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Showing words for UNEASY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Uneasy
5 Letter Words for Uneasy
4 Letter Words for Uneasy
3 Letter Words for Uneasy
Definitions for Uneasy
[1] not easy in body or mind; uncomfortable; restless; disturbed; perturbed.
[2] not easy in manner; constrained; awkward.
[3] not conducive to ease; causing bodily discomfort.
[4] (of a person) anxious; apprehensive
[5] (of a condition) precarious; uncomfortable an uneasy truce
[6] (of a thought, etc) disturbing; disquieting
Words related to Uneasy
impatient, suspicious, strained, restless, fearful, nervous, insecure, shaky, apprehensive, precarious, edgy, anxious, afraid, tense, agitated, unsettled, jittery, unstable, troubled, irritable
Words nearby Uneasy
unearned income, unearned increment, unearned run, unearth, unearthly, uneasy, uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, uneatable, uneaten, uneconomic, uneconomical
Origin of Uneasy
First recorded in 1250–1300, uneasy is from the Middle English word unesy. See un-1, easy
Other words from Uneasy
un·ease , noun
un·eas·i·ly , adverb
un·eas·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Uneasy
afraid, agitated, anguished, anxious, apprehensive, edgy, fearful, impatient, insecure, irritable, jittery, nervous, precarious, restless, shaky, strained, suspicious, tense, troubled, unsettled, unstable, alarmed, all nerves, bothered, constrained, discomposed, dismayed, disquieted, disturbed, fidgety, fretful, harassed, ill at ease, in turmoil, irascible, jumpy, on edge, on the qui vive, palpitant, peevish, perplexed, perturbed, restive, shaken, tormented, unquiet, upset, vexed, worried, wrung