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Showing words for UNFAILING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Unfailing
8 Letter Words for Unfailing
7 Letter Words for Unfailing
6 Letter Words for Unfailing
5 Letter Words for Unfailing
4 Letter Words for Unfailing
3 Letter Words for Unfailing
Definitions for Unfailing
[1] not failing; not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable: an unfailing friend.
[2] inexhaustible; endless: unfailing resources; unfailing good humor.
[3] not failing; unflagging
[4] continuous or unceasing
[5] sure; certain
Words related to Unfailing
steadfast, unflagging, eternal, inexhaustible, boundless, bottomless, absolute, assiduous, ceaseless, consistent, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, dependable, diligent, dyed-in-the-wool, endless, faithful, infallible
Words nearby Unfailing
unexpressed, unexpressive, unexpurgated, unfaced, unfact, unfailing, unfair, unfair competition, unfair practice, unfaith, unfaithful
Origin of Unfailing
Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at un-1, failing
Other words from Unfailing
un·fail·ing·ly , adverb
un·fail·ing·ness , noun
Synonyms for Unfailing
bottomless, boundless, eternal, inexhaustible, steadfast, unflagging, absolute, assiduous, ceaseless, come-through, consistent, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, counted on, delivering, dependable, diligent, dyed-in-the-wool, endless, faithful, infallible, invariable, loyal, never-failing, persistent, reliable, rock solid, same, solid, staunch, straight, sure, surefire, there, tried-and-true, true, trustworthy, unlimited, unrelenting