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Showing words for UNADAPTED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Unadapted


7 Letter Words for Unadapted

adapted, daunted, deadpan, pudenda, unadapt, unadept, undated, untaped, updated

6 Letter Words for Unadapted

adaunt, adnate, danted, datenu, dauted, dunted, napead, nudate, panade, panted, patand, peanut, pedant, pentad, pudden, pudent, punted, tapued, tunded, undate, undead, update, uptend

5 Letter Words for Unadapted

adapt, adead, adept, anded, antae, anted, apnea, apted, atune, audad, auden, dadap, danda, danta, dante, dated, daunt, denat, denda, duant, duped, enapt, entad, eupad, napea, padda, padua, paean, panda, paned, pated, paten, penda, penta, pudda, punta, taped, tapen, taupe, tendu, tuned, unadd, unapt, untap, upeat, upend, utend

4 Letter Words for Unadapted

adad, adat, adda, addn, aden, adet, anat, anda, anet, anta, ante, antu, aped, atap, ated, atua, aune, aunt, aute, dada, dade, dana, dand, dane, dant, danu, data, date, daud, daun, daut, dead, dean, deda, dent, depa, dept, detd, detn, duad, duan, dude, dued, duet, dune, dunt, dupe, edda, etna, etua, euda, nada, napa, nape, napu, natu, naut, neap, neat, nepa, neut, nuda, nude, pada, pana, pand, pane, pant, pata, patd, pate, patu, paua, paut, pean, peat, peda, pend, pent, peta, puan, puna, punt, tade, taed, taen, tana, tane, tapa, tape, tapu, taun, tead, tean, teap, tend, tepa, tuan, tuna, tund, tune, unda, unde, unta

3 Letter Words for Unadapted

add, ade, adp, ana, and, ane, ant, anu, apa, ape, apt, ate, atp, aud, dad, dae, dan, dap, dat, dau, ddt, dea, ded, den, dep, det, dna, dpt, dtd, dud, due, dun, dup, ead, ean, eat, eau, edd, edp, end, epa, eta, naa, nad, nae, nap, nat, nea, ned, nep, net, nut, pad, pan, pat, pau, pdn, pea, ped, pen, pet, pta, pte, pua, pud, pun, put, taa, tad, tan, tap, tau, tea, ted, ten, tpd, tua, tue, tun, tup, una, unp, uta, ute

Definitions for Unadapted

[1] to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly: They adapted themselves to the change quickly. He adapted the novel for movies.
[2] to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc.: to adapt easily to all circumstances.
[3] (often foll by to) to adjust (someone or something, esp oneself) to different conditions, a new environment, etc
[4] (tr) to fit, change, or modify to suit a new or different purpose to adapt a play for use in schools

Words related to Unadapted

adaptaccustom, fit, prepare, conform, acclimate, modify, accommodate, shape, tailor, comply, readjust, suit, alter, revise, familiarize, square, reconcile, make, habituate, qualify

Words nearby Unadapted

adaptadams-stokes syndrome, adamsite, adana, adansonian classification, adapazari, adapt, adaptable, adaptation, adapter, adaption, adaptive

Origin of Unadapted

adapt1605–15; < Latin adaptāre to fit, adjust, perhaps via French adapter. See ad-, apt

Words that may be confused with Unadapted

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, adaptadapt, adept, adopt

Other words from Unadapted

a·dapt·ed·ness , noun
mis·a·dapt , verb
non·a·dapt·ing , adjective
re·a·dapt , verb (used with object)
un·a·dapt·ed , adjective
well-a·dapt·ed , adjective

Word origin for Unadapted

adaptC17: from Latin adaptāre, from ad- to + aptāre to fit, from aptus apt

Synonyms for Unadapted

conflicting, inappropriate, incongruous, inconsistent, irreconcilable, unsuitable, unsuited, uncongenial, adverse, antipathetic, antipodal, antithetical, clashing, contrary, counter, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disparate, factious, inadmissible, incoherent, inconformable, inconsonant, inconstant, jarring, marching to a different drummer, mismatched, night and day, offbeat, opposed, opposite, poles apart, warring, whale of difference