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Showing words for UNBONED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Unboned
bounden, unboned
6 Letter Words for Unboned
bouned, unbend, unbone, undone
5 Letter Words for Unboned
boden, boned, bonne, bound, bueno, donne, dunne, dunno, onned, unbed, unden, undon, unode
4 Letter Words for Unboned
bedu, bend, benn, beno, bode, bond, bone, bonn, boud, boun, bude, budo, bund, bunn, dobe, doen, done, doub, dune, ebon, endo, nebn, nebo, neon, node, none, noun, nude, udon, unbe, unde, undo
3 Letter Words for Unboned
bde, bed, ben, bod, boe, bon, bud, bun, deb, den, dob, doe, don, dub, due, dun, duo, ebn, edo, end, eon, nbe, neb, ned, neo, nne, nob, nod, non, nub, nun, obe, ode, one, oud, udo, unb, unn
Definitions for Unboned
[1] lacking bones.
[2] not having the bones removed: an unboned chicken.
[3] (of meat, fish, etc) not having had the bones removed
[4] (of animals) having no bones
Words nearby Unboned
unblown, unblushing, unbodied, unbolt, unbolted, unboned, unbonnet, unbonneted, unborn, unbosom, unbothered
Origin of Unboned
First recorded in 1640–50; un-1 + boned