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Showing words for UNANTICIPATED using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Unanticipated


11 Letter Words for Unanticipated

anticipated, uncaptained, unpatinated

10 Letter Words for Unanticipated

anticipant, anticipate, inaptitude, unattained, unpedantic

9 Letter Words for Unanticipated

antipudic, audiencia, capitated, captained, inactuate, inpatient, naticidae, paideutic, patinated, punctated, tanacetin, tannaitic, tunicated, tupaiidae, uncinated, unincited, unpainted, unpatient, untainted

8 Letter Words for Unanticipated

aceituna, acinetan, actiniae, actinian, actinide, actinine, actuated, aduncate, anapneic, antenati, antiacid, apatetic, aptitude, attained, canadine, canadite, capetian, capitani, capitate, catadupe, caudaite, ctenidia, dacninae, dancetta, detinuit, diacetin, diactine, incanted, incident, incitant, incitate, incudate, indicant, indicate, induciae, inputted, intendit, intuited, inundate, naticine, nictated, nunciate, pacinian, pancetta, patinate, pectinid, pedantic, pentacid, pentadic, penutian, pinctada, pinnated, pittance, pittidae, punctate, punditic, punicine, tacitean, taenidia, tapdance, tunicata, tunicate, uintaite, uncinate, uncitied, unpained, unpatent, unpatted, unpitied, unpitted, untinted

7 Letter Words for Unanticipated

acidite, acinuni, actinia, actuate, acutate, adipate, aecidia, aidance, anatine, anaudic, ancient, andante, anidian, annicut, antacid, anteact, antient, apatite, apician, attidae, attuned, auantic, audient, candent, candite, canepin, canidae, cantate, cantina, cantuta, capanne, capitan, captain, captate, caudate, cundite, danaine, danaite, dantean, dentata, depaint, diactin, dianite, dictate, dinetic, dunitic, dunnite, dupatta, enatant, epatant, eunicid, ictuate, identic, inadept, incited, indiana, indican, inedita, innuate, inteind, intinct, intuent, nanduti, nanitic, nautica, nicaean, nictate, nuanced, nutated, paideia, painted, panctia, pandani, pandean, pandect, pandita, pannade, pantine, patient, patined, pecunia, pendant, pentact, petunia, pianeta, piannet, picante, picidae, pinnace, pinnate, pintada, pittine, pituita, pituite, pundita, punicin, puttied, taenian, tainted, tannaic, tannate, tannide, taunted, tendant, tetania, tetanic, tincted, tipuana, titania, titanic, tituped, tuedian, tunicae, tunicin, tupaiid, tutania, unacted, unadapt, unadept, uncaned, uncaped, uncited, unpaced, unpaint, unpited, untaint, untaped, untinct, upattic

6 Letter Words for Unanticipated

acedia, acetin, actine, acuate, adance, adapin, adaunt, adenia, adenin, adiate, adient, adipic, adnate, aidant, anacid, ancien, andean, anepia, anetic, anicut, annect, annite, antiae, antica, apicad, apidae, apneic, aptate, ataunt, attain, attend, attica, attice, attune, audace, auntie, cadeau, cadent, canape, canaut, candie, canine, cannae, cannat, canned, cannet, cannie, canted, cantut, capita, capite, captan, catena, catnap, catnep, catnip, cattan, catted, cattie, caudae, centai, citied, cnidae, ctenii, cutted, dacite, datenu, dautie, decani, decant, dentin, depict, detain, detant, dietic, dipnet, ducape, duenna, duetti, dunite, ecanda, enatic, encina, endict, endpin, epidia, eucain, idaein, ideata, incant, incend, incent, incept, incide, incite, incute, indane, indent, indian, indice, indict, indite, induce, induct, induna, ineunt, innate, intact, intend, intent, intice, intine, intuit, intune, inunct, ipidae, naiant, nanpie, nantua, napead, natant, natica, nautic, neanic, niacin, nidana, nidate, nitent, nuance, nudate, nutant, nutate, nutted, pacane, pacate, pained, paiute, panace, panade, pandan, pandit, panini, panned, panted, pantie, pantun, patand, patent, patina, patine, patted, patten, patuca, paunce, peanut, pectin, pedant, peinct, pennia, pentad, pentit, pianet, pianic, piatti, picein, picine, pictun, picuda, pietic, pinata, pineta, pinite, pinnae, pinned, pinnet, pinnie, pintid, pitied, pitted, pitten, ptinid, pudent, punced, puncta, pundit, puneca, punica, punned, punnet, punnic, puntat, punted, putain, puttan, putted, putten, puttie, tainte, taipan, taipei, tandan, tanica, tanned, tannia, tannic, tannid, tantie, tapeta, tapeti, tapnet, tapued, tatued, taupie, tauted, tauten, teacup, tenant, tenpin, tenuit, tenuti, tienda, tienta, tiepin, tietac, tinean, tineid, tinned, tinnet, tinnie, tinted, tintie, tipcat, tipuna, titian, titien, tucana, tunica, tunned, tupaia, tupian, uncape, uncate, unciae, uncini, uncite, undate, undean, undine, unepic, uniate, uniced, uniped, united, unnapt, unneat, unnice, unpaid, unpent, untent, untied, untine, untipt, update, uptend, uptide, uptied

5 Letter Words for Unanticipated

acapu, acate, aceta, acini, acned, acted, actin, acute, adapt, adati, adept, adieu, aditi, adunc, aecia, aetat, andia, anend, anent, annat, annet, annie, antae, anted, antic, apace, apaid, apian, apiin, apnea, apted, attap, attic, attid, atune, auden, audit, cadet, cadie, cadua, canap, caned, canid, canna, canun, caped, caput, catan, cauda, ceint, centi, centu, cetin, cited, citua, cnida, cunea, cunei, cunit, cunni, cupid, cutie, cutin, daine, daint, dance, danic, danta, dante, daunt, decan, decap, denat, depit, detat, detin, diact, diana, diane, dicta, dinic, duant, ducat, duett, dunce, dunne, ectad, edict, educt, enact, enapt, encia, encup, endia, eniac, ennia, ennui, enpia, entad, entia, epact, ettin, eucti, eupad, iceni, idant, idcue, ident, ideta, idite, inact, inane, inapt, incan, incut, indan, india, indic, indie, indin, induc, inept, inned, innet, innit, input, intue, inuit, naiad, nance, nandi, nandu, napea, naunt, necia, nenta, nepit, niata, nicad, niepa, nintu, ninut, nitid, nitta, nucin, nudie, nunce, paced, pacta, padua, paean, paine, paint, pance, panda, paned, panic, panne, pated, paten, patia, patin, patta, patte, pattu, pecan, penda, pendn, penna, penni, penta, petit, petti, picea, pidan, piend, pieta, pinda, pined, pinic, pinna, pinta, pinte, pitau, pitta, piute, pudic, punce, punct, punic, punta, punti, putid, putti, tacan, tacet, tacit, taint, tanan, tania, tanna, tanti, taped, tapen, tapet, tapia, tapit, tatie, tatin, taunt, taupe, tecta, teiid, teind, tenai, tendu, tenia, tennu, tepid, ticed, tinca, tinct, tinea, tined, tinta, tipit, titan, titup, tuant, tuina, tunca, tuned, tunic, tunna, tutin, unact, unapt, uncap, uncia, unden, uniat, unice, unite, unnet, unpen, unpin, untap, untie, untin, upeat, upend, uptie, utend, utica

4 Letter Words for Unanticipated

acad, aced, acid, acne, acpt, acta, actu, adat, aden, adet, adit, aide, aina, aine, aint, ainu, aitu, anan, anat, ance, anda, anet, anna, anne, anni, anta, ante, anti, antu, aped, apia, apii, atap, ated, atip, atta, atte, attn, atua, auca, aune, aunt, aute, cade, cadi, caid, cain, cand, cane, cann, cant, capa, cape, capi, capt, cate, caup, cedi, cent, cepa, ceti, cide, cine, cite, cuda, cued, cuit, cund, cunt, cute, dace, dain, dana, dane, dant, danu, data, date, daun, daut, dean, deia, deni, dent, depa, dept, deti, detn, dian, dice, dict, diet, dine, dint, dipt, dita, dite, ditt, duan, duce, duci, duct, duet, duit, dune, dunt, dupe, eadi, ecad, edit, educ, epic, epit, etat, etic, etna, etua, etui, euda, iaea, iced, idea, idic, idun, inca, inde, indn, inia, init, inne, inta, inti, ipid, itai, naan, nace, nada, naid, nain, nana, nane, nant, napa, nape, napu, natu, naut, neap, neat, nein, nepa, neti, neut, nice, nide, nidi, nied, nina, nine, nipa, nuda, nude, nunc, paca, pace, pact, pacu, pada, padi, paid, pain, pana, pand, pane, pant, pata, patd, pate, patt, patu, paua, paut, peai, pean, peat, peda, pend, peni, pent, peta, pian, pica, pice, pict, pied, pien, piet, pina, pind, pine, pint, pita, piua, pnce, ptui, puan, puca, puce, puna, punt, putt, tace, tact, tade, taed, taen, tain, tait, tana, tane, tapa, tape, tapu, tate, tatu, taun, taut, tead, tean, teap, teat, teca, tend, tent, tepa, tice, tide, tidi, tied, tien, tinc, tind, tine, tint, tipe, tipt, tipu, tite, titi, tuan, tuna, tund, tune, tupi, tute, unai, unca, unce, unci, unct, unda, unde, unie, unit, unta, utai

3 Letter Words for Unanticipated

ace, act, adc, ade, adp, aia, aid, ain, ait, ana, anc, and, ane, ann, ant, anu, apa, apc, ape, apt, ate, atp, att, aud, cad, cai, can, cap, cat, cen, cep, cia, cid, cie, cit, cpa, cpd, cpi, cpt, cpu, cte, ctn, cud, cue, cun, cup, cut, dae, dan, dap, dat, dau, dca, dea, dec, dei, den, dep, det, dia, die, din, dip, dit, dna, dpi, dpt, duc, due, dui, dun, dup, ead, ean, eat, eau, ect, ecu, edp, enc, end, epa, epi, eta, etc, iaa, ice, ida, ide, idp, inc, ind, inn, int, ita, itd, iud, naa, nad, nae, nap, nat, nea, ned, nei, nep, net, nid, nie, nip, nit, nne, nun, nut, pac, pad, pan, pat, pau, pci, pct, pdn, pea, pec, ped, pen, pet, pia, pic, pid, pie, pin, pit, piu, pta, pte, ptt, pua, pud, pun, put, taa, tad, tai, tan, tap, tat, tau, tcp, tdt, tea, tec, ted, ten, tet, tic, tid, tie, tin, tip, tit, tiu, tnt, tpd, tpi, tua, tue, tui, tun, tup, tut, uca, uit, una, unc, uni, unn, unp, uta, utc, ute, uti

Definitions for Unanticipated

[1] to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure.
[2] to expect; look forward to; be sure of: to anticipate a favorable decision.
[3] to perform (an action) before another has had time to act.
[4] to answer (a question), obey (a command), or satisfy (a request) before it is made: He anticipated each of my orders.
[5] to nullify, prevent, or forestall by taking countermeasures in advance: to anticipate a military attack.
[6] to consider or mention before the proper time: to anticipate more difficult questions.
[7] to be before (another) in doing, thinking, achieving, etc.: Many modern inventions were anticipated by Leonardo da Vinci.
[8] Finance . to expend (funds) before they are legitimately available for use. to discharge (an obligation) before it is due.
[9] to think, speak, act, or feel an emotional response in advance.
[10] not anticipated; unforeseen
[11] (may take a clause as object) to foresee and act in advance of he anticipated the fall in value by selling early
[12] to thwart by acting in advance of; forestall I anticipated his punch by moving out of reach
[13] (also intr) to mention (something) before its proper time don't anticipate the climax of the story
[14] (may take a clause as object) to regard as likely; expect; foresee he anticipated that it would happen
[15] to make use of in advance of possession he anticipated his salary in buying a house
[16] to pay (a bill, etc) before it falls due
[17] to cause to happen sooner the spread of nationalism anticipated the decline of the Empire

Words related to Unanticipated

anticipateunexpected, surprising, hasty, precipitous, unforeseen, sudden, hurried, quick, immature, untimely, incomplete, startling, remarkable, unpredictable, amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, stunning, wonderful, shocking

Words nearby Unanticipated

anticipateanticholinergic, anticholinesterase, antichrist, antichthon, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticipative, anticipatory, anticipatory assimilation, anticity

Origin of Unanticipated

anticipate1525–35; < Latin anticipātus taken before, anticipated (past participle of anticipāre ), equivalent to anti- (variant of ante- ante-) + -cip- (combining form of capere to take) + -ātus -ate1

Other words from Unanticipated

an·tic·i·pat·a·ble , adjective
an·tic·i·pa·tor , noun
pre·an·tic·i·pate , verb (used with object), pre·an·tic·i·pat·ed, pre·an·tic·i·pat·ing.
un·an·tic·i·pat·ed , adjective
un·an·tic·i·pat·ing , adjective
un·an·tic·i·pat·ing·ly , adverb
well-an·tic·i·pat·ed , adjective

Word origin for Unanticipated

anticipateC16: from Latin anticipāre to take before, realize beforehand, from anti- ante- + capere to take

Synonyms for Unanticipated

hasty, hurried, precipitous, quick, sudden, surprising, unexpected, unforeseen, jerky, precipitate, rushing, unceremonious