth is stranger than fiction, truth or consequences, truth serum
Origin of Truth
before 900; Middle English treuthe, Old English trēowth (cognate with Old Norse tryggth faith). See true, -th1
Words that may be confused with Truth
truism, truth, (see, confusables, note, at, truism)
Other words from Truth
truth·less , adjective
truth·less·ness , noun
mis·truth , noun
non·truth , noun
Related adjectives: veritable, veracious
Word origin for Truth
Old English triewth ; related to Old High German gitriuwida fidelity, Old Norse tryggr true
Synonyms for Truth
accuracy, authenticity, certainty, fact, legitimacy, principle, truthfulness, veracity, actuality, axiom, case, correctness, dope, exactitude, exactness, facts, factuality, factualness, genuineness, gospel, infallibility, maxim, nitty-gritty, perfection, picture, precision, rectitude, rightness, scoop, score, trueness, truism, verisimilitude, verity, factualism, gospel truth, honest truth, inside track, naked truth, plain talk, unvarnished truth, whole story