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Showing words for UNDUE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Undue
4 Letter Words for Undue
3 Letter Words for Undue
Definitions for Undue
[1] unwarranted; excessive: undue haste.
[2] inappropriate; unjustifiable; improper: undue influence.
[3] not owed or currently payable.
[4] excessive or unwarranted
[5] unjust, improper, or illegal
[6] (of a debt, bond, etc) not yet payable
Words related to Undue
unwarranted, inappropriate, needless, unjust, inordinate, unreasonable, unseemly, unjustified, improper, untimely, unjustifiable, unconscionable, unfair, disproportionate, extreme, undeserved, exorbitant, extravagant, forbidden, ill-timed
Words nearby Undue
undress uniform, undressed, undrinkable, undro, undset, undue, undulant, undulant fever, undulate, undulating membrane, undulating pulse
Origin of Undue
First recorded in 1350–1400, undue is from the Middle English word undewe. See un-1, due
Words that may be confused with Undue
Synonyms for Undue
disproportionate, extreme, improper, inappropriate, inordinate, needless, too much, unconscionable, undeserved, unfair, unjust, unjustifiable, unjustified, unreasonable, unseemly, untimely, unwarranted, exceeding, exorbitant, extravagant, forbidden, ill-timed, illegal, immoderate, inapt, indecorous, inept, intemperate, overmuch, sinister, too great, unapt, uncalled-for, underhanded, unfitting, unmeasurable, unseasonable, unsuitable, unwarrantable