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Showing words for TWITCH using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Twitch
5 Letter Words for Twitch
4 Letter Words for Twitch
3 Letter Words for Twitch
Definitions for Twitch
[1] to tug or pull at with a quick, short movement; pluck: She twitched him by the sleeve.
[2] to jerk rapidly: The rider twitched the reins a couple of times.
[3] to move (a part of the body) with a sudden, jerking motion.
[4] to pinch or pull at sharply and painfully; give a smarting pinch to; nip.
[5] to move spasmodically or convulsively; jerk; jump.
[6] to give a sharp, sudden pull; tug; pluck (usually followed by at ): He constantly twitched at his collar.
[7] to ache or hurt with a sharp, shooting pain; twinge: That back tooth twitches a bit.
[8] a quick, jerky movement of the body or of some part of it.
[9] involuntary, spasmodic movement of a muscle; tic: He gets a twitch in his left eye when he's nervous.
[10] a short, sudden pull or tug; jerk.
[11] a bodily or mental twinge, as of pain, conscience, etc.; pang.
[12] a loop or noose placed over the muzzle of a horse and tightened by twisting a stick or handle to which it is attached, used as a restraining device during a painful operation.
[13] to move or cause to move in a jerky spasmodic way
[14] (tr) to pull or draw (something) with a quick jerky movement
[15] (intr) to hurt with a sharp spasmodic pain
[16] (tr) rare to nip
[17] a sharp jerking movement
[18] a mental or physical twinge
[19] a sudden muscular spasm, esp one caused by a nervous condition Compare tic
[20] a loop of cord used to control a horse by drawing it tight about its upper lip
Words related to Twitch
jerk, jiggle, blink, shudder, tremble, flutter, jump, squirm, lurch, shiver, lug, snap, kick, tic, grip, pain, beat, twinge, pluck, snatch
Words nearby Twitch
twisted stomach worm, twister, twisting, twisty, twit, twitch, twitch grass, twitcher, twitching trail, twitchy, twite
Origin of Twitch
1125–75; Middle English twicchen (v.); akin to Old English twiccian to pluck; cognate with German zwicken to pinch
Other words from Twitch
twitch·er , noun
twitch·ing·ly , adverb
un·twitched , adjective
un·twitch·ing , adjective
Word origin for Twitch
Old English twiccian to pluck; related to Old High German zwecchōn to pinch, Dutch twicken
Synonyms for Twitch
blink, flutter, jerk, jiggle, shudder, tremble, beat, clasp, clutch, grab, grasp, grip, jump, kick, lug, lurch, nip, pain, palpitate, pluck, pull, seize, shiver, snap, snatch, squirm, tic, tug, twinge, vellicate, yank