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Showing words for TYPIC using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Typic


4 Letter Words for Typic

city, pict, pity, pyic

3 Letter Words for Typic

cit, cpi, cpt, cyp, icy, pci, pct, pic, pit, pty, tcp, tic, tip, tpi, typ, yip

Definitions for Typic

[1] of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
[2] conforming to a particular type.
[3] Biology . exemplifying most nearly the essential characteristics of a higher group in natural history, and forming the type: the typical genus of a family.
[4] characteristic or distinctive: He has the mannerisms typical of his class.
[5] pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as a type or emblem; symbolic.
[6] being or serving as a representative example of a particular type; characteristic the painting is a typical Rembrandt
[7] considered to be an example of some undesirable trait that is typical of you!
[8] of or relating to a representative specimen or type
[9] conforming to a type
[10] biology having most of the characteristics of a particular taxonomic group a typical species of a genus

Words related to Typic

alarchetypal, average, characteristic, classic, classical, common, commonplace, emblematic, essential, everyday, exemplary, expected, general, habitual, ideal, illustrative, indicative, model, natural, normal

Words nearby Typic

altyphoidin, typhon, typhoon, typhus, typhus vaccine, typical, typicon, typify, typing, typing element, typist

Origin of Typic

al1605–15; < Medieval Latin typicālis, equivalent to Late Latin typic(us ) (< Greek typikós, equivalent to týp(os ) type + -ikos -ic) + Latin -ālis -al1

Other words from Typic

typ·i·cal·ly , adverb
typ·i·cal·ness , typ·i·cal·i·ty , noun
non·typ·i·cal , adjective
non·typ·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·typ·i·cal·ness , noun
qua·si-typ·i·cal , adjective
qua·si-typ·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·typ·i·cal , adjective
un·typ·i·cal·ly , adverb

Word origin for Typic

alC17: from Medieval Latin typicālis, from Late Latin typicus figurative, from Greek tupikos, from tupos type

Synonyms for Typic

archetypal, archetypic, archetypical, average, characteristic, classic, classical, common, commonplace, emblematic, essential, everyday, exemplary, expected, general, habitual, ideal, illustrative, in character, in keeping, indicative, matter-of-course, model, natural, normal, old hat, ordinary, orthodox, paradigmatic, patterned, prevalent, prototypal, prototypic, prototypical, quintessential, regular, representative, standard, standardized, stock, suggestive, symbolic, unexceptional