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Showing words for TYPIST using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Typist
5 Letter Words for Typist
4 Letter Words for Typist
itsy, pist, pits, pity, ptts, spit, tips, tipt, tits, yips
3 Letter Words for Typist
ips, ist, its, pis, pit, psi, pst, pts, ptt, pty, sip, sit, spt, spy, sty, tip, tis, tit, tpi, tps, tsi, tsp, tst, tty, typ, tyt, yip, yis
Definitions for Typist
[1] a person who operates a typewriter.
[2] a person who types, esp for a living
Words related to Typist
assistant, clerk, receptionist
Words nearby Typist
typical, typicon, typify, typing, typing element, typist, typo, typo-, typo., typog., typographer
Origin of Typist
1835–45 for earlier sense “typesetter”; 1880–85 for current sense; type + -ist
Synonyms for Typist
assistant, clerk, executive secretary, receptionist, word processor