13 Letter Words for Unfortunately
11 Letter Words for Unfortunately
fortunately, unfortunate
10 Letter Words for Unfortunately
fauntleroy, nonrefutal, unornately, untutelary
9 Letter Words for Unfortunately
fortunate, nonfaulty, nonfealty, nontreaty, unfortune, unneutral, untutelar
8 Letter Words for Unfortunately
aflutter, annoyful, attorney, attourne, attunely, aurulent, enaluron, enalyron, fentanyl, flattery, flatteur, flaunter, floreant, floretty, fluorane, fluorate, fluttery, fontanel, fortunel, fourneau, frontate, frontlet, futurely, neolatry, neuronal, nonfatty, nonleafy, ornately, outflare, outlearn, rottenly, tenantry, tetronal, tolerant, tournant, troutful, truantly, turntale, tutelary, tyrolean, ultranet, unartful, unfatten, unfaulty, unfealty, unfelony, unfluent, unfretty, unlunate, unnature, unnearly, unneatly, unneural, unornate, unrotten, untautly, untruant, yearnful
7 Letter Words for Unfortunately
aleuron, annoyer, annuler, annulet, anolyte, earnful, elytron, entrant, faulter, faunule, felonry, fenuron, flaneur, flatout, flatten, flatter, flaunty, fletton, fleuron, floater, florate, floreat, florent, floreta, flotant, flotten, flotter, flouter, fluoran, flutter, fontlet, forelay, forlane, forlent, fornent, fortlet, fortuna, fortune, fouetta, frenula, frenuna, frontal, funeral, furlane, furoate, futural, lantern, laurone, lottery, nattery, naturel, nauntle, neurual, neurula, neutral, neutron, nonfrat, nonfuel, nortena, nuttery, oltunna, outearn, outerly, outfeat, outfelt, outflue, outlean, outrant, outrate, outtear, outturn, outyear, rayonne, reannoy, refloat, refutal, retotal, rotulet, rouleau, royalet, runflat, tannery, tantony, tartufe, taunter, tearful, tentful, tentory, toluate, tonneau, torteau, tortula, torulae, totaler, tournay, tournel, tourney, trayful, trental, trenton, trunnel, tuneful, tunnery, turnout, tutelar, tutorly, tutoyer, tyranne, unalert, unalone, unearly, unfatty, unfeary, unfeaty, unfelon, unlearn, unlofty, unlunar, unoften, unornly, unroyal, untenty, untruly, unultra, utterly, yearful
6 Letter Words for Unfortunately
afront, alrune, altern, altoun, alture, anerly, annule, anoure, antler, antony, anyone, aroynt, artful, artlet, atoner, attern, attery, attone, attorn, attour, attune, atturn, aunter, auntly, auteur, earful, elator, eltrot, eluant, elutor, elytra, enfant, enfort, enfoul, ennuya, entour, enurny, etalon, euryon, eutony, eyrant, falern, falter, fannel, fanner, fanout, farleu, farley, fatten, fatter, faulty, fautor, fealty, featly, felony, ferula, flatty, flaune, flaunt, flauto, flayer, fleury, flneur, floaty, floran, floret, floter, floury, fluate, fluent, fluter, flutey, folate, fontal, forane, forlay, forlet, fouett, fouler, founte, fouter, foutra, frauen, frayne, frenal, fretty, fulton, funnel, funner, furane, furole, futter, future, futuro, lanner, latent, latoun, latron, latten, latter, lauter, layner, layout, lentor, loafer, loaner, lofter, lontar, lorate, lotter, louter, lunare, lunary, lunate, lutany, lutten, lyrate, lyttae, nalfon, nantle, natron, natter, nattle, nature, nearly, neatly, netful, nettly, neural, neurol, neuron, nonart, nonary, nonfat, norate, notary, notate, nounal, noyant, noyful, nunlet, nutant, nutate, nutlet, nutter, oleary, orante, orlean, ornate, outate, outeat, outfly, outlay, outler, outlet, outran, outray, outrun, rannel, rattel, ratten, rattle, rattly, ratton, rayful, raylet, realty, refont, reloan, rental, ronnel, rotate, rottan, rotten, rottle, rotula, royale, rueful, runlet, runnel, runnet, runout, rutate, ruttle, talent, talter, taluto, tanner, tannoy, tannyl, tantle, tarten, tartle, tartly, tatler, tauryl, tauten, tauter, tautly, taylor, teflon, telary, tenant, tentor, tenury, tenuto, ternal, terton, tetany, tetrao, tetrol, tetryl, teuton, tofter, tolane, tolter, tonant, tonlet, tonner, torfel, torfle, tornal, torney, torten, tortue, torula, totery, touart, tourne, tourte, touter, toyful, tranny, trayne, treaty, troely, trotyl, troule, trouty, truant, tryout, tufter, tulare, tunful, tunnel, tunner, tunney, tunnor, turfan, turfen, turnel, turney, turnon, turtle, tutela, tutelo, tutler, tutory, tylote, tyrant, tyrone, ulnare, unfelt, unflat, unfoul, unfret, unfurl, unleaf, unlean, unleft, unlent, unlute, unnear, unneat, unoral, unreal, unrent, unrout, unrufe, unrule, unruly, untaut, untent, untone, untorn, untrue, untune, unturf, unturn, uranyl, uretal, urnful, yaourt, yarnen, yatter, yonner
5 Letter Words for Unfortunately
aeron, afley, afore, afoul, afret, after, aleft, alenu, alert, aleut, alfet, aloft, alone, alout, alter, altun, alure, anent, anlet, annet, annot, annoy, annul, anole, anorn, anour, antre, anury, anyon, arefy, arent, arett, arnut, artel, artly, artou, arulo, atelo, ately, atole, atone, atony, atour, atren, atter, attle, attry, atule, atune, auryl, autor, autre, aylet, ayont, early, enlay, ennoy, enorn, enray, enrut, ental, entry, erato, falun, fanny, fanon, farle, fatly, fator, fatty, fault, faute, fayer, fayne, featy, felon, felty, fenny, feral, ferly, ferny, fetal, fetor, fetta, feuar, flane, flare, flary, flear, fleay, fleur, float, floey, flora, flory, flota, flote, flour, flout, floyt, fluer, fluey, fluor, flurn, flurt, flute, fluty, fluyt, flyte, foaly, foley, fonly, foray, forel, foret, forte, forty, fouat, fouer, fouet, foule, fount, foute, fouty, foyer, foyle, foyne, frate, frayn, frena, freon, frett, freya, front, fuero, funny, fural, furan, furol, furyl, futon, fytte, laney, laron, laten, later, laton, latro, latte, laure, laury, lautu, layer, layne, leafy, leany, learn, leary, lefty, lento, lerot, lofty, loner, loran, loren, lotan, lotte, louey, loure, louty, lunar, lunet, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, lyart, lytta, natty, naunt, nauru, nenta, neral, nerol, netty, nonet, nonly, nonya, nonyl, norna, notal, notan, noter, noule, nouny, noyau, nunry, nurly, nutty, nylon, oaten, oater, often, ofter, oftly, olena, olent, onely, onery, onlay, ontal, orale, orant, orate, orlet, ortet, otary, otate, ottar, otter, outen, outer, outly, outra, outre, outta, oylet, rafty, ranny, ranty, ratel, ratty, rayle, rayne, rayon, realo, refan, refly, relay, relot, renal, renay, retal, retan, roate, ronne, ronte, rotal, rotan, rotta, rotte, rouen, roule, route, royal, royet, royne, ruely, runny, runty, rutty, rutyl, taler, talon, tanny, tanto, tarot, tarte, tarty, tater, tatou, taunt, tauon, tayer, teart, teary, teaty, telar, telyn, tenla, tenno, tennu, tenny, tenon, tenor, tenty, terna, tetra, tolan, tolar, tonal, toner, toney, tonne, toral, toran, toret, torta, torte, total, toter, tourn, tourt, toyer, trant, treat, trefa, troat, troft, trona, trone, troue, trout, truly, tuant, tuarn, tuart, tufan, tufty, tunal, tuner, tunna, tunny, turfy, tutly, tutor, tuyer, tyler, tyran, tyrol, ulnae, ulnar, ultra, unare, unary, unfar, unfur, unlay, unlet, unnet, unorn, unray, unrun, untar, unurn, urate, ureal, urena, urent, urnae, urnal, utero, utter, yarto, yearn, yenta, youre, yourn, yourt, yrent, ytter, yulan, yurta
4 Letter Words for Unfortunately
aero, afer, afro, alef, alen, aloe, alto, anet, anne, anno, anon, anre, ante, antu, anyu, aren, aret, arle, arno, arte, arty, aryl, atef, atle, atry, atte, attn, atty, aulu, aune, aunt, aute, auto, ayen, ayne, ayre, earl, earn, elan, enol, ento, entr, enuf, eoan, eorl, eral, erat, etat, etna, eton, etua, euro, eyot, eyra, fane, fano, fant, faon, fare, farl, faro, fart, fate, faun, faut, feal, fear, feat, felt, fent, fern, feru, feta, fett, flan, flat, flay, flea, flet, fley, floe, flon, flor, flot, flue, foal, foen, fole, fone, font, fore, fort, foul, foun, four, frae, frat, frau, fray, fren, fret, frey, froe, frot, fuel, fula, funt, furl, furn, furo, fury, fute, fuye, fyle, laen, laer, laet, laft, lane, lant, lare, larn, late, lauf, laun, laur, leaf, lean, lear, leat, left, lena, leno, lent, leon, leto, lett, loaf, loan, loft, lone, lora, lore, lorn, lory, lota, lote, loun, lour, lout, loyn, luau, luna, lune, lunn, lunt, luny, lura, lure, lute, lyne, lynn, lyon, lyra, lyre, lyte, nael, nale, nane, nant, nare, nary, natl, nato, natr, natu, naur, naut, neaf, neal, near, neat, neon, neut, noel, nole, nolt, nona, none, nore, norn, nota, note, nott, noul, noun, nout, nurl, nyet, oary, oaty, ofay, olea, oner, only, orae, oral, oran, orfe, orle, orly, orna, ourn, outa, outr, oyer, raft, rale, rane, rann, rant, rate, rato, ratu, raun, real, rean, refl, reft, rely, renn, reno, rent, reny, roan, roey, role, rolf, rone, ront, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roue, roul, roun, rout, royt, rtlt, ruen, rule, ruly, rune, runt, ruta, ryal, ryen, ryfe, rynt, ryot, tael, taen, taft, tale, tane, tare, tarn, taro, tart, tate, tatu, taun, taur, taut, teal, tean, tear, teat, tela, telt, tent, tera, terf, tern, toat, toea, toey, toft, tofu, tola, tole, tolt, tolu, tone, tonn, tony, tore, torn, tort, toru, tote, toty, toun, tour, tout, trat, tray, tret, trey, trna, tron, trot, troy, true, trun, trye, tryt, tuan, tufa, tuft, tula, tule, tulu, tuna, tune, tuno, tunu, tuny, turf, turn, tute, tutu, tyer, tyne, tyro, tyte, tyto, ufer, ulan, ulna, ulta, ulto, ulua, unal, unau, unta, unto, ural, uran, urao, urea, urna, urol, yafo, yale, yalu, yare, yarl, yarn, yate, yean, year, yeat, yelt, yern, yeta, yett, yont, yore, yote, your, yuan, yuft, yule, yurt, yutu
3 Letter Words for Unfortunately
aer, aft, ale, alf, aln, alo, alt, aly, ane, ann, ant, anu, any, aor, are, arf, arn, art, aru, ary, ate, att, auf, aul, aye, ayr, ayu, ean, ear, eat, eau, efl, eft, ela, elf, elt, enl, eof, eon, era, erf, ern, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyn, eyr, fan, fao, far, fat, fay, fen, fer, fet, feu, fey, flo, flt, flu, fly, foe, fol, fon, for, fot, fou, foy, fra, fro, frt, fry, fun, fur, fut, lan, lao, lar, lat, lay, lea, leo, ler, let, leu, ley, lnr, loa, loe, lof, lor, lot, loy, ltr, lue, luo, lur, lut, lye, lyn, nae, naf, nar, nat, nay, nea, nef, neo, net, nne, noa, nol, non, nor, not, noy, nul, nun, nur, nut, nye, oaf, oar, oat, oer, oft, ola, ole, ona, one, ont, ony, ora, ore, orf, orl, ort, ory, ouf, our, out, oye, raf, ran, rat, ray, rea, ref, rel, rle, rly, rna, roe, ron, rot, rte, rue, run, rut, rya, rye, tal, tan, tao, tar, tat, tau, tay, tea, tef, tel, ten, ter, tet, tfr, tln, tlo, tlr, tnt, toa, toe, tol, ton, tor, tot, tou, toy, tra, trf, trt, try, tty, tua, tue, tun, tur, tut, tuy, tye, tyr, tyt, uey, ufa, ufo, ula, ule, ult, ulu, una, unl, unn, ura, ure, urf, urn, uta, ute, utu, yan, yar, yat, yea, yen, yeo, yer, yet, yoe, yon, yor, yot, you, yue
Definitions for Unfortunately
[1] suffering from bad luck: an unfortunate person.
[2] unfavorable or inauspicious: an unfortunate beginning.
[3] regrettable or deplorable: an unfortunate remark.
[4] marked by or inviting misfortune: an unfortunate development.
[5] lamentable; sad: the unfortunate death of her parents.
[6] an unfortunate person.
[7] (sentence modifier) it is regrettable that; unluckily
[8] causing or attended by misfortune
[9] unlucky, unsuccessful, or unhappy an unfortunate character
[10] regrettable or unsuitable an unfortunate speech
[11] an unlucky person
Words related to Unfortunately
unfortunatesadly, regrettably, miserably, unhappily, disastrously, dismally, grievously, horribly, lamentably, unsuccessfully, awkwardly, ineptly
Words nearby Unfortunately
unfortunateunforgivable, unforgiving, unformatted, unformed, unforthcoming, unfortunate, unfortunately, unfounded, unfranked income, unfreeze, unfrequented
Origin of Unfortunately
First recorded in 1520–30; un-1 + fortunate
Other words from Unfortunately
un·for·tu·nate·ly , adverb
un·for·tu·nate·ness , noun
Synonyms for Unfortunately
sadly, regrettably, disastrously, dismally, grievously, horribly, lamentably, miserably, unhappily, unsuccessfully