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Showing words for TWERK using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Twerk


4 Letter Words for Twerk

trek, trew, wert

3 Letter Words for Twerk

erk, ert, ewk, ewt, ket, rew, rte, rtw, ter, tew, wer, wet

Definitions for Twerk

[1] to dance to hip-hop or pop music in a very sensual way typically by thrusting or shaking the buttocks and hips while in a squatting or bent-over position.

Words nearby Twerk

twenty-twenty hindsight, twenty-two, twenty20, twentyfold, twentymo, twerk, twerp, twi, twi-, twi-night, twi-nighter

Origin of Twerk

1990–95, Americanism ; possibly an alteration of work, as in “Work it”; may be related to the earlier (1820-30) sense “a twisting or jerking movement,” from twist + jerk1