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Showing words for UNHALLOWED using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Unhallowed


9 Letter Words for Unhallowed


8 Letter Words for Unhallowed

downhaul, enhallow, hallowed, hulloaed, unhallow, unhaloed, unwalled

7 Letter Words for Unhallowed

aldehol, allowed, ellwand, hallowd, hollaed, holland, lowland, owlhead, unallow, unlawed, unwhole, wahlund

6 Letter Words for Unhallowed

allude, aludel, dehull, delawn, deloul, douane, dowlne, duello, enhalo, enodal, enwall, ewound, hallow, haloed, handel, handle, hauled, helluo, holden, hondle, houdan, howled, hulaed, hulled, hulloa, lawned, loaden, loaned, louden, louned, lowdah, lowned, nodule, noulde, nullah, nulled, ondule, unawed, unhale, unhead, unheal, unheld, unhoed, unhold, unlade, unlead, unleal, unload, unowed, unwall, unweal, unweld, unwell, walled, wandle, wauled, whaled, whenua, wouldn, wulled

5 Letter Words for Unhallowed

adown, ahold, ahull, alden, aldol, alenu, allen, allod, allow, aloed, alone, aloud, alowe, anode, anole, auden, awned, dalle, dawen, delaw, della, dewal, dewan, dhole, dholl, dhoul, donah, doula, dowel, dowle, downa, dunal, duole, dwale, dwell, eland, ellan, endow, haldu, haled, halon, halwe, haole, hauld, hawed, heald, hello, henad, hoaed, holed, holla, honda, honed, hound, howel, laden, ladle, lande, laude, laudo, laund, lawed, ledol, lehua, lenad, llano, loden, lohan, lound, lowan, lowed, lownd, lowne, lunda, lunel, naled, nawle, nodal, nolle, nould, noule, nowed, nowel, nulla, nullo, odell, olden, olena, owled, owned, udell, uhlan, uhllo, ulnad, ulnae, unhad, unlaw, unled, unode, unold, unwed, waldo, waled, waned, wanle, weald, whale, whand, wheal, whole, wholl, whone, woald, wodan, woden, would, wound

4 Letter Words for Unhallowed

aden, adon, ahed, alen, alew, allo, alod, aloe, alow, anew, anow, aune, awdl, awed, dahl, dale, dalo, dane, danu, daun, dauw, dawe, dawn, deal, dean, deaw, dell, deul, dhal, dhan, dhaw, dhol, dhow, doen, doha, dola, dole, doll, dona, done, doua, dowl, down, dual, duan, duel, dule, dull, dune, elan, elod, elul, endo, enol, enow, eoan, euda, hade, haen, hale, hall, halo, hand, haud, haul, hdwe, head, heal, hela, held, hell, helo, hend, hoed, hola, hold, hole, holl, holw, hond, hone, howe, howl, hued, hula, hule, hull, hund, hwan, lade, laen, lahu, lalo, land, lane, laud, laun, lawn, lead, leal, lean, leda, lena, lend, leno, leon, leud, lewd, llud, load, loan, lode, loed, lond, lone, loud, loun, lowa, lowe, lown, lude, ludo, luna, lund, lune, nael, nale, neal, noah, node, noel, nold, nole, noll, noul, nowl, nuda, nude, null, oahu, odah, odal, odea, odel, ohed, olea, olla, ould, owed, udal, udon, ulan, ulla, ulna, unal, unda, unde, undo, wade, wald, wale, wall, wand, wane, waul, weal, wean, weld, well, wend, whan, whau, when, whoa, whod, whud, whun, woad, woan, wode, wold, wone, wull

3 Letter Words for Unhallowed

ade, adh, ado, aho, ahu, ald, ale, all, aln, alo, alw, and, ane, anu, aud, auh, aul, awd, awe, awl, awn, dae, dah, dal, dan, dao, dau, daw, dea, del, den, dew, dha, dhu, dle, dna, doa, doe, dol, don, dow, due, duh, dun, duo, ead, ean, eau, edh, edo, ela, eld, ell, end, enl, eon, had, hae, han, hao, hau, haw, hdl, hed, hel, hen, heo, hew, hld, hoa, hod, hoe, hol, hon, how, hud, hue, hun, lad, lah, lan, lao, law, ldl, lea, led, leo, leu, lew, lhd, lld, loa, lod, loe, low, lud, lue, luo, lwl, nad, nae, nah, naw, nea, ned, neo, new, noa, nod, noh, nol, now, nul, oad, oda, ode, ola, old, ole, ona, one, oud, owd, owe, owl, own, udo, ula, ule, ull, una, unh, unl, wad, wae, wah, wan, wed, wen, wha, who, woa, wod, woe, won, wud, wun

Definitions for Unhallowed

[1] not hallowed or consecrated; not regarded as holy or sacred: unhallowed ground.
[2] impious; unholy.
[3] wicked or sinful: unhallowed practices.
[4] to desecrate; profane.
[5] not consecrated or holy unhallowed ground
[6] sinful or profane
[7] (tr) archaic to desecrate

Words related to Unhallowed

profane, irreligious, secular, ungodly, unblessed, unconsecrated, bad, disrespectful, immoral, impious, sinful, wicked

Words nearby Unhallowed

ungulate, unguligrade, unh, unhair, unhallow, unhallowed, unhampered, unhand, unhandled, unhandsome, unhandy

Origin of Unhallowed

First recorded in 1525–35; un-2 + hallow1

Synonyms for Unhallowed

deconsecrated, irreligious, secular, unblessed, unconsecrated, ungodly, unsacred, unsanctified