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Showing words for UNCLASP using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Unclasp
6 Letter Words for Unclasp
5 Letter Words for Unclasp
4 Letter Words for Unclasp
3 Letter Words for Unclasp
Definitions for Unclasp
[1] to undo the clasp or clasps of; unfasten.
[2] to release from the grasp: to unclasp a sword handle.
[3] to become unclasped, as the hands or arms.
[4] to release or relax the grasp.
[5] (tr) to unfasten the clasp of (something)
[6] to release one's grip (upon an object)
Words related to Unclasp
unloosen, loosen, disentangle, unloose, loose, unbind, free, disengage, unbutton, unlock, unblock, untie, slip, release, unravel, unwrap, unfasten, unclose, unfix, unstop
Words nearby Unclasp
uncivil, uncivilized, unclad, unclaimed, unclamp, unclasp, unclassical, unclassified, unclassy, uncle, uncle remus
Origin of Unclasp
First recorded in 1520–30; un-2 + clasp
Synonyms for Unclasp
disengage, disentangle, free, loose, loosen, release, slip, unbind, unblock, unbutton, unfasten, unlock, unloose, unloosen, unravel, untie, unwrap, unclose, unfix, unshut, unstop