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Showing words for TUNABLE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Tunable

abluent, bleaunt, tunable

6 Letter Words for Tunable

ablute, batule, betula, bulten, buntal, butane, eluant, lunate, nebula, tabule, tulban, unable, unbale, unbelt

5 Letter Words for Tunable

ablet, abnet, abune, alenu, aleut, altun, anlet, atule, atune, balun, balut, bantu, batel, beant, beaut, belat, blate, bleat, bluet, blunt, butea, butle, ental, laten, leban, lunet, lutea, nable, tabel, table, tabun, taube, tenla, tubae, tubal, tunal, ulnae, unbet, unlet

4 Letter Words for Tunable

abel, abet, able, abut, albe, alen, anet, ante, antu, atle, aube, aune, aunt, aute, bale, balu, bane, bant, bate, baul, baun, beal, bean, beat, beau, bela, belt, bena, bent, beta, blae, blan, blat, blea, blet, bleu, blue, bual, buat, bult, buna, bunt, bute, elan, etna, etua, laen, laet, lane, lant, late, laun, lean, leat, lena, lent, luba, lube, luna, lune, lunt, lute, nabe, nabu, nael, nale, natl, natu, naut, neal, neat, neut, tael, taen, tale, tane, taun, teal, tean, tela, tuan, tuba, tube, tula, tule, tuna, tune, ulan, ulna, ulta, unal, unbe, unta

3 Letter Words for Tunable

abl, abn, abt, abu, alb, ale, aln, alt, ane, ant, anu, ate, aul, bae, bal, ban, bat, bel, ben, bet, blt, btl, btu, bul, bun, but, ean, eat, eau, ebn, ela, elb, elt, enl, eta, lab, lan, lat, lea, let, leu, lub, lue, lut, nab, nae, nat, nbe, nea, neb, net, nub, nul, nut, tab, tal, tan, tau, tea, tel, ten, tln, tua, tub, tue, tun, ula, ule, ult, una, unb, unl, uta, ute

Definitions for Tunable

[1] capable of being tuned.
[2] Archaic . harmonious; tuneful; melodious.
[3] able to be tuned
[4] archaic , or poetic melodious or tuneful

Words nearby Tunable

tumultuous, tumulus, tun, tun., tuna, tunable, tunbridge ware, tunbridge wells, tundish, tundra, tundra swan

Origin of Tunable

First recorded in 1490–1500; tune + -able

Other words from Tunable

tun·a·bil·i·ty , tun·a·ble·ness , noun
tun·a·bly , adverb
un·tun·a·ble , adjective
un·tun·a·ble·ness , noun
un·tun·a·bly , adverb