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Showing words for TURGID using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Turgid


4 Letter Words for Turgid

dirt, drug, duit, gird, girt, grid, grit, guid, gurt, trid, trig, trug, turd

3 Letter Words for Turgid

dig, dir, dit, dug, dui, dur, gid, git, gtd, gud, gui, gur, gut, itd, iud, rid, rig, rit, rti, rud, rug, rut, tdr, tid, tig, tiu, tri, tug, tui, tur, ugt, uit, urd, uti

Definitions for Turgid

[1] swollen; distended; tumid.
[2] inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic: turgid language.
[3] swollen and distended; congested
[4] (of style or language) pompous and high-flown; bombastic

Words related to Turgid

bloated, distended, inflated, puffy, tumescent, tumid

Words nearby Turgid

turfy, turgenev, turgent, turgescence, turgescent, turgid, turgite, turgor, turgor pressure, turgot, turin

Origin of Turgid

1660–70; < Latin turgidus, equivalent to turg(ēre ) to swell + -idus -id4

Words that may be confused with Turgid

torpid, turbid, turgid

Other words from Turgid

tur·gid·i·ty , tur·gid·ness , noun
tur·gid·ly , adverb
un·tur·gid , adjective
un·tur·gid·ly , adverb

Word origin for Turgid

C17: from Latin turgidus , from turgēre to swell

Synonyms for Turgid

bloated, distended, inflated, puffy, tumescent, tumid