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Showing words for UNALLOWABLE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Unallowable


9 Letter Words for Unallowable


8 Letter Words for Unallowable

loanable, nullable

7 Letter Words for Unallowable

abalone, abollae, allbone, balloen, ballone, balneal, balonea, bellona, labella, lowable, lowbell, ownable, unallow, unbowel

6 Letter Words for Unallowable

abolla, albula, alulae, ballan, ballon, ballow, balnea, baulea, bellon, bellow, bewall, blowen, bollen, boulle, bullae, bullan, enwall, lallan, lobule, nebula, oleana, unable, unbale, unbell, unleal, unwall, unweal, unwell, wabeno, wauble

5 Letter Words for Unallowable

abaue, ablow, abuna, abune, alane, alban, alenu, allan, allel, allen, allow, alone, alowe, alula, anabo, anole, aulae, awane, balao, balau, ballo, balon, balow, balun, banal, bauno, beala, beano, bello, below, blawn, blown, boule, bowel, bowla, bowle, bowne, bueno, bulla, bwana, elbow, ellan, ellul, label, lauan, leban, llano, lobal, lowan, lowne, lulab, lunel, nabal, nabla, nable, nalla, nawab, nawle, nawob, nobel, noble, nolle, noule, nowel, nulla, nullo, olena, ouabe, ulnae, unbow, unlaw, unweb, wanle

4 Letter Words for Unallowable

abel, able, abow, alae, alan, alba, albe, alen, alew, allo, aloe, alow, anal, anba, anew, anoa, anow, aona, aube, aula, aune, baal, bale, ball, balu, bane, baul, baun, bawl, bawn, beal, bean, beau, bela, bell, bena, beno, blae, blan, blaw, blea, bleo, bleu, blew, blow, blue, bola, bole, boll, bona, bone, boul, boun, bouw, bowe, bowl, bown, bual, bull, buna, ebon, elan, elul, enol, enow, eoan, laen, lall, lalo, lana, lane, laun, lawn, leal, lean, lena, leno, leon, loan, lobe, loll, lone, loun, lowa, lowe, lown, luba, lube, lull, luna, lune, nabe, nabu, nael, nala, nale, neal, nebo, noel, nole, noll, noul, nowl, null, oban, olea, olla, ulan, ulla, ulna, unal, unbe, wabe, wale, wall, wane, waul, weal, wean, well, woan, wone, wull

3 Letter Words for Unallowable

aal, aba, abl, abn, abo, abu, ala, alb, ale, all, aln, alo, alw, ana, ane, anu, aob, aul, awa, awe, awl, awn, baa, bae, bal, ban, baw, bel, ben, blo, boa, boe, bol, bon, bow, bul, bun, ean, eau, ebn, ela, elb, ell, enl, eon, laa, lab, lan, lao, law, lbw, lea, leo, leu, lew, llb, loa, lob, loe, low, lub, lue, luo, lwl, naa, nab, nae, naw, nbe, nbw, nea, neb, neo, new, noa, nob, nol, now, nub, nul, oba, obe, obl, ola, ole, ona, one, owe, owl, own, ula, ule, ull, una, unb, unl, wab, wae, wan, wbn, web, wen, woa, wob, woe, won, wun

Definitions for Unallowable

[1] that may be allowed; legitimate; permissible: an allowable tax deduction.
[2] something, as an action or amount, that is allowed.
[3] Ecology . allowable cut.
[4] permissible; admissible

Words related to Unallowable

allowableproper, admissible, acceptable, legal, legitimate

Words nearby Unallowable

allowableallottee, allotype, allover, allow, allow for, allowable, allowable cut, allowance, allowance race, alloway, allowed

Origin of Unallowable

allowableFirst recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English word from Middle French word alouable. See allow, -able

Other words from Unallowable

al·low·a·ble·ness , noun
al·low·a·bly , adverb
pre·al·low·a·ble , adjective
pre·al·low·a·bly , adverb
un·al·low·a·ble , adjective

Synonyms for Unallowable

immaterial, improper, inappropriate, irrelevant, objectionable, unacceptable, undesirable, unreasonable, exceptionable, ill-favored, ill-timed, inapt, incompetent, inept, malapropos, unbecoming, unfit, unqualified, unsatisfactory, unseemly, unsuited, unwanted, unwelcome