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Showing words for TUBUPHONE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Tubuphone
6 Letter Words for Tubuphone
euphon, outhue, phonet, tuneup, unhope, uptube
5 Letter Words for Tubuphone
bento, bepun, beton, bouet, bueno, buteo, butoh, hoten, hupot, netop, nobut, ouphe, outen, pheon, phone, punto, puton, thone, tophe, toupe, unbet, uneth, unhot, unpot, unput, untop
4 Letter Words for Tubuphone
behn, beno, bent, beth, bhut, bone, bote, both, boun, bout, bunt, bute, buto, ebon, ento, eton, hent, hept, hone, hont, hope, hote, hout, hunt, nebo, neth, neut, nope, note, noup, nout, open, ouph, peho, pent, peon, peto, phon, phot, phut, poet, pone, pont, pote, pout, punt, theb, then, thob, thon, thou, tobe, tone, tope, toph, toun, toup, tube, tune, tuno, tunu, unbe, unto, upon
3 Letter Words for Tubuphone
ben, bet, bhp, boe, boh, bon, bop, bot, bpt, btu, bun, but, ebn, eon, eth, hen, heo, hep, het, hob, hoe, hon, hop, hot, hub, hue, hun, hup, hut, nbe, neb, neo, nep, net, nob, noh, not, nth, nub, nut, obe, one, ont, ope, opt, oup, out, peh, pen, pet, pho, pht, phu, pob, poh, pon, pot, pte, pub, puh, pun, put, ten, thb, the, tho, tob, toe, ton, top, tou, tph, tub, tue, tun, tup, unb, unh, unp, upo, ute, utu
Definitions for Tubuphone
[1] an instrument resembling a glockenspiel but with metal tubes instead of bars.
Words nearby Tubuphone
tubulocyst, tubulointerstitial nephritis, tubulorrhexis, tubulous, tubulure, tubuphone, tubus, tuc, tucana, tuchis, tuchman
Origin of Tubuphone
< Latin tubu(s ) tube + -phone