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Showing words for UNENDING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Unending
7 Letter Words for Unending
6 Letter Words for Unending
5 Letter Words for Unending
4 Letter Words for Unending
3 Letter Words for Unending
Definitions for Unending
[1] a bringing or coming to an end; termination; close: Putting away the Christmas ornaments marked the ending of the season.
[2] the final or concluding part; conclusion: a story with a happy ending.
[3] death; destruction.
[4] Grammar . a morpheme, especially an inflection, at the end of a word, as -s in cuts.
[5] (not in technical use) any final word part, as the -ow of widow.
[6] having or seeming to have no end; interminable
[7] the act of bringing to or reaching an end
[8] the last part of something, as a book, film, etc
[9] the final part of a word, esp a suffix
[10] chess another word for endgame
Words related to Unending
endingperpetual, constant, unceasing, continuous, ceaseless, eternal, never-ending, incessant, infinite, uninterrupted, unremitting, continual, interminable, everlasting, endless, immortal, steady, amaranthine
Words nearby Unending
endingenders, endgame, endgate, endhand, endicott, ending, endive, endless, endling, endlong, endmost
Origin of Unending
endingbefore 1000; Middle English endyng, Old English endung. See end1, -ing1
Other words from Unending
un·end·ing , adjective
un·end·ing·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Unending
ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, infinite, interminable, never-ending, perpetual, unceasing, uninterrupted, unremitting, amaranthine, immortal, steady