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Showing words for UNBLOCK using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Unblock


6 Letter Words for Unblock


5 Letter Words for Unblock

block, blunk, boucl, bucko, bunco, clonk, clunk

4 Letter Words for Unblock

bloc, blok, bock, bolk, bonk, bouk, boul, boun, buck, bulk, bunk, clon, clou, club, colk, conk, coul, cuon, knob, knub, kobu, koln, lock, locn, louk, loun, luck, lunk, nock, noul, oulk, unco

3 Letter Words for Unblock

blk, blo, boc, bok, bol, bon, bul, bun, clk, clo, cob, col, con, cub, cul, cun, kln, kob, kon, kou, lob, loc, lub, luo, nco, nob, nol, nub, nul, obl, ock, ouk, ubc, unb, unc, unl

Definitions for Unblock

[1] to remove a block or obstruction from: to unblock a channel; to unblock a person's credit.
[2] Bridge . to play (a suit) so that the last card of the suit in one hand can provide access to the hand of the partnership having the longer holding in the suit.
[3] to remove a blockage from (a pipe, etc)

Words related to Unblock

ameliorate, disentangle, unclog, loosen, unloose, tidy, sweep, extricate, erase, void, vacate, rid, open, unpack, brighten, untie, eliminate, meliorate, empty, lighten

Words nearby Unblock

unblemished, unblenched, unblessed, unblinded, unblinking, unblock, unblooded, unbloodied, unblown, unblushing, unbodied

Origin of Unblock

First recorded in 1605–15; un-2 + block

Synonyms for Unblock

ameliorate, disentangle, unclog, brighten, clarify, cleanse, disencumber, disengage, eliminate, empty, erase, extricate, free, lighten, loosen, lose, meliorate, open, purify, refine, rid, sweep, tidy, unburden, unload, unloose, unpack, untie, vacate, void, wipe, break up, burn off, rule out, shake off, throw off