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Showing words for UNCONVINCED using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Unconvinced
10 Letter Words for Unconvinced
9 Letter Words for Unconvinced
8 Letter Words for Unconvinced
7 Letter Words for Unconvinced
6 Letter Words for Unconvinced
5 Letter Words for Unconvinced
4 Letter Words for Unconvinced
3 Letter Words for Unconvinced
Definitions for Unconvinced
[1] to move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action: to convince a jury of his guilt; A test drive will convince you that this car handles well.
[2] to persuade; cajole: We finally convinced them to have dinner with us.
[3] Obsolete . to prove or find guilty.
[4] Obsolete . to overcome; vanquish.
[5] not convinced or persuaded I remain unconvinced
[6] (may take a clause as object) to make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; persuade
[7] mainly US to persuade (someone) to do something
[8] obsolete to overcome to prove guilty
Words related to Unconvinced
convinceunsatisfied, skeptical, quizzical, hesitant, suspicious, doubtful, mistrustful, dubious, incredulous, shaky, unclear, uncertain, indecisive, undecided, distrustful, tentative, unsettled, unsure, puzzled, questionable
Words nearby Unconvinced
convinceconveyorize, convict, convictfish, conviction, convictive, convince, convincing, convive, convivial, convo, convocation
Origin of Unconvinced
convince1520–30; < Latin convincere to prove (something) false or true, (somebody) right or wrong, equivalent to con- con- + vincere to overcome; see victor
Other words from Unconvinced
con·vinc·ed·ly , adverb
con·vinc·ed·ness , noun
con·vinc·er , noun
con·vin·ci·ble , adjective
con·vinc·i·bil·i·ty , noun
half-con·vinced , adjective
pre·con·vince , verb (used with object), pre·con·vinced, pre·con·vinc·ing.
qua·si-con·vinced , adjective
re·con·vince , verb (used with object), re·con·vinced, re·con·vinc·ing.
un·con·vinced , adjective
un·con·vin·ci·ble , adjective
well-con·vinced , adjective
Word origin for Unconvinced
convinceC16: from Latin convincere to demonstrate incontrovertibly, from com- (intensive) + vincere to overcome, conquer
Synonyms for Unconvinced
doubtful, hesitant, quizzical, skeptical, suspicious, unsatisfied, disbelieving, distrustful, doubting, dubious, mistrustful, questioning, show-me, suspect, uncertain, wary