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Showing words for UNFORTUNATELY using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Unfortunately


11 Letter Words for Unfortunately

fortunately, unfortunate

10 Letter Words for Unfortunately

fauntleroy, nonrefutal, unornately, untutelary

9 Letter Words for Unfortunately

fortunate, nonfaulty, nonfealty, nontreaty, unfortune, unneutral, untutelar

8 Letter Words for Unfortunately

aflutter, annoyful, attorney, attourne, attunely, aurulent, enaluron, enalyron, fentanyl, flattery, flatteur, flaunter, floreant, floretty, fluorane, fluorate, fluttery, fontanel, fortunel, fourneau, frontate, frontlet, futurely, neolatry, neuronal, nonfatty, nonleafy, ornately, outflare, outlearn, rottenly, tenantry, tetronal, tolerant, tournant, troutful, truantly, turntale, tutelary, tyrolean, ultranet, unartful, unfatten, unfaulty, unfealty, unfelony, unfluent, unfretty, unlunate, unnature, unnearly, unneatly, unneural, unornate, unrotten, untautly, untruant, yearnful

7 Letter Words for Unfortunately

aleuron, annoyer, annuler, annulet, anolyte, earnful, elytron, entrant, faulter, faunule, felonry, fenuron, flaneur, flatout, flatten, flatter, flaunty, fletton, fleuron, floater, florate, floreat, florent, floreta, flotant, flotten, flotter, flouter, fluoran, flutter, fontlet, forelay, forlane, forlent, fornent, fortlet, fortuna, fortune, fouetta, frenula, frenuna, frontal, funeral, furlane, furoate, futural, lantern, laurone, lottery, nattery, naturel, nauntle, neurual, neurula, neutral, neutron, nonfrat, nonfuel, nortena, nuttery, oltunna, outearn, outerly, outfeat, outfelt, outflue, outlean, outrant, outrate, outtear, outturn, outyear, rayonne, reannoy, refloat, refutal, retotal, rotulet, rouleau, royalet, runflat, tannery, tantony, tartufe, taunter, tearful, tentful, tentory, toluate, tonneau, torteau, tortula, torulae, totaler, tournay, tournel, tourney, trayful, trental, trenton, trunnel, tuneful, tunnery, turnout, tutelar, tutorly, tutoyer, tyranne, unalert, unalone, unearly, unfatty, unfeary, unfeaty, unfelon, unlearn, unlofty, unlunar, unoften, unornly, unroyal, untenty, untruly, unultra, utterly, yearful

6 Letter Words for Unfortunately

afront, alrune, altern, altoun, alture, anerly, annule, anoure, antler, antony, anyone, aroynt, artful, artlet, atoner, attern, attery, attone, attorn, attour, attune, atturn, aunter, auntly, auteur, earful, elator, eltrot, eluant, elutor, elytra, enfant, enfort, enfoul, ennuya, entour, enurny, etalon, euryon, eutony, eyrant, falern, falter, fannel, fanner, fanout, farleu, farley, fatten, fatter, faulty, fautor, fealty, featly, felony, ferula, flatty, flaune, flaunt, flauto, flayer, fleury, flneur, floaty, floran, floret, floter, floury, fluate, fluent, fluter, flutey, folate, fontal, forane, forlay, forlet, fouett, fouler, founte, fouter, foutra, frauen, frayne, frenal, fretty, fulton, funnel, funner, furane, furole, futter, future, futuro, lanner, latent, latoun, latron, latten, latter, lauter, layner, layout, lentor, loafer, loaner, lofter, lontar, lorate, lotter, louter, lunare, lunary, lunate, lutany, lutten, lyrate, lyttae, nalfon, nantle, natron, natter, nattle, nature, nearly, neatly, netful, nettly, neural, neurol, neuron, nonart, nonary, nonfat, norate, notary, notate, nounal, noyant, noyful, nunlet, nutant, nutate, nutlet, nutter, oleary, orante, orlean, ornate, outate, outeat, outfly, outlay, outler, outlet, outran, outray, outrun, rannel, rattel, ratten, rattle, rattly, ratton, rayful, raylet, realty, refont, reloan, rental, ronnel, rotate, rottan, rotten, rottle, rotula, royale, rueful, runlet, runnel, runnet, runout, rutate, ruttle, talent, talter, taluto, tanner, tannoy, tannyl, tantle, tarten, tartle, tartly, tatler, tauryl, tauten, tauter, tautly, taylor, teflon, telary, tenant, tentor, tenury, tenuto, ternal, terton, tetany, tetrao, tetrol, tetryl, teuton, tofter, tolane, tolter, tonant, tonlet, tonner, torfel, torfle, tornal, torney, torten, tortue, torula, totery, touart, tourne, tourte, touter, toyful, tranny, trayne, treaty, troely, trotyl, troule, trouty, truant, tryout, tufter, tulare, tunful, tunnel, tunner, tunney, tunnor, turfan, turfen, turnel, turney, turnon, turtle, tutela, tutelo, tutler, tutory, tylote, tyrant, tyrone, ulnare, unfelt, unflat, unfoul, unfret, unfurl, unleaf, unlean, unleft, unlent, unlute, unnear, unneat, unoral, unreal, unrent, unrout, unrufe, unrule, unruly, untaut, untent, untone, untorn, untrue, untune, unturf, unturn, uranyl, uretal, urnful, yaourt, yarnen, yatter, yonner

5 Letter Words for Unfortunately

aeron, afley, afore, afoul, afret, after, aleft, alenu, alert, aleut, alfet, aloft, alone, alout, alter, altun, alure, anent, anlet, annet, annot, annoy, annul, anole, anorn, anour, antre, anury, anyon, arefy, arent, arett, arnut, artel, artly, artou, arulo, atelo, ately, atole, atone, atony, atour, atren, atter, attle, attry, atule, atune, auryl, autor, autre, aylet, ayont, early, enlay, ennoy, enorn, enray, enrut, ental, entry, erato, falun, fanny, fanon, farle, fatly, fator, fatty, fault, faute, fayer, fayne, featy, felon, felty, fenny, feral, ferly, ferny, fetal, fetor, fetta, feuar, flane, flare, flary, flear, fleay, fleur, float, floey, flora, flory, flota, flote, flour, flout, floyt, fluer, fluey, fluor, flurn, flurt, flute, fluty, fluyt, flyte, foaly, foley, fonly, foray, forel, foret, forte, forty, fouat, fouer, fouet, foule, fount, foute, fouty, foyer, foyle, foyne, frate, frayn, frena, freon, frett, freya, front, fuero, funny, fural, furan, furol, furyl, futon, fytte, laney, laron, laten, later, laton, latro, latte, laure, laury, lautu, layer, layne, leafy, leany, learn, leary, lefty, lento, lerot, lofty, loner, loran, loren, lotan, lotte, louey, loure, louty, lunar, lunet, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, lyart, lytta, natty, naunt, nauru, nenta, neral, nerol, netty, nonet, nonly, nonya, nonyl, norna, notal, notan, noter, noule, nouny, noyau, nunry, nurly, nutty, nylon, oaten, oater, often, ofter, oftly, olena, olent, onely, onery, onlay, ontal, orale, orant, orate, orlet, ortet, otary, otate, ottar, otter, outen, outer, outly, outra, outre, outta, oylet, rafty, ranny, ranty, ratel, ratty, rayle, rayne, rayon, realo, refan, refly, relay, relot, renal, renay, retal, retan, roate, ronne, ronte, rotal, rotan, rotta, rotte, rouen, roule, route, royal, royet, royne, ruely, runny, runty, rutty, rutyl, taler, talon, tanny, tanto, tarot, tarte, tarty, tater, tatou, taunt, tauon, tayer, teart, teary, teaty, telar, telyn, tenla, tenno, tennu, tenny, tenon, tenor, tenty, terna, tetra, tolan, tolar, tonal, toner, toney, tonne, toral, toran, toret, torta, torte, total, toter, tourn, tourt, toyer, trant, treat, trefa, troat, troft, trona, trone, troue, trout, truly, tuant, tuarn, tuart, tufan, tufty, tunal, tuner, tunna, tunny, turfy, tutly, tutor, tuyer, tyler, tyran, tyrol, ulnae, ulnar, ultra, unare, unary, unfar, unfur, unlay, unlet, unnet, unorn, unray, unrun, untar, unurn, urate, ureal, urena, urent, urnae, urnal, utero, utter, yarto, yearn, yenta, youre, yourn, yourt, yrent, ytter, yulan, yurta

4 Letter Words for Unfortunately

aero, afer, afro, alef, alen, aloe, alto, anet, anne, anno, anon, anre, ante, antu, anyu, aren, aret, arle, arno, arte, arty, aryl, atef, atle, atry, atte, attn, atty, aulu, aune, aunt, aute, auto, ayen, ayne, ayre, earl, earn, elan, enol, ento, entr, enuf, eoan, eorl, eral, erat, etat, etna, eton, etua, euro, eyot, eyra, fane, fano, fant, faon, fare, farl, faro, fart, fate, faun, faut, feal, fear, feat, felt, fent, fern, feru, feta, fett, flan, flat, flay, flea, flet, fley, floe, flon, flor, flot, flue, foal, foen, fole, fone, font, fore, fort, foul, foun, four, frae, frat, frau, fray, fren, fret, frey, froe, frot, fuel, fula, funt, furl, furn, furo, fury, fute, fuye, fyle, laen, laer, laet, laft, lane, lant, lare, larn, late, lauf, laun, laur, leaf, lean, lear, leat, left, lena, leno, lent, leon, leto, lett, loaf, loan, loft, lone, lora, lore, lorn, lory, lota, lote, loun, lour, lout, loyn, luau, luna, lune, lunn, lunt, luny, lura, lure, lute, lyne, lynn, lyon, lyra, lyre, lyte, nael, nale, nane, nant, nare, nary, natl, nato, natr, natu, naur, naut, neaf, neal, near, neat, neon, neut, noel, nole, nolt, nona, none, nore, norn, nota, note, nott, noul, noun, nout, nurl, nyet, oary, oaty, ofay, olea, oner, only, orae, oral, oran, orfe, orle, orly, orna, ourn, outa, outr, oyer, raft, rale, rane, rann, rant, rate, rato, ratu, raun, real, rean, refl, reft, rely, renn, reno, rent, reny, roan, roey, role, rolf, rone, ront, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roue, roul, roun, rout, royt, rtlt, ruen, rule, ruly, rune, runt, ruta, ryal, ryen, ryfe, rynt, ryot, tael, taen, taft, tale, tane, tare, tarn, taro, tart, tate, tatu, taun, taur, taut, teal, tean, tear, teat, tela, telt, tent, tera, terf, tern, toat, toea, toey, toft, tofu, tola, tole, tolt, tolu, tone, tonn, tony, tore, torn, tort, toru, tote, toty, toun, tour, tout, trat, tray, tret, trey, trna, tron, trot, troy, true, trun, trye, tryt, tuan, tufa, tuft, tula, tule, tulu, tuna, tune, tuno, tunu, tuny, turf, turn, tute, tutu, tyer, tyne, tyro, tyte, tyto, ufer, ulan, ulna, ulta, ulto, ulua, unal, unau, unta, unto, ural, uran, urao, urea, urna, urol, yafo, yale, yalu, yare, yarl, yarn, yate, yean, year, yeat, yelt, yern, yeta, yett, yont, yore, yote, your, yuan, yuft, yule, yurt, yutu

3 Letter Words for Unfortunately

aer, aft, ale, alf, aln, alo, alt, aly, ane, ann, ant, anu, any, aor, are, arf, arn, art, aru, ary, ate, att, auf, aul, aye, ayr, ayu, ean, ear, eat, eau, efl, eft, ela, elf, elt, enl, eof, eon, era, erf, ern, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyn, eyr, fan, fao, far, fat, fay, fen, fer, fet, feu, fey, flo, flt, flu, fly, foe, fol, fon, for, fot, fou, foy, fra, fro, frt, fry, fun, fur, fut, lan, lao, lar, lat, lay, lea, leo, ler, let, leu, ley, lnr, loa, loe, lof, lor, lot, loy, ltr, lue, luo, lur, lut, lye, lyn, nae, naf, nar, nat, nay, nea, nef, neo, net, nne, noa, nol, non, nor, not, noy, nul, nun, nur, nut, nye, oaf, oar, oat, oer, oft, ola, ole, ona, one, ont, ony, ora, ore, orf, orl, ort, ory, ouf, our, out, oye, raf, ran, rat, ray, rea, ref, rel, rle, rly, rna, roe, ron, rot, rte, rue, run, rut, rya, rye, tal, tan, tao, tar, tat, tau, tay, tea, tef, tel, ten, ter, tet, tfr, tln, tlo, tlr, tnt, toa, toe, tol, ton, tor, tot, tou, toy, tra, trf, trt, try, tty, tua, tue, tun, tur, tut, tuy, tye, tyr, tyt, uey, ufa, ufo, ula, ule, ult, ulu, una, unl, unn, ura, ure, urf, urn, uta, ute, utu, yan, yar, yat, yea, yen, yeo, yer, yet, yoe, yon, yor, yot, you, yue

Definitions for Unfortunately

[1] suffering from bad luck: an unfortunate person.
[2] unfavorable or inauspicious: an unfortunate beginning.
[3] regrettable or deplorable: an unfortunate remark.
[4] marked by or inviting misfortune: an unfortunate development.
[5] lamentable; sad: the unfortunate death of her parents.
[6] an unfortunate person.
[7] (sentence modifier) it is regrettable that; unluckily
[8] causing or attended by misfortune
[9] unlucky, unsuccessful, or unhappy an unfortunate character
[10] regrettable or unsuitable an unfortunate speech
[11] an unlucky person

Words related to Unfortunately

unfortunatesadly, regrettably, miserably, unhappily, disastrously, dismally, grievously, horribly, lamentably, unsuccessfully, awkwardly, ineptly

Words nearby Unfortunately

unfortunateunforgivable, unforgiving, unformatted, unformed, unforthcoming, unfortunate, unfortunately, unfounded, unfranked income, unfreeze, unfrequented

Origin of Unfortunately

First recorded in 1520–30; un-1 + fortunate

Other words from Unfortunately

un·for·tu·nate·ly , adverb
un·for·tu·nate·ness , noun

Synonyms for Unfortunately

sadly, regrettably, disastrously, dismally, grievously, horribly, lamentably, miserably, unhappily, unsuccessfully