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Showing words for TWINNED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Twinned
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3 Letter Words for Twinned
Definitions for Twinned
[1] born two at one birth.
[2] closely or intimately associated, joined, or united; coupled; paired.
[3] either of two children or animals brought forth at a birth.
[4] either of two persons or things closely related to or closely resembling each other.
[5] twin bed.
[6] Also called twin room. a type of hotel accommodation with twin beds, for occupancy by two persons. Compare double(def 13) .
[7] Also called hemitrope. Crystallography . a compound crystal consisting of two or more parts or crystals definitely oriented each to the other; macle.
[8] Twins, Astronomy , Astrology . the constellation or sign of Gemini.
[9] being a twin or twins: twin sisters.
[10] being two persons or things closely related to or closely resembling each other.
[11] being one of a pair; identical: a twin bracelet; a twin peak.
[12] consisting of two similar parts or elements joined or connected: a twin vase.
[13] Botany , Zoology . occurring in pairs; didymous.
[14] Crystallography . of the nature of a twin; hemitrope.
[15] twofold or double.
[16] to bring together in close relationship; pair; couple.
[17] to furnish a counterpart to or a replica of; match.
[18] Informal . to divide or convert into two, parts, similar items, etc.: The old movie palace will be twinned, making two smaller theaters.
[19] Informal . to link or combine with: The new grocery store is twinned with a restaurant.
[20] Crystallography . to form into a twin.
[21] Obsolete . to give birth to as twins.
[22] to give birth to twins.
[23] to be paired or coupled.
[24] twine2.
[25] either of two persons or animals conceived at the same time (as modifier ) a twin brother See also identical (def. 3), fraternal (def. 3)
[26] either of two persons or things that are identical or very similar; counterpart (as modifier ) twin carburettors
[27] Also called: macle a crystal consisting of two parts each of which has a definite orientation to the other
[28] to pair or be paired together; couple
[29] (intr) to bear twins
[30] (intr) (of a crystal) to form into a twin
[31] (intr) archaic to be born as a twin
[32] (tr) to create a reciprocal relation between (two towns in different countries); pair (a town) with another in a different country (intr) (of a town) to be paired with a town in a different country
Words related to Twinned
marry, mate, combine, join, wed, couple, unite, twin, bracket, yoke, team, balance, match
Words nearby Twinned
twink, twink out, twinkle, twinkling, twinleaf, twinned, twinning, twins, twinset, twirl, twirler
Origin of Twinned
1before 900; Middle English; Old English twinn (adj.), getwinn (noun and adj.); akin to Old Frisian twīne, Old Norse tvinnr double, Gothic twaihnai
Words that may be confused with Twinned
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, twintwain, twin, twine
Other words from Twinned
un·twinned , adjective
Word origin for Twinned
Old English twinn ; related to Old High German zwiniling twin, Old Norse tvinnr double
Synonyms for Twinned
combine, marry, mate, balance, bracket, couple, join, match, team, twin, unite, wed, yoke, match up, pair off, pair up, put together