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Showing words for TYROCIDINE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Tyrocidine


9 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cretinoid, direction, iridocyte, tyrocidin

8 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

centroid, corydine, corynite, cytidine, dicerion, doctrine, encyrtid, icteroid, idoneity, incitory, indicter, indictor, indirect, iodyrite, neritoid, redition, reindict, retinoid

7 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cerotin, cindery, citoyen, citrine, cointer, condite, cordite, cortine, corynid, cotrine, cretion, crinite, crinoid, cronied, croyden, ctenoid, deontic, dictery, dictier, diction, dineric, dinetic, dinitro, diorite, edition, ericoid, icterid, identic, idiotcy, idiotry, incited, inciter, inditer, inocyte, inyoite, ironice, neritic, neritid, nitride, noritic, noticed, noticer, odinite, oneiric, oriency, otidine, rection, retinic, tenioid, tindery, tineoid, trinode, tyronic

6 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cedrin, cedron, centro, centry, ceroid, cidery, cinder, cinter, citied, citrin, citron, coedit, coined, coiner, conder, condie, conite, conred, conrey, conter, coreid, coriin, corned, cornet, cortin, cotery, credit, cretin, crined, crinet, crinid, cronet, cronie, crotin, ctenii, cynoid, cytode, cytoid, cytone, dicier, dietic, dinero, dioecy, diotic, direct, dirity, dirten, dition, ditone, docent, docity, dornic, dotier, dreint, dreynt, dronet, dronte, editor, endict, erotic, idiocy, incide, incite, incord, inctri, indice, indico, indict, indite, intice, intire, intoed, introd, iodine, iodite, irenic, ironed, ironic, nicety, nidiot, nitery, nitred, nitric, nitrid, noetic, nordic, norice, norite, notice, octine, octyne, ointed, oniric, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, recoin, recond, ricine, rident, rioted, rodent, rodney, roined, roncet, royned, teioid, tendry, tercio, ticino, tidier, tierod, tinder, tineid, tinier, tonier, torney, trendy, triced, tricon, trined, triode, tyroid, tyrone, yonder

5 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cedry, ceint, centi, cento, cerin, certy, cetin, cider, cirio, cited, citer, coden, coder, coiny, coned, coner, contd, conte, contr, cordy, cored, corey, corni, corny, coted, coyed, coyer, credo, cried, criey, crine, crone, crony, cydon, cyton, decon, decor, decoy, decry, deity, denty, deric, detin, deynt, dicer, dicey, dicot, dicty, diety, diner, dinic, dioti, dirty, diter, doncy, donec, donet, doney, dorey, doric, dorty, doter, doyen, drent, drice, droit, drone, drony, ecoid, edict, entry, iceni, icier, ident, idion, idiot, idite, incor, indic, indie, indri, inert, inter, intro, iodic, iodin, ionic, iortn, irido, irone, irony, necro, nerdy, nicer, nidor, niter, nitid, nitro, nitry, noire, norie, norit, noted, noter, noyed, ocyte, oncer, oncet, onery, ontic, orcin, recit, recon, recti, recto, redon, retin, riced, ricey, ricin, riden, rindy, ronde, ronte, roted, royet, royne, tecon, teiid, teind, tendo, tenio, tenor, ticed, ticer, tined, tired, tiyin, tondi, toned, toner, toney, tonic, tored, toric, torii, toyed, toyer, trend, trice, tride, tried, trine, trode, troic, tronc, trone, tydie, tynde, tyned, ycond, yince, yonic, yrent

4 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cedi, cent, cern, cero, cert, ceti, cide, cine, cion, cire, cite, cito, city, code, coed, coin, coir, coit, cond, cone, coni, cont, cony, cord, core, corn, cort, cory, cote, coyn, cred, crin, crit, croy, cyon, cyte, dcor, deco, deni, dent, deny, dern, dero, deti, detn, dice, dict, dicy, dier, diet, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dire, dirt, dite, doen, doer, doit, done, doni, dont, dore, dorn, dort, dory, dote, doty, drey, drie, dyce, dyer, dyne, ecod, econ, ecto, edit, eiry, ency, endo, ento, entr, eric, erin, etic, eton, eyot, iced, icer, icod, icon, ideo, idic, incr, inde, indy, init, inro, inti, into, intr, iode, ired, irid, iron, iter, nerd, neti, nice, nide, nidi, nied, nito, node, nodi, noir, nore, nori, note, nyed, nyet, oder, odic, odin, oeci, oint, once, ondy, oner, ordn, ored, otic, oyer, recd, rect, redo, rein, reit, rend, reno, rent, reny, retd, rice, ricy, ride, rind, rine, riot, rite, rode, roed, roey, roid, roin, roit, rond, rone, ront, rotc, rote, roti, royt, ryen, rynd, rynt, ryot, tedy, tend, tern, tice, tide, tidi, tidy, tied, tien, tier, tinc, tind, tine, tiny, tire, tode, tody, toed, toey, tone, tony, torc, tore, tori, torn, trey, trid, trie, trin, trio, trod, tron, troy, trye, tyde, tyed, tyer, tyin, tynd, tyne, tyro, ycie, yedo, yeni, yerd, yern, yeti, yird, yirn, yite, yode, yond, yoni, yont, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Tyrocidine

cdr, cen, ceo, cer, cid, cie, cir, cit, cod, con, cor, cot, coy, cro, crt, cry, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, dec, dei, den, der, det, dey, die, din, dir, dit, doc, doe, don, dor, dot, dry, dye, dyn, eco, ect, edo, eir, enc, end, eon, erd, ern, ert, etc, ety, eyn, eyr, ice, icy, ide, ido, inc, ind, int, ion, ire, itd, iyo, nco, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, nod, nor, not, noy, nye, oct, ode, oer, oie, oii, one, oni, ont, ony, orc, ord, ore, ort, ory, otc, oye, rcd, rct, rec, red, rei, rid, rie, rin, rio, rit, rnd, roc, rod, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, rye, tdr, tec, ted, ten, ter, tic, tid, tie, tin, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton, tor, toy, tri, try, tye, tyr, yed, yen, yeo, yer, yet, yid, yin, yod, yoe, yoi, yon, yor, yot

Definitions for Tyrocidine

[1] an antibiotic that is the main constituent of tyrothricin

Words nearby Tyrocidine

tyre, tyree, tyrian, tyrian purple, tyro, tyrocidine, tyroketonuria, tyrol, tyrolean, tyrolese, tyrolienne

Word origin for Tyrocidine

C20: from tyro (sine ) + -cid (e ) + -ine 1